Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dictator? Emperor?

Yesterday a friend of mine sent me a quote that is ringing in my head so loud that I can't think of anything else right now. It goes like this: "A pen in the hand of this President is far more dangerous than guns in the hands of 200.Million law-abiding Americans".

This quote automatically and suddenly took me back to Hitler and Stalin during the '30's and '40's. No Hitler and Stalin didn't have TV or the Internet. Actually, it was easy for them then; all they had to control were the radio networks, newspapers, and magazine publications. And if anyone on the radio or in written publications dared to speak out against these dictators then the Gestapo or KGB "visited" them.

As I've written in previous blogs, Hitler and Stalin were successful in removing what we now compare to our own First and Second Amendment Rights, from the masses in most of Europe. They dictated to their masses what their health care plans would be.  Inflation grew so fast that a cartoon appeared in a German newspaper showing a man pushing a wheel-barrel full of money to the store; and when asked, he said, "I'm just out going to get a pound of butter".

I know everyone sees the similarities between Hitler, Stalin, Chavez, Castro, and yes, Barack Hussein Obama.  Add to that the glaring and truthful observations that if a man were actually told their main charter was to destroy the United States along with all all their freedoms and principles there couldn't be a better selection for the job than Barack Hussein Obama.

And reaching the masses today is much easier than it was for Hitler and Stalin.Today the Chief Socialist has TV and the Internet to support his attack on America. This man surrounds himself with a fawning media as he appoints his minions and "merry bandits" with only those who believe in his policies. And we all know what happens to those poor souls that dare to write or speak out against the Socialist's regime. Ask Bob Woodword or Fox News; they get completely ostracized from the White House. 

Full proof of this is the Chief Socialist, Biden, Kerry, Hagel, and other czars and cabinet members will dare to appear on any of the number one news network programs; Fox. Fox is number one in all program slots; some programs are even leading in viewing audiences combined aganst CNN and MSNBC. We all know the Chief Socialist will only appear in the segments of the media that fawn all over him. CBS's 60 minutes was a love fest a few weeks ago. His is afraid of Fox; and that's the true fact. Can you imagine him sitting down with an interview with Sean Hannity? 

Along with trying to take away our Second Amendment rights, the media didn't report at all that the Chief Socialist just passed a bill to limit Americans' First Amendment rights by having Secret Service (Gestapo?) monitor peaceful protests. If we don't impeach this man can you imagine what he's going to try next?

With his fawning media he used outrageous scare tactics that the Republican base in Congress was going to bring America to devastation if sequester takes place. What the fawning media didn't report is that the $85.billion wasn't cuts at all; it was just a reduction in spending for the year.  Don't buy into folks. And don't forget  his ongoing scare tactic of continued releasing  of illegal alien criminals to the streets to potentially wreak havoc on American citizens.

I'll close today with this: can you name the only two leaders in modern history that had and have their own personal decals? Answer: Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama. The Chief Socialist keeps staring into the teleprompters every day reminding us he's the president and not an emperor or a dictator. Hmmm. Is he a wannabe?

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops


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