Of course a lot of Hitler Jr.'s fawning media won't report it folks, but there is a real push-back going on now against the policies and plans of the Chief Socialist that lives in OUR White House. Yes, no need to remind everyone of the 51% of mis-guided people who voted Hitler Jr., back in OUR White House. I remember a Democrat friend of mine who said to me this past November, "I'm disappointed in Obama's first term, but I'm going to give him another chance, so I'm voting for him again".
But have you noticed the growing "push-back" that is occurring now? And it seems to be having an effect on the people in OUR White House; it seems they're so frightened they are spinning their policies to facilitate major on going cover ups. We're even noticing that some of the "loyal" media is slowly starting to report the truth and facts to the American people.
There was a time fawning media would never have pushed back so heavily on Hitler Jr.'s prohibiting Americans from visiting OUR White House. We all know this egomaniac decided to "run home from the playground with his ball" because he's not getting his way on closing the White House tours. The push back was so severe that the Chief Socialist is now considering to reopen OUR White House for tours.
There are even factions of the media openly questioning the Chief Socialist's decisions about the budget, and are calling him on his latest declaration, "I don't see an immediate debt crisis problem". The once fawning media is even reporting now how fast Hitler Jr.'s approval ratings are plummeting. It's even being reported that the main reason for Hitler Jr.'s falling approval ratings is mainly due to Independents beginning to realize they voted wrong in November. How about that media reporting that?
The media now reports that some of the Democrat House and Senate members that are up for 2014 reelection are starting to distance themselves from the Chief Socialist and are even not wanting him to campaign for him. Can you believe this?
Hitler Jr., tried to put an extra squeeze on his infamous sequester that he went so far as to halt any educational assistance to military personnel. After finding out that the GOP still wouldn't "fold' Hitler Jr. decided to stop medical assistance to injured military personnel declaring the sequester was causing a shortage of personnel to administer medical aid.
There was a time when we all thought that only Fox reported "fair & balanced" news, however, slow as it seems, there are strains of the media crawling back to reporting the news truthfully.
Whoever thought the media would report that we now have $3.5 Billion due in back taxes from federal employees. Kind of strange huh; especially when you consider these federal employees get paid from our tax paying dollars.
Who would have known we have White House staff employees that owe close o $400,000 in back taxes. The media is further reporting that outside government contract companies owe hundreds of thousands in back taxes. These companies, owing back taxes, and while having no intention of paying their back taxes, are still receiving government contracts from the Chief Socialist from OUR White House.
Have you noticed there is even more news being reported that surrounds and questions the validity of the birth certificate, college transcripts, and broken lies of Barrack Husein Obama. There are now more than ever more questions arising from the media demanding answers to questions surrounding Benghazi.
Thanks to those in the media that are starting to live up to your journalists' credentials. Welcome back media, but you still have a long way to go.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
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