Friday, March 8, 2013

Let's celebrate!

Yipee, hooray, wowee. Our country is on the way back to full recovery. Well, that's got to be true because the White House, along with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC just reported it so today. Yeah, today is a great day for financial recovery here in the U.S.

It has been reported that unemployment completely nose-dived today to the very low figure of 7.7%. I'm certain and confident that we are well on our way to lowering our national debt of nearly $17.Trillion because we will be taxing all the people returning to work.

Wait, hold on. I've got more great news to keep the celebrating going onward. Get this: We have created 236,000 jobs last month. I'm just flabbergasted with joy. Hats off to the media for this positive reporting. Wow, it's hard for me to contain myself. I'm sure ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC feel great about reporting this news to America.

Now, let's dig just a little deeper and explore some facts that Hitler Jr.'s lame stream media "forgot" to report.  American workers filing for unemployment insurance for the first time averaged 350,000 for every week this past year.  Also, not reported, that while unemployment has plummeted to 7.7%, it is factual that unemployment among minorities still ranks close to 14%.

Ready for some more unreported facts? These are not facts that I manufactured, or manifested myself.  These facts are straight from the CBO and the Treasury Dept.  Maybe the most devastating fact is that in this past month alone, 130,000 Americans have left the work force.  Yep, just gave up looking for work, and challenged the welfare/food stamp route.

Of course the media won't report that news, and they also won't report is that since January, 2009 when Hitler Jr. was sworn into OUR  White House there are 8.5 less Americans  working. While the White House was whooping and hollering with joy at 7.7% unemployment there are today over 20 million Americans out of work. Yeah, right; let's celebrate.

The CBO will tell you that it's just a numbers game. Today, more people every week are just plain leaving the work force and growing Hitler Jr.'s nanny state. It's just want he wants so he can better control the masses. 

Fifty-One percent of Americans voted this man to lead our country out of this financial nightmare we all now  experience. And what is his answer to create more revenue? He lowers taxes on corporations and small businesses and offers them more incentives so they can invest and create more jobs. You don't believe that do you? It was Reagan that did that in the '80's.

Nah, that's too easy, and he may lose control of the private sector if he does that. Hitler Jr.'s answer is to continue taxing the wealthy so he can sustain his nanny state for control purposes.
This man's man goal is to gain as much control as he can. And when he runs out the necessary money to control his nanny state; well, welcome to the United States of Greece.

Someone today reported that Hitler Jr. will parade children out to pull on our heart strings to prove a point. Yet, this very same man prohibits young American children from visiting one of America's strongest landmarks, our White House. He will even punish our very children that we want to instill the meaning of democracy in so that he can punish us through sequestration.

Is this the leader we want for our children? Is this the man we want to lead our country? He must be impeached. He's laughing in our face. Let's not take it any longer America.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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