I've been receiving some criticism and push back because I've been referring to the current resident in OUR White House as Hitler, Jr. To any critics who read this; no I'm not apologizing. Instead I'm going to show the profound similarities between these two individuals.
First, Adolph Hitler from Germany in the '30's. In the '30's Germany was faced with economic ruin and no hope in sight. The outlook for the future looked grim, and the media, at the time was forecasting the worst was yet to come.
And then out of nowhere came this flamboyant speaker that promised the middle class of Germany "hope & change". Adolph convinced the hopeless middle class that the elite bankers and capitalists were the main reasons for the economic collapse of Germany, who Adolph began calling "THE FATHERLAND". Adolph went further to convince the downtrodden middle class that most of the elitist bankers were Jewish, and with his energized speeches convinced the middle class that the Jewish were "enemies of the Fatherland".
Soon the media was convinced that Adolph should be the leader of the German middle class, and with the overwhelming support of the media, soon the middle class believed all that was spoken by Adolph was definitely the truth. Adolph went so far as to convince the middle class that most of doctors, lawyers, bankers, scientists, and teachers were the evil Jewish enemies of Germany.
Adolph convinced the German middle class that they should hate and despise "these evil Jews that were destroying Germany". His inspiring speeches convinced the downtrodden middle class that a strong "Fatherland" government would bring the middle class of Germany back to the prominence they so richly deserve. He was a great orator, and his speeches were memorable to the middle class of Germany, convincing them of a great future.
In January, 1933, with overwhelming media support the people of Germany voted Adolph Hitler into supreme power of Germany with a landslide voting approval. Soon, after election, Adolph took total command of the military, along with universities, schools, hospitals, and even banks. He convinced the middle class that he would lead them into prosperity, if they followed him to the "hope & change" future he laid out for them.
In addition to convincing the middle class that he would protect them by expanding his military, and built the infamous Third Reich. After Adolph convinced the German people that only the government can prevent crimes, so they willingly gave up their personal handguns and rifles, he then took another step and built his secret police organization, the Gestapo.
Out of fear of the educated Jewish he began his quest to annihilate the entire Jewish population. His arrogance and hubris led him to invade neighboring countries like Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. A 90+ age woman, who survived Adolph's take-over of Austria, spoke that Adolph didn't come in with tanks to take over Austria. He took over control of Austria winning an election with over 90% approval. His smooth talking oratory speeches led the way to his domination of Austria.
Adolph then decided his Arian race would take over the world, and decided to attack Great Britain, and even planned to attack our own United States. He declared an all out war on those that opposed his philosophies and principals, to the point that he began to send his Third Reich and Gestapo police to annihilate ALL who opposed him, even religious organiztions. His quest was to be a supreme ruler of the Ayrian people.
Adolph had such a deep hatred for all those that wouldn't stand with him and the Ayrian race he began his slaughtering of any person, religion, and organization that wouldn't side with him.
Then, slowly, beginning in the early '40's people began to realize what a monster and "population divider" this evil maniac was. Then people began to push back and, in some cases, even revolt. However, by then it was too late. Adolph's government had grown large enough for him to actually create "enemies of the State". While he was deeply entrenched in World War II, he even began slaughtering his own people. Soon, only his strongest supporters in the media and his Third Reich stood by him. World War II ended in 1945.
Adolph stayed in power from 1933 until he died a horrid dictator hiding in one of his protective bunkers while his beloved "Fatherland" surrendered to the allied forces. However, we must never forget that Adolph Hitler was able to stay in power for over twelve years.
Let's fast forward to the Democrat party convention in 2004. Enter a tall skinny African-American that about so little was known. America didn't even know his true birth place. We never saw his college transcripts. We never knew of his friends. We wondered where he received his financial aid, but we never knew of any job he held. Ah, but still the middle class believed this Barack would lead them back into prosperity. He was, and still is, a great orator, and enjoys the gift of speaking to thousands and making promises that we know he will not keep, but he still has his "masses" believing he will lead the middle class to prosperity while he continues to preach "hope & change".
The middle class believed all his promises, and along with the support of Barack's fawning media voted him to become the leader of the free world beginning January, 2009. And this is the beginning of comparing Barack to Adolph in terms of philosophies. Of course I'm not advocating Barack is going to begin annihilating those segments of the population that disagree with his Socialist Liberal Progressive views.
Let's review, however, what Barack has done since he's been on OUR White House that prompts us to compare him to Adolph. Barack immediately grew his nanny welfare state to the largest it's ever been since the great depression. In four years Barack has increased our national debt more than all the presidents before him COMBINED. Barack has assured his control over his "masses" by inflating the roles of food stamp users to nearly 50 million Americans. The true unemployment is nearly 10%, while our national debt will reach $17.Trillion before 2013 is over. He has convinced his nanny welfare masses that he will continue to protect them, by taking from the wealthy in this country.
Barack, in his first two years in office created a government controlled health care plan behind closed doors with his Democrat controlled House and Senate. The congressional budget office has now proven that Barack's health care plan alone will increase our national debt by $3.Trillion over the next ten years.
Barack continues to attack the wealthy by raising taxes to create revenue. He refuses to give tax incentives to large private sector corporations so they can create jobs to lessen the welfare and unemployment roles. Barack was so successful in creating his welfare state that 75% of the 51% that voted Barack into our White House are still currently on the welfare role.
Barack continues to fund those alternative energy companies that heavily donate to the Democratic party, even those these companies continue to fold and file for bankruptcy. Currently Solyndra is under investigation for fraud, but of course Barack's fawning media won't report that.
Barack continues refusing to drill for oil here in and in Alaska while gas and oil prices continue to rise, and America continues to buy oil from our enemies in the mid east. Barack will not even allow the Keystone Pipeline to operate here in the U.S. knowing it would create thousands of jobs for Americans, hurting his donor base of alternative energy companies. Are you now seeing more of the similarity of Adolph and Barack?
Barack is now on a journey to take away Second Amendment rights from Americans so he can take away legal rifles and handguns from law abiding American citizens. Now, while he's doing this he's directing Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security to purchase billions of rounds of ammunition and retrofit war tanks to operate on the streets of our cities. See any more similarity to what Adolph did in the '30's?
While Barack is being criticized by many for forcing the downsizing of our own military he arrogantly responds by sending F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, along with foreign aid of $2.Billion a year. Are you now getting a better sense of the similarity between these two people?
Adolph Hitler with complete control over the the government, military, and the media, rose to become a ruthless dictator for twelve years, and only World War II could remove him from power. Thankfully we only have to endure the wrath of Barack for only four more years.
But Barack can do a lot of damage in the next four years. However we can lessen his power significantly into making him a worthless lame duck president by voting for a GOP House and Senate in the 2014 elections.
Sorry for the lengthy blog, but I implore you to research and review the similarities of these two men, and recognize your commitment to take the first step in taking our country back in 2014. And again to my critics, I'm not apologizing for referring to Barack as Hitler Jr.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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