If there was any doubt about the leadership of the Socialist-in-chief that resides in OUR White House, he wiped it out today when he stood in front of the press corps lying to them and the American viewing audience.
Today he was the ultimate Teflon-in-Chief, Fear-monger-in-Chief, and Pinocchio-in-Chief all rolled into one Hitler Jr. This arrogant man not only lacks leadership, he is not only clueless regarding leadership, the most horrifying reality is that this man has no intention of being the leader this country needs.
Maybe another name we should attach to this man is Finger Pointer-in-Chief. He always needs to find someone else to blame and shove the responsibility on. During the Socialist's first term everything was President Bush's fault. Now, in his second term he realizes he can't blame Bush any longer, so suddenly it's Boehner's and McConnel's fault for the economic mess our country is in. Have we ever had a more spineless man in our White House? No we haven't. He has even resorted to name calling, citing the Republican Congress as acting stupid. Way to reach across the aisle Mr. Socialist.
Just a few days ago the Socialist went to all extremes to threaten the American people screaming at the teleprompters of all the tragedies that would happen today March First, "if Republicans force sequestration". When he realized the Republican Congress wasn't going to back down from his scare tactics he quickly jumped in front of a teleprompter to report, "well, you won't notice anything today, but hard times will come if sequestration occurs".
This arrogant Hitler Jr.,even had his minions go out and report lies about lay-offs, that will not take place, but further scare America. If any further proof is needed that this Hitler Jr., does not put Americans first, look at what he did about criminal illegal aliens, and look where he did it.
It's no secret that Arizona Governor Brewer stood up to the Socialist, and to "get back at her", and further scare the American people he authorized the release of thousands of ciminal illegal aliens from prison. Does that show this man cares about the safety and security of the American people by releasing criminals? No it doesn't, and he did this act out of pure arrogance.
In addition to freeing thousands of illegal alien criminals, this Socialist threatened America more by proposing cuts in Medicare, laying off TSA workers, and cutting back on much needed military funding. Moreover, this Hitler Jr., will continue to strike fear in the hearts of Americans with his outrageous threats.
However, while these threats are going on did you know your taxpayers' dollars are today, March First, are paying for the study of robotic squirrels, the cost of a musical stage play about climate change, and if that isn't enough, taxpayer dollars are paying for a liquor fund study.
I just have one request before I sign off. If you get this far in my blog; thank you, and now please go out and rent two movies; "No Way Out", starring Kevin Costner, and the original "Manchurian Candidate", starring Frank Sinatra. After watching these two movies you may get a better feel about what's going on in D.C. and the Obama camp today.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
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