Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who is really elite?

I grew up in a household where I was "preached to" that Republicans were rich, fat cats that just made millions off the backs of hard working poor Democrats that "slaved" in factories, farms, and steel mills.

I was taught to believe that Republicans were the "elites" of our country, and they really didn't care for the working class of Americans who were really the foundation of our great country. Boy doesn't that sound great? That was so believable to me for so many years.

I really did believe that Republicans were the rotten rich fat cats that lived the elitist life while hard-working Democrats toiled in hot steamy factories and mills "creating" wealth for these elitists. Then guess what happened?

I joined the military, and the U.S. Air Force afforded me travel throughout the eastern U.S., and over three years in Europe. I began to see how others lived, and other cultures. Then I began asking questions. I recall my first question was, " who is investing and creating all the jobs for the hard-working Americans".  I couldn't get a direct answer, which led to more questions.

After many more unanswered questions I discovered that maybe this "capitalism" stuff wasn't so bad after all. I heard so many liberal Democrat use the term "capitalistic pigs".  In my 20's John F. Kennedy was my hero, and I guess I was naive enough to feel that all Democrat presidents would be like him. By the way if JFK were alive today, he'd be a Republican.

I always felt this is the greatest country in the world, and everyone was free to choose their own path, and were entitled to make their own way in society, keep all the money they earned, and as long as their monetary gains were legal, and they paid their rightful taxes they could do anything they wished with their money.

Then along came President Jimmy Carter. Now, I'm not speaking for anyone else, but for me, thank you President Carter. It is because of you that I became a conservative Republican. Of course my blogs are just my own personal views of things, but I began to understand, during the Carter administration, just what the Democrat agenda was.

Under Carter interest rates skyrocketed and here is where some started the philosophy of "let's take from these rich capitalistic pigs and give to our downtrodden poor".  Now that just led me to more questions, of which one was, "this is a great country.....why don't the downtrodden try to pick themselves up...go to work...and thrive in this great country"?   I decided that whatever I made belonged to me, and I'll decide how much of my money I want to give away. No,I did not believe this included taxes. I'll always believe we all should be taxed, just so it's fair.

I further realized that money is not always the definition of elite. The best example of this is how the Democratic Party began to feel they were the elitists in our country, and they were able to make better decisions on how the wealth should be distributed in our country. Of course the true poor and afflicted that cannot truly take care of themselves should be taken care of through private charities and government intervention. However, under the administration we now have under Hitler Jr., it is so easy to become totally dependent on the government with welfare, food stamps, and fake disabilities. On many occasions citizens on the welfare status bring home more money than the hard-working people that are on gainful employment.

But this does not give the right to the government to allow citizens that don't deserve to be freely taken care of, to be given free wealth from others' hard work. When a country does that it is Socialism. The more that I saw this taking place in our country, the more I came to my own personal conclusion. I was a conservative Republican.

So fast-forwarding to today, I still have many questions, and still my liberal progressive Democrats cannot give me any viable answers. Like, it's a fact that for every single job Hitler Jr. has created, there have been 75-80 people put on welfare and food stamps. Of course this leads me to a couple of obvious questions; First, where does all this welfare money come from? And secondly, What happens when the welfare/nanny money is gone? 

Maybe the most important economic question today should be: What happens when investors and job creators stop investing and creating jobs? Or worse, what happens when companies start expanding, investing, and creating jobs in foreign countries? Someone please give me answers to these questions.

Please, will someone answer these two questions? Believe it or not, sometimes some uninformed liberal progressive will answer, "well, these rich fat cats are gonna have to balance the money out in this country".  So the reasoning of the liberal progressives is that the "rich fat cats" should continue to invest their money and create jobs here in the U.S., and still give more of their money through taxation for the welfare/nanny masses.

Many liberal progressives say, "we must make sure the welfare masses have free health care". Here's an alert for you progressives: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE HEALTH CARE!
Someone has got to pay for it. That fact just doesn't seem to get through to liberal progressives.

Hitler Jr. and his elitists keep demanding that those that work hard for a living must be taxed more to take care of the welfare masses that he controls. This fundamentalist Socialist with his ideology must be stopped; if not impeachment, then for sure next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


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