Monday, December 30, 2013

"I have a dream" also

We all can easily relate to stories of bullies; remember them all the way from playgrounds, schools, gyms, all the way to the bully we can easily spot today.

Have you ever looked up the meaning of the word "bully"?  The dictionary writes that a "bully is one who uses their strength to physically hurt and intimidate others, or terrify those that are weaker,  into submission".

We all know that a bully is really a very frightened and insecure person that eventually is brought to justice either on the playground, in school, in the office, and yes, even as a country leader.

History has shown that evil bullies, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, and countless other bullies throughout world history eventually are overthrown and brought to justice by the citizens of their country.

Today, in OUR White House, yes OUR House we have a dictator living there rent-free. This man and his minions hide behind the power that the good American people have entrusted to him and his administration.

This bully has abused the power of the United States presidency. It's clear to all that this man cares nothing for the good of the American people. Complete and total power is what drives this man in an egomaniacal fashion. It's very obvious that when this dictator wants something done, regardless what Congress or the American people want, he just picks up one of his pens, signs his will into law, and goes to the golf course, or on vacation.

However, there is one privilege and honor even he cannot take away from the good people of this country. We can all drive, walk, bike, or even crawl to our nearest voting booth in November, 2014.  Martin Luther King Jr. orated one day that he "had a dream". Well I have "a dream" also.

For me that "dream" is that for the good American people, through our voting rights, we will maintain our House leadership, and take back our Senate so we can start repairing our great freedom loving country from what this White House dictator is doing each and every day now.
My "dream" continues with a choice of two scenarios. One "dream" is that with a GOP controlled House and Senate the country can begin impeachment proceedings against this man in OUR White House, maybe forcing him to resign and vacate OUR White House.

My alternate "dream" is that if impeachment isn't successful then this dictator will spend his remaining two years on the golf course, playing basketball, vacationing, and schmoozing with Jay-Z, Beyonce, Clooney, Matthews, Sharpton, etc., anything to keep him out of the Oval office to make any laws and/or administrative decisions.

The beautiful reality in these scenarios is that the good people of this great country can, and must, take the first step to make this all happen. All we have to do is make sure we get to the voting booth in November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

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