Since the dawn of our great nation we have survived the tyranny of Britain, many wars, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and economic collapses. And history has recorded that we have emerged stronger than even before we faced these calamities and tragedies.
Today, this great nation faces maybe the most horrendous tragedy of all. For it is not a war, hurricane, flood, or tornado that lies in our path, but an evil individual that feels confident he can "fundamentally transform" our great free nation into a dictatorship.
This arrogant, self-centered hubris man dictates as if he is above all Americans and sits at the throne of his Allah. Many failures of this great nation have occurred since this man has been in our White House, and yet he has never been made to answer to the American people for any of them.
Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA and DOJ unlawful spying, the infamous IRS scandals, his crippling health care plan, the rise in our national debt, increase in welfare population, and most recently denying death benefits to the families of fallen military heroes.
This man is evil, despicable, and should be impeached, as he surly does not deserve to lead our great nation.
No, we cannot awake tomorrow and undo all the horrific damage this man has done in a single day, but I strongly feel confident we will overcome the calamities this man has thrown at us.
The economic, moral, and racial damage this man has done to us is so severe that to overturn his damage it must be done in steps. And as a free society, under the Constitution of this great country we have the opportunity to take our first step next November. Our next step will be November 2016.
Of course it will be a huge gigantic obstacle, and with the main stream media constantly singing the praises of this evil dictator it will be difficult. But nonetheless the opportunity is there for us to embrace. If we do not take advantage of these opportunities then our great country may never recover from what this evil man will do during his last two years in office.
We know he will lie, cheat, steal, and even corrupt precincts and electronic voting machines to retain the Senate and take back the House. We must be ready for him and his fawning media, and stop his corruption.
We must never forget that if we do not take the first step next November, 2014 to stop this evil dictator then America will receive the evil it thinks it wants from this dictator. I pray to God that we will not let this happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless this country...and our troops
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