Thursday, March 7, 2013


How many more "titles" are we going to attach to Barack Husein Obama? There have been Socialist-In-Chief, Teflon-In-Chief, Teleprompter-In-Chief, Liar-In-Chief, Muslim-In-Chief, Communist-In-Chief, Whiner-In-Chief, Fear Monger-In-Chief, Fiddler-In-Chief, Egomaniac-In-Chief, and I've decided to add the latest, and maybe the most important, PUNISHER-IN-CHIEF.

This man has a goal of destroying our American way of life, and he continues to show evidence of this. This man is definitely not displaying the necessary leadership to move our country to the status we were back in the '80's under President Reagan. He is not a man of the people. He is a man for himself.

No sense in rehashing what he's done in the past four and half years. It's no secret that he's shown time and time again that he is self-proclaimed as being above the law. The cover-up surrounding the Benghazi massacre by itself is an impeachable offense. This man is now authorizing drones to fly over our country to spy on Americans, but there were no drones to be found while four American heroes were being slaughtered.

You can bet that the truthful documents surrounding the Benghazi slaughter is buried in the same vault that is hiding Obama's birth certificate, college transcripts, and his Kenyan passport. I can never accept this man as a leader for all Americans. He panders only to his campaign donors, or those who will help him push his un-American policies on us.

There is knowledge of an e-mail originating from the White House urging the Federal departments to "make sure this sequester hurts the public, so our point can be made". That alone, along with other ridiculous scare tactics, garners another impeachable offense. 

So what does Hitler Jr., to to ice the cake? He immediately stops White House tours. He doesn't care that this Spring season is when schools all over the country plan trips to D.C. for White House tours. This means absolutely nothing to Hitler Jr., except to act like a playground bully. It only costs $18,000. per week to operate the tours in OUR White House. The seven people who conduct the tours are all volunteers.  Is any more information needed to show this man must be impeached. He's on a mission to destroy America.

The Chief Socialist wants to raise more taxes. Has anyone informed him that the top 20% of America's wage earners pay over 70% of all taxes. His goal is to raise taxes so corporations will stop investing to create jobs, and thereby growing his nanny state. This is dangerous folks.

Here's a sure fire start to stopping this man: the 2014 mid-term elections.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops


1 comment:

  1. He knows he can't win this Syria thing. He is doing what he always does when he wants to ram something down our throats. This is a diversion from Benghazi and Obama care that he will ram through when we are focused on Syria.


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