Sunday, September 15, 2013

what are you complaining for?

Short blog today. Watching my Brownies play the Ravens, and switching over to hope that Furyk wins the BMW golf tournament today. 

Talk about buyer's remorse. All that you read about, hear on the radio, and see on TV is what a horrible job this president is doing. Well folks, millions of us saw this in 2008, and voted the right way, but with the aid of a fawning media and some "suspect" balloting, the "community-organizer-in-chief" managed to attain residency in our White House.

You would think America saw the "signs" back then. First he proclaimed  he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country. Many G.W. Bush haters, along with the progressive left wing liberals, thought this was a great idea. Then he surrounds himself with unqualified friends that will agree with everything he does and proposes. I mean, really, Holder, Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, and maybe a very clear signal was his VP selection, Joe Biden. Then, this man, elected to the highest office in the land, travels to other countries with apologetic speeches about all the "faults" our great country.

Did anyone really believe that a man with no job experience, no military experience, and having served only 143 days as a Senator, that voted "present" nearly all the time, could really become the leader of the free world? 

Remember that famous saying, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me"? My point is we Americans have no one really to blame on the way this man is trying to ruin our country but ourselves. You'd think we would've learned from the first four years, but no, not us.  I remember an acquaintance of mine that said he's was going to vote for Obama again, because "he needs another four years to fix the mess that Bush got us into". Now that's true Obama loyalty for you.

Why continue to blame this poor inept man who has no idea whatsoever about being a leader. Hey, I would like the job of being President. I'd appoint my lawyer cousin as Attorney General.
Then my crazy high school brawling friend Bob would be Secretary of Defense. My good friend Ted would be my national security adviser, with my wife as my Vice President. 

I would have a blast. It would be great. I mean, if you citizens are crazy enough to vote me in office I will accept the job. Just think what I'd be doing; living in that great big house with parties every Wednesday with Hollywood stars, scores of Secret Service opening doors for me, while guarding me. Dining on festive lavish dinners with leaders of other countries, with photo ops.

And every time a problem would arise, I would just call it a "phony scandal", and lie about it in front of my teleprompters. When something occurred that really needed attention, I'd just send out one of my friends that I gave good positions to, then go golfing.  I would promise the unions, and all my donors everything they wanted, then just lie about it.

It would be great. Golfing with my buddies, vacationing with my wife to exotic places while you stupid Americans pay for it. Wow, is this a great country or what?

Well, the truth is that you Americans really would be stupid for voting me into the highest office in the land. But then, isn't that what you did do, not once, but TWICE, so what are you complaining about so much.

And you know the truth? I could do just as good job as the guy that's in there now. We'd sure be drilling and fracking, and telling the middle east to "pound salt".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



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