Saturday, September 14, 2013

You think we're stupid?

I mean, really, Mr. President, how stupid do you think the American people are? Do you honestly think any of us are buying what you're saying and doing now?  The only person that's happy with you right now is former president Jimmy Carter. You're making him seem like a decisive warrior.  Do you think we don't know what you're doing? Or should I write, what you're not doing?

After you actually threatened to attack Syria you discovered that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including many in your own Democrat party did not want any type of attack in Syria. So you go on national TV and almost in the same sentence of speaking of an attack on Syria you almost whisper, "but I'll wait for Congress to vote on it".

You couldn't even get support from your Hollywood gang. I never saw the likes of Springsteen, Sarandon, Clooney, Moore, Jay-Z, Hanks, etc., along with the rest of your Hollywood posse remain so silent. It was laughable. So there you were in a hole you couldn't dig out of.

And talk about stupid mixed messages. Kerry comes out and with a strong presidential message supporting your stance with a promise to take action against Syria slaughtering it's people with chemical weapons, with a promise you were definitely going to move forward with or without Congress.

Later, you stand in front of a teleprompter for seventeen minutes with your usual diatribe of "I", "me", and "mine", expecting the American people to believe your comment that you're going to wait for Congress to decide. As I wrote earlier; do you think we're stupid?  You are so spineless, you couldn't even stand by your 2012 "red line" decision.

Even your fawning slave media began to question your leadership. Well there is that Sharpton guy over at MSNBC, who still thinks you're the greatest. Of course we know of his credibility.
Even your famous "thrill up my leg" Chrissy Matthews began to question you.

And what happens while you shrink into the background, unable to make a decision, and desperately seeking someone to lead? Here comes one of our country's worst adversaries, Vladimar Putin, and what does old shirtless Vlad do? He makes  you look like he's your pimp, and you're his b****. 

In just a few hours Vladimar Putin turned you into the biggest disgrace the office of the Presidency has ever known. Late night TV comics made you the blunt of their jokes. One even suggested we trade to Russia for Putin. Another TV comic said to his audience that your ratings have dropped so low that even Kenya is denying your were born there.

Have you felt the tide starting to turn a little Mr. President? And it couldn't come at a better time. We're just a little over a year from the mid-term 2014 elections. Thank you for all the ammunition. Here we come Mr. Disgracer-in-Chief.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 

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