It seems that we only react to the dangers that invade our senses. If we can't see, hear, feel, smell, or taste a danger we just ignore it, and hope that it goes away, with very little thought.
Our great nation is under attack and imminent threat. It's not a threat like we felt on 9-11; it's not a threat like our fighting soldiers feel every day on the battlefield. However, it's a threat, nonetheless, and it could be more devastating to the American people than an all out war.
For example, just yesterday it was announced that the U.S. has arrived at an all time record breaking high of 48 million Americans now receiving food stamps. Our true unemployment is over 10%, it's been six months since the massacres at Benghazi and we still have no answers.
Oh yes, indirectly we will feel all these dangers, but not with the sense of urgency that our senses will telegraph to us.
Do any of us truly understand the national debt of $16.6 Trillion? Can we really grasp what Obamacare is going to do to the economy? Do any of us take the time understand inflation and what Bernanke is doing by constantly printing money? How are we to understand this Hitler Jr. in our White House will give F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to a Muslim Brotherhood nation while he tries to take away the guns of American citizens.
The majority of our country's media will not report the truth to the American people. The media puts their own views on what is happening today. We rely on the media and the Internet to report the news to us with honesty and integrity. Most of us now know that most of the media are not serving the public as it should. The media only supports their "Messiah".
Do any of us truly understand that we must borrow money from China just to pay interest on our debt to China? Do all Americans truly understand the relationship of our GDP to the ever growing national debt? Do we truly have a grasp on deficit cuts and revenue spending?
Yes, these are real tragedies that are taking place every day in our great nation, but we can't see, hear, taste, feel, or smell any of these dangers. These dangers are all on-going and only the people of this great nation can put a stop to this.
Americans must wake up to the fact that we have a man in OUR White House whose sole mission is to bring this great nation to its knees. His broken promises to the American people are enough to impeach him, but add to that what economical damage he has done since January, 2009, and the damage he will do throughout the next four years, and this man does not have the right to lead us.
Have you noticed that little by little we are forgetting the tragedy of the Benghazi massacres? It's safe to say we will probably never know the details of what happened six months ago in Benghazi. The media will do a great job of covering up that story.
Our great nation has the potential and resources to become the crude oil and natural gas capital of the world, and yet we continue to prop up mid eastern Muslim nations that want to destroy us. We could put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work, and yet we continue to grow Hitler Jr.'s nanny welfare state. This man wants to destroy us, not grow us.
And most of us are so caught up in our own personal world that we just give in to a few extra quarters a week for gasoline, a little more for our food, a little more for our health insurance, and accept a $16.Trillion debt, along with the "acceptable" unemployment.
Let's be honest, do we feel this way because we think, "well our kids and grand kids will take care of this in the future it"? We have to stop this man before he buys all the ammunition in the country, repeals the Second Amendment, and puts war tanks on our streets.
Remember, there are horrific dangers out there, and they are real and on going right now. Pay attention to them and don't think that if you can't see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it that these dangers aren't real. Believe me these dangers from this man in OUR White House are very, very real.
Four years from now may be too late folks. We must have a starting point, and for us our starting point is the mid term 2014 elections. At least with a GOP House and Senate we can slow down this Hitler Jr., until we have a replacement for our White House that will help bring our country to the economic and military dominance we so rightly deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country...and our troops.
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