I may only get a few folks reading my blogs, and I know I will still get critics attacking me for calling Barack our own personal Hitler Jr., but as long as these hands can still type I'm going to review, research, and write about why this man in OUR White House is in direct similarity to the original Hitler from Germany in the '30's. I'll never stop.
I've done a lot of research on Hitler's Gestapo that he started in 1933 as soon as he was elected Chancellor of Germany. Hitler had his own "FBI", and with the support of Goering and Himmler, and the newly formed Gestapo, Hitler self-proclaimed himself as the Dictator instead of Chancellor of Germany.
Fast forward to 2008, when Barack, as a presidential candidate, promised he would do all he could, if elected President, to convince the youth of America, to join the Peace Corps, and encourage the youth to swear service to the government after their tour with the Peace Corps. Remember Adolph's infamous Youth Corps in the '30's?
Hitler Jr., then preached that the U.S. cannot rely solely on our military to protect our country. In 2008 Barack said, "we need a national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded as our military....we cannot rely on our military to achieve our security objectives". I ask all of you to take a look at what Hitler did in 1933 when he and Goering formed the Gestapo.
Let's fast forward again to the present day. Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to purchase 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And of those 2 Billion rounds of ammunition, approximately 200,000 of those are hollow point rounds. I don't want to insult anyone, but for those of you who have no knowledge of a hollow point round please let me explain. I carry hollow point rounds for personal protection. When a hollow point round enters its target it does more than pierce; it expands and does so much more damage than a regular round. Again, I repeat my two-fold question to Hitler Jr., why is Janet purchasing 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And why are 200,000 of those rounds hollow points?
Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to retrofit over 200 war tanks, and make them "workable" to operate on our city streets here in the U.S.? When you research and read the dastardly acts the Gestapo committed under Hitler, it makes you think and ask just what is Hitler Jr.'s goal? Is he trying to form his own personal "Gestapo"? Don't let this go away folks. Think this through before the 2014 mid term elections.
Why is Hitler Jr. preventing the Benghazi survivors from appearing in Congress to report to the appropriate Senate committee, so they can testify as to exactly just what happened in the Benghazi massacre of four American heroes? Isn't it strange that this happened six months ago, and we still have no answers. Don't know about you, but I think someone in OUR White House is hiding something.
When Hitler Jr. stands in front of his teleprompter and tells Americans that our economy is his first priority, and his goal is to put Americans back to work, he is lying. We are now paying $4.00/gallon for gasoline and he still refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline to put thousands of Americans back to work. Can you believe what Hitler Jr.'s response was when asked about the Keystone Pipeline? His comment was, " well that figure of thousands upon thousands may be a little inflated". For God's sake Hitler Jr., ONE job would be more than you've created here in the U.S. in four and a half years. The only jobs you've created here is gun and ammunition manufacturing.
This man is truly a danger to our country. The media props him up as being "a great husband and family man". This is just another lie by the fawning media. The first family is only viewed at a church when it's a self-serving photo op during a holiday. We all know he spends his Saturdays playing basketball, and Sundays are reserved for golfing. This man will not even take the necessary steps to convince Iran to release an American citizen Christian pastor. This Christian pastor's wife has been pleading with Kerry and the White House to intervene to get her husband back safely to his family. Her pleas have fallen on deaf ears. When will we all agree that Hitler Jr. is nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer? I think Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood can attest to that.
This man is dangerous to the rights and freedoms of our great nation. He must be impeached now. If not impeachment start removing his policies in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
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