Sunday, December 29, 2013

Don't let him

The liberal progressives have suddenly become so afraid and paranoid of the White House leadership, they are actually sending out ads to their base urging them to vote for the Democratic party in November, 2014. Their main reason? The DNC is so fearful that if the GOP takes back the Senate and keeps the House then their Dear Leader, Hitler Jr. will face impeachment hearings.

Can you really believe this type of paranoia? Frankly, I believe the progressive liberals have a right to be fearful and paranoid at this point. 

This man in OUR  White House in five years has lied and deceived the American people so much that he makes former President Nixon seem like a Boy Scout. What is happening with this Administration? Why is it doing this to our country? Are they on a path to take away all of our constitutional freedoms and rights?

With all the lies and scandals perpetrated from the White House we wonder if this Hitler Jr. is on a special mission to set out and destroy our country. We all know the scandals of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, DOJ, and Obamacare, but what about the constitutional laws he has broken by initiating hundreds of executive decrees?

And who is going to take him to task on what he's doing? The Supreme Court, led by Roberts, is in his back pocket. Hitler Jr.'s "bath house buddy", Holder, is the chief cop of the land, and the person that pulls his puppet strings, Jarret, has a leading Muslim official in her family.

Are any of these scenarios waking up American people? I don't care if you're an Independent, Democrat, or Republican if you truly love this great country, and what our founding fathers gave to us then you'll sit up and take notice of what is going on today in OUR  White House.

This man is destroying race relations between Blacks and Whites evidenced by the increasing gun crimes throughout the country, while he is trying to use another of his executive orders to mandate gun control. How can we trust this man to be an effective leader while he continues to lie and deceive us?

This Hitler Jr. is going to push hard to do harm to us for three more years. While it may be difficult to stop altogether, we can slow him down by keeping our House and taking by our Senate in November, 2014.

And who knows, maybe, just maybe, with a GOP controlled House and Senate we can push so hard for an impeachment that Hitler Jr. does the one decent thing he owes all of us; a resignation.
It's hard to believe that any true Constitution-loving American voting for for any Democrat to maintain the House or Senate. This man, Hitler Jr., claims "the American Constitution is flawed".
Please join me in stopping this man from taking our Constitution away from us starting November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

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