There is so much news coming forward lately about the thousands upon thousands of people who fraudulently voted in last November's Presidential election. Thousands have even admitted to voting more than once. Now, don't expect Hitler Jr.'s fawning media to ever report this news to you. Of course had Governor Romney won you would've heard about it at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC till you became nauseated.
For the sake of being tabbed a sour grape loser let report some startling facts as presented by Law Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Of course we all know Hitler Jr. won the election garnering 51% of the vote, however, Professor Olson has produced some interesting facts concerning the election.
Let's start with the number of states won by the Governor Romney and Hitler Jr. Governor Romney won 29 states; Hitler Jr. won 19 states. Olson also cites that Romney won in 2,427,000 square miles of land, while Hitler Jr. won in 580,000 square miles.
Yes, Governor Romney won in the populations of counties, however a very important statistic is the murder rate per 100,000 in counties won by Hitler Jr. is 13.2%; Governor Romney 2.1%. It must be also noted that Hitler Jr. won in territories composed of citizens living in low income tenements and receiving various forms of government welfare.
In comparison, those territories carried by Governor Romney were areas of the country where land was owned by taxpaying citizens, most of which were employed, and not living off subsidized incomes provided by government.
Hitler Jr. realizes that the more he can create his welfare state the more he can convince his masses, as his namesake did, he will "take care" of them, thereby making his welfare state more dependent on his Socialist Party. And there folks is your basis of why Hitler Jr. is desperately trying to legalize the illegal aliens residing here. He is currently giving $338.billion to illegal aliens every year. With those "freebies" what party do you think they will vote for? The Socialist Party of course.
Olson cites famous Scottish Professor Alexander Tyler, who in 1887, wrote, "throughout history the average age of a civilization has been about 200 years" Professor Tyler further stated that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. If you're looking at the format Hitler Jr. has been flourishing under you can look all the way back to 1887 when Professor Tyler declared, "when voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, they will change their allegiances...from that time on they will always vote for the candidates who promise the most."
That was true back in 1887, and judging by what Hitler Jr. has been doing since January, 2009, it's definitely true today. Professor Tyler, in 1887 wrote about the different sequences a civilization goes through. "from bondage to spiritual faith....from spiritual faith to great courage.....from courage to liberty....from liberty to abundance.....from abundance to complacency.....from complacency to apathy.....from apathy to dependence", and finally, "from dependence back into bondage."
Now think very hard about this folks. Our country was formed in 1776, which makes us 237 years old this year. Look at what our Democracy has endured through the Revolutionary War, Civil War, the two World Wars, and all our other conflicts; Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Yet, our freedom and rights given to us by our founding fathers has emerged through strength and courage.
Now look at what Hitler Jr. is trying to do. He is attempting to do exactly what his namesake was successful at in Germany in the '30's and '40's. A strong indicator of this is what Hitler Jr. is doing with his infamous sequester. He is ultimately telling America that "I will sequester and squeeze so much that it will hurt, and I will continue to make it hurt until I get my way".
Of course it will be difficult to bring down a Socialist ruler like this when he has promised so much to his welfare masses. However, if we are to regain the freedoms and rights that our forefathers fought and died for we must have courage, and stand strong with our true beliefs.
And the very best action we can take in the near future is when we vote in November, 2014.
Let's take our country back. It's our country's, not Hitler Jr.'s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
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