How did I make it this far? By today's "politically correct" standards I should be a total failure. After all the terrible horrific events in my life it's a miracle that I'm not in prison or living under bridge as an absolute failure. I'd like to tell you of the horrible events that happened in my life that were definitely not "politically correct".
First of all my parents should have been sent to prison for child endangerment and child abuse. Can you believe my parents actually spanked me? Physical abuse, don't you agree? What's more they should have been brought up on starving me as a child. I mean, after all, I was told, yes dictated to, "you either eat what I've put on your dish or you go without dinner...I don't care if you like vegatables or not".
At six years old I stole a cap pistol from the local dime store. I mean, I was just distributing the wealth from the "fat cat" that owned the store. And that horrible gargantuan of a father of mine marched me back to the store to return the cap pistol, and humiliated me, scaring me for life by making me apology to the store owner. And if that wasn't enough he took another horrible step; he spanked me when we returned home. Oh the misery of it all!
Growing up I played in a lot of city sponsored baseball and basketball leagues. In 1952, at the age of seventeen, our team won the city championship. Our team received one, yes, only one trophy that we gave to the local business that sponsored our team. Through my growing-up years that was the only championship team I was ever on. I never received a trophy for coming in second, third, or even last place. Still don't know how I didn't become a crazed maniacal killer. Can you imagine not receiving a trophy for coming in last place?
Also, if I were to receive a dollar for every game my parents game to that I participated in, I would be broke. Kind of reminds me that later on in life I managed a Little League team. Instead of thanking me for taking the time to manage their sons in Little League, I would get a call from the parents admonishing me "because Johnny wasn't playing second base", or getting angry because, "little Stevie was too good to play right field...he should be pitching...and batting clean-up".
Anyway, to continue; things just went downhill from there for me. I got C's and D's in high school, and became emotionally traumatic when I wasn't accepted at a top notch university. This was purely discrimination. Why did the A students get accepted at major universities after graduation, and no one wanted a C and D student? Oh the horror of it all. Why couldn't I attend Notre Dame, or Southern California, or Vanderbilt? So what if my grades weren't good enough. What about equality?
Therefore my last two options at the ripe old age of 18 was to get a full time job or join the military, as my horrible parents uttered those horrendous words, "well, you're 18 now...what are you going to do? You're on your own son". Can you believe parents being so cruel to their only son? Still don't know how I ever recovered from that?
In high school I tried out for the basketball team. After three practices I was cut from the team.
Can you believe this coach exhibiting such discrimination to me. So what if others were better than me? That didn't matter. I should have been allowed on the team. How could I face the horror of being eliminated. I ran home, told Mom that this horrible man wouldn't allow me to be on the team. She looked up from doing housework and getting dinner ready and gave me some sound advice, "yeah, go clean the garage before your Dad gets home from work....he'll have a fit if you don't get that garage cleaned". Mom was so cruel, wasn't she?
So, in 1954, at eighteen years young, I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. I only joined the Air Force so I could be a romantic carefree Air Force pilot that gets all the girls. Well, at the induction center we were given I.Q. tests. Seven of us did well enough that we were told, "pass your physical men and you're going to flight school after basic training". Well, the Air Force discovered I was chronically color-blind. Talk about discrimination; can you believe the Air Force wouldn't trust me with their planes because I was chronically color-blind? It's a wonder I ever made it through my tour of duty suffering from all this hatred toward me, and the trauma of watching six others go off to flight school.
After four years of active duty I was eligible to enter college under the G.I. Bill. In my first semester in college I flunked, believe it or not, Political Science. Can't figure out why my Poli-Sci professor didn't balance out the grades. He clearly discriminated against me. After my failing grade I received a letter from the Admin office telling me I was now on probation, and if my grades didn't approve I would be asked to leave. Now if that wasn't discrimination I don't know what was. Somehow, I did well enough to get removed from probation.
After two years on campus I married and completed my required college courses in night school. Now there was never a "magna" or "suma" after my name, but I made it through with a glorious C minus average. Probably the most profound thing I discovered from college was what an old timer told me, "a college diploma may get you up to bat...but it still won't put you on first gotta do that".
And throughout my working career I was so horribly discriminated against. I was actually laid off a few times, and had to find other jobs. What was I to do? I had a family to support and yet I was surely discriminated against. And the job promotions that passed by me. I mean they had the nerve to give promotions to people more qualified than me. It certainly wasn't my fault that I was passed over for promotions or was laid off. It had to be because, or it was because, or was it because I maybe...Well anyway, it wasn't my fault or undoing.
