First of all to all my Irish friends; HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Oops, I hope the politically correct police are OK with this. I mean, is this a religious greeting that should be stricken from my "blogging rights"? I'm a first generation Italian-American and enjoy Italian ritualistic celebrations, and my Irish-American friends and I banter back and forth with good nature teasing.
For example; I always tease my Irish friends that the reason green is the predominant color of the Irish is because they're "green with envy because they're not Italian", and that St. Patrick was really sent from Rome by the Pope to drive the snakes out of Ireland.
Last Irish tease; the Irish drown their sorrows with many pints of Irish ale on March 17th., because they're so sad they are not Italians. OK, no more Irish jokes. My true Irish friends truly know how much I love and respect them. My closest Irish friend, born in Dublin, Ireland, and I worked together for several years, and still stay in touch. You can imagine his Irish brogue as he teased me about being Italian a lot. He did this all in good nature.
One of my fondest memories was being stationed in the military in London, England in the '50's and vacationing in Ireland for ten days, and falling in love with all the beautiful Irish lasses with their red hair and green eyes. Ireland is definitely home to some of the world's most beautiful women. Yes, from the bottom of my heart to all my Irish friends; HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. I love and respect you and your celebrations.
Secondly, and the main theme of today's blog; can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if, after the 9-11 tragedies on our Trade Center by radical Muslims, he would have appointed six Muslim Brotherhood members to White House positions? They would have desecrated him in the media.
However, this is exactly what Hiter Jr., did since he's been in OUR White House, and the media is absolutely mum on it. Don't believe me? Here's Hitler Jr.'s lineup:
Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy for U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Mohamed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Salam al-Marayati - Obama adviser - Muslim Public Affairs Council Director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar -Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-based Neighborhood partnerships
Rashad Hussain- Special Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference
Please, for all who do not believe this, and my critics, please research this and get back to me if you think I've lied or prefabricated any of these Hitler Jr. appointments.
Here's another reason I so strongly compare Adolph to Barack; every time Adolph came out with a mandate, decree, and/or law the media promptly supported him, and when the revolt of Europe first started in the '40's against Adolph, he still had his fawning media behind him to downplay and desecrate the rebels against Hitler, his Third Reich, and his Gestapo.
Can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if he would have acted like a playground bully who didn't get his way in Congress, ran off and formed a "sequester" to punish the American people? What picture would the media have portrayed about President Bush if closed the White House tours to the American people? What names would the media have called President Bush if he stopped many programs for medical treatments to military personnel? Had President Bush stopped continuing educational programs for military personnel the media would have destroyed him.
And yet this is exactly what Hitler Jr. is doing, and where is the media reporting of this?
Fox reporter Catherine Herridge and Senator Lindsey Graham are working hard to uncover the news of the survivors of the Benghazi massacre. There are over thirty survivors, and now it's been reported that the survivors were told by the White House not to speak or come forth with any news of what really happened in Benghazi. Will the media ever report the true story of Benghazi, or will the truth of Benghazi become buried with Hitler Jr.'s birth certificate and his college transcripts?
And what does the media focus on in today's news? The media is already starting to attempt to smear and destroy the GOP's new star Dr. Benjamin Carson. Instead of reporting today's news with truth and integrity the media wants to help Hitler Jr. by calling Dr. Carson a "racist", token Uncle Tom for the GOP, and even calling him, as a Hollywood star said, "an Oreo cookie".
I will never be convinced today's media will be an honest reporting tool for the American people. I will also never, ever apologize to my critics for calling Barack, Hitler Jr.
Just remember what former USSR Premier Nikita Kruschev said, "America is too powerful to destroy with military power....however, just be patient, they will crumble from within".
Please remember all this in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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