Monday, March 4, 2013

Where art thou media?

Remember when NeeNuNano Pelosi was giggling at the podium when she said those infamous words, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it".? She was referring to Obamacare of course. We now know that if all 535 members of the House and the 98 members of the Senate had read the entire 2,977 pages the infamous Obamacare bill would have never see the light of day.

Of course it would have been difficult to read since the bill was hidden behind locked doors in the Senate chambers. We didn't know, of course, that the IRS now has the authority to impose an excise tax on health insurance providers starting this year. Now who do you think the insurance providers are going to pass that added tax on to? We know the answer don't we?  It is estimated that this will cost an average family an additional cost averaging over $200.

Also, because of a 1993 law there is a loop hole that if an elderly person had a lot of Medicaid expenses and then died, the Government may have the lawful right to assume ownership of the estate of the deceased individual.  As more of these horrible scenarios emerge from the "unread" pages of Obamacare there is panic. I've written many blogs titled "Told ya So".  

I just want to ask so many members of the House and Senate, why would you vote for this horrendous bill before you voted for it?  I seriously doubt if even the Chief Socialist knew what was in the bill. To Hitler Jr., it was just another tool to control the "masses".   Now, we're discovering that Hitler Jr., robbed his own Obamacare of $340.million to give to a campaign donor. 

This Chief Socialist's utopia is to have all Americans surrender their entire assets to the Messiah-in-Chief, and then he will dole out money as he sees fit. This man continues to commit impeachabe offenses, and still continues to get away with multiple cases of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Oh media, media where art thou when we need thee? Wouldn't it be great if the media would report just a few important scenarios? For example; the Chief Socialist is ready to pass a gun bill in just a few weeks, but hasn't passed a budget in over four years. Here's another one; the Chief Socialist wants to take every citizen's arms away, but gives fighter jets and war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood. And let us never forget he has increased the national debt more in his first term that all, and I mean ALL the U.S. presidents before him COMBINED!

Here's a great test for us all to take today; watch the news on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC tonight, and count the number of times the word BENGHAZI  is spoken. I will wager that all of these networks combined won't add up to five.

This Hitler Jr., must be impeached. Oh media, please step up and do your job with honesty and integrity. If you networks want to catch up to Fox's ratings start reporting the news as it should be reported, and quit being like fawning idiots. It's not too late.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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