Well, I'm 77 now and in spite of all the discrimination thrown at me through my years I only have one thing to say (write) Thanks Mom, Dad, teachers, friends, and even bosses. If I had to do it all over I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe study harder in school.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Who is really elite?
I grew up in a household where I was "preached to" that Republicans were rich, fat cats that just made millions off the backs of hard working poor Democrats that "slaved" in factories, farms, and steel mills.
I was taught to believe that Republicans were the "elites" of our country, and they really didn't care for the working class of Americans who were really the foundation of our great country. Boy doesn't that sound great? That was so believable to me for so many years.
I really did believe that Republicans were the rotten rich fat cats that lived the elitist life while hard-working Democrats toiled in hot steamy factories and mills "creating" wealth for these elitists. Then guess what happened?
I joined the military, and the U.S. Air Force afforded me travel throughout the eastern U.S., and over three years in Europe. I began to see how others lived, and other cultures. Then I began asking questions. I recall my first question was, " who is investing and creating all the jobs for the hard-working Americans". I couldn't get a direct answer, which led to more questions.
After many more unanswered questions I discovered that maybe this "capitalism" stuff wasn't so bad after all. I heard so many liberal Democrat use the term "capitalistic pigs". In my 20's John F. Kennedy was my hero, and I guess I was naive enough to feel that all Democrat presidents would be like him. By the way if JFK were alive today, he'd be a Republican.
I always felt this is the greatest country in the world, and everyone was free to choose their own path, and were entitled to make their own way in society, keep all the money they earned, and as long as their monetary gains were legal, and they paid their rightful taxes they could do anything they wished with their money.
Then along came President Jimmy Carter. Now, I'm not speaking for anyone else, but for me, thank you President Carter. It is because of you that I became a conservative Republican. Of course my blogs are just my own personal views of things, but I began to understand, during the Carter administration, just what the Democrat agenda was.
Under Carter interest rates skyrocketed and here is where some started the philosophy of "let's take from these rich capitalistic pigs and give to our downtrodden poor". Now that just led me to more questions, of which one was, "this is a great country.....why don't the downtrodden try to pick themselves up...go to work...and thrive in this great country"? I decided that whatever I made belonged to me, and I'll decide how much of my money I want to give away. No,I did not believe this included taxes. I'll always believe we all should be taxed, just so it's fair.
I further realized that money is not always the definition of elite. The best example of this is how the Democratic Party began to feel they were the elitists in our country, and they were able to make better decisions on how the wealth should be distributed in our country. Of course the true poor and afflicted that cannot truly take care of themselves should be taken care of through private charities and government intervention. However, under the administration we now have under Hitler Jr., it is so easy to become totally dependent on the government with welfare, food stamps, and fake disabilities. On many occasions citizens on the welfare status bring home more money than the hard-working people that are on gainful employment.
But this does not give the right to the government to allow citizens that don't deserve to be freely taken care of, to be given free wealth from others' hard work. When a country does that it is Socialism. The more that I saw this taking place in our country, the more I came to my own personal conclusion. I was a conservative Republican.
So fast-forwarding to today, I still have many questions, and still my liberal progressive Democrats cannot give me any viable answers. Like, it's a fact that for every single job Hitler Jr. has created, there have been 75-80 people put on welfare and food stamps. Of course this leads me to a couple of obvious questions; First, where does all this welfare money come from? And secondly, What happens when the welfare/nanny money is gone?
Maybe the most important economic question today should be: What happens when investors and job creators stop investing and creating jobs? Or worse, what happens when companies start expanding, investing, and creating jobs in foreign countries? Someone please give me answers to these questions.
Please, will someone answer these two questions? Believe it or not, sometimes some uninformed liberal progressive will answer, "well, these rich fat cats are gonna have to balance the money out in this country". So the reasoning of the liberal progressives is that the "rich fat cats" should continue to invest their money and create jobs here in the U.S., and still give more of their money through taxation for the welfare/nanny masses.
Many liberal progressives say, "we must make sure the welfare masses have free health care". Here's an alert for you progressives: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE HEALTH CARE!
Someone has got to pay for it. That fact just doesn't seem to get through to liberal progressives.
