OK, can you guess what all these "news stories" have in common; Benghazi, IRS spying, DOJ spying, Fast & Furious, $17.Trillion national debt, Obmacare, unemployment, jobs, our failing economy, welfare, and of course, Joe Biden. OK, have you guessed what all these topics have in common? Sure you have!
Well, I've concluded through one of great news surveys, that all the aforementioned topics have not been talked about for over a week now. Syria, Syria, Syria, Asaad, Asaad; now there, I've written it; the only words that are highlighting all the news reporting for the past week. Oh yes, let's not forget the other two favorite words; red line.
Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"? Well, this current administration has taken it one step further. King Hitler Jr., along with his followers and his slave media now is taking the stance: LET'S CONTINUE TO CREATE CRISIS AFTER CRISIS SO THAT AMERICANS WON'T TAKE THE TIME TO FOCUS ON THE TRUE ISSUES HARMING THE COUNTRY TODAY, ALONG WITH THE PREVIOUS CRISIS.
I remember a time when all the news reports were about illegal guns crossing the Mexican border, and one of those illegal weapons killed our own border patrol agent. Yes, we even nick-named it "Fast & Furious". In fact, congress was getting "uncomfortably close" to indicting Eric Holder and his merry band for criminal behavior. Then presto, the investigation went away, as we noticed another crisis emerging on the horizon.
Suddenly, we were all shocked at the news outbreak of a terrorist massacre in our American Benghazi consulate. Ambassador Stevens, along with three American heroes were slaughtered by radical Islamic terrorists. Soon the Benghazi massacre became the number one news story, and "fast & furious", along with the death of the border agent was soon forgotten.
Then along came the IRS spying on conservative businesses, and Benghazi was forgotten. The IRS and Lois Lerner were almost immediately forgotten with the advent of the NSA spying on Americans.
With all these scenarios floating throughout Hitler Jr.'s slave media it was easy to get confused and focus on any one definitive issue. Seems as though these media scenarios were actually created. Remember when Hitler Jr. called these issues "phony scandals made up by Republicans"? Gee, Mr. President, it wasn't the GOP or Tea Party that made up these "scandals".....it was you, with the help of your slave media.
Last year Hitler Jr. sat back and did nothing while over 100,000 Syrians were slaughtered by their president Asaad. Hitler Jr. tried to sound presidential and said if Asaad used chemical warfare against his own people, that would be considered "crossing the red line".
Remember recently Hitler Jr. went on a bus tour to promise middle class citizens that the economy and jobs were his number one priority. The slave media won't tell you that Hitler Jr.'s job approval ratings dropped significantly while he was touring the states with his false promises.
Nothing seemed to work for this man. He seemed to be failing in all his endeavors, including the ever-rising national debt, unemployment, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and on and on. Soon his own supporters seemed to question him, while his ratings continue to drop more and more.
And then just when Americans began to think about all the issues confronting our country it seemed another "saving crisis" appeared; Asaad used chemical warfare on 1,426 of its own citizens, including women and children.
And just like that, another "crisis" appears and presto, soon the American people, with the help of the slave media, all too soon forget about our failing economy, unemployment, food stamp crisis, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, and all the other failures to our country initiated by Hitler Jr.
It's clear our country needs a strong decisive leader to challenge the pitfalls that face our great nation today. It's also clear that Hitler Jr. is not the man for the job. When a serious crisis arrives on the scene you can bet Hitler Jr. can be found at a fund-raiser or on the golf course.
It's gone so far that late night comedians are even making Hitler Jr. the blunt of jokes belying his failures. We will never know what truly happened in Benghazi, Lois Lerner of the IRS will continue to get paid, and probably even promoted, Eric Holder will continue to avoid the fast & furious criminal fiasco, the NSA will continue to spy on Americans, and before Hitler Jr. leaves office our national debt will be close to $20.Trillion.
President Bush had fifty countries supporting him when he declared the Iraqi attack on Sadam Hussein. The majority of the slave media, and the progressive liberal Democrats labeled President Bush a war-monger, and called him names unfit to write in this blog.
Yet, today, because of his "red line" mistake and his ego Hitler Jr. wants to insert out military into an unknown civil war. The community organizer in chief announced last week he wants to attack, then instead of contacting other country leaders or his generals, he goes golfing.
I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that Hitler Jr. cannot garner one single ally to support him in his ego maniacal move. And have you noticed the very same Democrats who criticized Bush for his attack on Iraq are the Democrats who now support Hitler Jr. with his "lonely" attack on Asaad.
Has anyone else wondered just what the next "tragedy" that Hitler Jr. will conjure up to make us forget Syria, as he fails there, just like he's done to make us forget all the other "scandals" this evil man has conjured up.
My dream is to take back the Senate next November, keep the house, and get Chief Justice Roberts out of Hitler Jr.'s back pocket. Then maybe we can start impeachment proceedings.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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