I just can't believe what I've been reading, hearing, and seeing on TV these past few weeks. Gun sales are at an all time high. In fact, gun sales, along with ammunition and bullet reloading equipment are skyrocketing out of sight. Gun and ammunition sales outlets are actually refusing Internet orders "until further notice". NRA membership is up 200%. Even gun sales to women has risen 77%.
Believe me, I can relate to all this news. I run a target pistol shooting league, own three handguns, and reload my own bullets. It has become so difficult to purchase supplies for my reloading. My Internet sales sources are not even accepting orders "until further notice".
Now I wonder to just what this is attributed. I can garner some guesses, but I think there are some main reasons that are almost comical. First of all, this man, who resides in OUR White House is attempting to adopt what dictators and czars actually accomplished in the past.
We all know that Hitler and Stalin were able to take arms away from their citizens leaving them defenseless. What prevailed was complete dictatorship, mayhem, and annihilation. Now, we have someone who is goal oriented to repeal the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. However, it's beginning to backfire very strongly on the man in OUR White House.
In fact Second Amendment loving Americans are pushing back so strongly that retail gun outlets are actually putting posters with pictures of Mr. Obama regaling him as "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR". This man in his futile endeavors to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights have been met with such strong resistance proving that our fore fathers' vow that we "have the right to keep and bear arms". Of course we know what the push back is; purchasing more arms by citizens.
And let's not forget our infamous California Senator Dianne Feinstein. When she heard that gun sales for women have increased 77%, her answer was "women should have have guns; their bodies are meant to create life, not kill it". Has anyone uttered words more ridiculous than that? I would love to discuss this with Senator Feinstein, as I have two sisters, three daughters, two step daughters, and four granddaughters. Is this Senator saying the females of my family should just stay home and "make babies"? Is she saying the females in my family, and any other woman in our country does not have the right to defend themselves?
The only answer I have to such a bizarre statement is I would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with all the women of California that voted this woman in office. wonder what their take on Senator Feinstein is now.
Also, there are some other phenomenons taking place now throughout our country. With the increase of firearm sales, there has been a decrease in gun related crimes. Well, except for Chicago, Obama's home town, where only criminals carry guns on the streets of that city. Law abiding citizens are fore bidden to carry firearms on the streets of Chicago.
Another phenomenon is that Sheriffs and Police Chiefs throughout the country are actually encouraging American citizens to legally purchase and register firearms, take their respective state gun carrying exams and learn how to correctly defend themselves with a firearm.
Cities across the country are now authorizing school teachers to arm themselves in their classrooms to protect our children. The reasoning here is that we have armed guards to protect the money in our banks, armed guards to protect our politicians, and even art museums. Why not use firearms to protect our greatest natural resource; our children.
There are now two cities that are making it mandatory that every household have a weapon for protection. As an avid supporter of the Second Amendment I would like to take it another step. May seem a little strange, but I'd like to see all people that carry a firearm legally have a badge displayed that they are, in fact, carrying a firearm. Can you imagine a criminal with a gun approaching someone and seeing a firearm badge on a law abiding citizen? Just may deter a crime.
No, no Mr. Obama, you and your minions are not going to repeal our Second Amendment, nor are you going to take our guns away from us. Your namesake Hitler Sr. got away with it, but don't get any ideas. Not in our house.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
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