I am the son of an Italian immigrant. Dad came through Ellis Island at 16 with his parents and seven brothers and sisters. Being the oldest sibling it was up to him and Grampa to work in the steel mills so Dad's siblings could go to school. At the age of 17 he entered the mills where he worked for forty-eight years. Dad led by example. One of his many quotes that I'll always remember was, "hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it might".
Later Dad, Mom, my two sisters and I lived in a two-story house with Gramps and Gram living upstairs. Gramps maintained a large vegetable garden; the perimeter of the garden was lined with any fruit tree that could grow in Northeastern Ohio. To our family, we were living the good life.
Dad always bragged in his broken English dialect how proud he was that in his forty-eight years in the mills he never once applied for Unemployment Insurance. I always felt, with great pride, that we were part of that large segment of the population that was called "THE MIDDLE CLASS".
What's my point in today's blog? It's very easy to see that the man in OUR White House, Hitler Jr. is trying to eradicate the middle class, formerly believed to be the foundation of hard working Americans in his great country.
I remember, it was as a G.I. stationed in Europe in the '50's, that I noticed there wasn't a strong emphasis in many European countries for the middle class. To me, and many of my fellow G.I. friends, that there seemed to be just two classes; the elite, and the much-lower class. Many times we discussed how fortunate we were to live in a country where the middle class flourished; the United States of America.
Fast forward to the 2008 Presidential campaign. A Democrat acquaintance of mine spoke harshly of his strong hatred of President Bush. I remember is strong comments, "Can you believe Bush has run up our debt to $10.Trillion, and gas is $1.84 a gallon? Bush is destroying this country...I'll never vote for a Republican again".
Today, we all know that our national debt will reach $17.Trillion by year's end, and the national average for a gallon of gas is creeping close to $4.00/gallon. Let's see how Hitler Jr. got us to this crisis today, and how he's pushing his agenda to wipe out the middle class, so that our great country becomes like Socialist Europe.
So my Democrat acquaintance thought Bush spent a lot of money huh? Since Hitler Jr. has been in office he has increased welfare to illegal aliens from $11.billion to $22.billion each year by state governments.
Every year our federal government spends $22.billion on food stamps and free school lunches for illegal aliens, along with $2.5.billion a year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
$12.billion a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally that cannot speak a word of English. $17.billion a year is spent for the education of American-born children of illegal aliens; anchor babies.
$3.million a day is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.Thirty per cent (30%) of ALL prison inmates in the U.S. are illegal aliens. United States taxpayers also spend $90.billion yearly on Welfare and Social Services for illegal aliens. Illegal aliens send over $45.billion yearly of their wages to their countries of origin.
It has be verified by www.transcripts.CNN.com that American citizens suffer $200.billion a year in suppressed wages caused from jobs held by illegal aliens.
And maybe the most horrifying statistic of all is that nearly one million sex crimes committed here in the U.S. every year are by illegal aliens.
To sum it up; hard working American taxpayers are shelling out $338.billion every year to take care of people living in our country ILLEGALLY. I cannot help but wonder why we vote in people to the House and Senate, representing us, to allow this.
We knew the agenda of Hitler Jr. before the 51% voted him back in for a second term, but he was allowed back in so he could continue his eradication of the middle class by raising up the dependency on him by his Welfare state.
This alone will ultimately lead to the destruction of the hard working middle class. Today, Hitler Jr. is making sure, with his agenda, there is no incentive for the middle class to flourish. We cannot allow this. He must be impeached, or we must gain control of the House and Senate in 2014. We can do this folks. It's up to us TPC'ers to lead the way.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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