Hitler Jr. and his elitists keep demanding that those that work hard for a living must be taxed more to take care of the welfare masses that he controls. This fundamentalist Socialist with his ideology must be stopped; if not impeachment, then for sure next November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
I was taught to believe that Republicans were the "elites" of our country, and they really didn't care for the working class of Americans who were really the foundation of our great country. Boy doesn't that sound great? That was so believable to me for so many years.
I really did believe that Republicans were the rotten rich fat cats that lived the elitist life while hard-working Democrats toiled in hot steamy factories and mills "creating" wealth for these elitists. Then guess what happened?
I joined the military, and the U.S. Air Force afforded me travel throughout the eastern U.S., and over three years in Europe. I began to see how others lived, and other cultures. Then I began asking questions. I recall my first question was, " who is investing and creating all the jobs for the hard-working Americans". I couldn't get a direct answer, which led to more questions.
After many more unanswered questions I discovered that maybe this "capitalism" stuff wasn't so bad after all. I heard so many liberal Democrat use the term "capitalistic pigs". In my 20's John F. Kennedy was my hero, and I guess I was naive enough to feel that all Democrat presidents would be like him. By the way if JFK were alive today, he'd be a Republican.
I always felt this is the greatest country in the world, and everyone was free to choose their own path, and were entitled to make their own way in society, keep all the money they earned, and as long as their monetary gains were legal, and they paid their rightful taxes they could do anything they wished with their money.
Then along came President Jimmy Carter. Now, I'm not speaking for anyone else, but for me, thank you President Carter. It is because of you that I became a conservative Republican. Of course my blogs are just my own personal views of things, but I began to understand, during the Carter administration, just what the Democrat agenda was.
Under Carter interest rates skyrocketed and here is where some started the philosophy of "let's take from these rich capitalistic pigs and give to our downtrodden poor". Now that just led me to more questions, of which one was, "this is a great country.....why don't the downtrodden try to pick themselves up...go to work...and thrive in this great country"? I decided that whatever I made belonged to me, and I'll decide how much of my money I want to give away. No,I did not believe this included taxes. I'll always believe we all should be taxed, just so it's fair.
I further realized that money is not always the definition of elite. The best example of this is how the Democratic Party began to feel they were the elitists in our country, and they were able to make better decisions on how the wealth should be distributed in our country. Of course the true poor and afflicted that cannot truly take care of themselves should be taken care of through private charities and government intervention. However, under the administration we now have under Hitler Jr., it is so easy to become totally dependent on the government with welfare, food stamps, and fake disabilities. On many occasions citizens on the welfare status bring home more money than the hard-working people that are on gainful employment.
But this does not give the right to the government to allow citizens that don't deserve to be freely taken care of, to be given free wealth from others' hard work. When a country does that it is Socialism. The more that I saw this taking place in our country, the more I came to my own personal conclusion. I was a conservative Republican.
So fast-forwarding to today, I still have many questions, and still my liberal progressive Democrats cannot give me any viable answers. Like, it's a fact that for every single job Hitler Jr. has created, there have been 75-80 people put on welfare and food stamps. Of course this leads me to a couple of obvious questions; First, where does all this welfare money come from? And secondly, What happens when the welfare/nanny money is gone?
Maybe the most important economic question today should be: What happens when investors and job creators stop investing and creating jobs? Or worse, what happens when companies start expanding, investing, and creating jobs in foreign countries? Someone please give me answers to these questions.
Please, will someone answer these two questions? Believe it or not, sometimes some uninformed liberal progressive will answer, "well, these rich fat cats are gonna have to balance the money out in this country". So the reasoning of the liberal progressives is that the "rich fat cats" should continue to invest their money and create jobs here in the U.S., and still give more of their money through taxation for the welfare/nanny masses.
Many liberal progressives say, "we must make sure the welfare masses have free health care". Here's an alert for you progressives: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE HEALTH CARE!
Someone has got to pay for it. That fact just doesn't seem to get through to liberal progressives.
Hitler Jr. and his elitists keep demanding that those that work hard for a living must be taxed more to take care of the welfare masses that he controls. This fundamentalist Socialist with his ideology must be stopped; if not impeachment, then for sure next November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Do as I say....not as
NEWS FLASH JUST ANNOUNCED: All criminals using handguns promise to abide by all ban gun laws. All Democrat House & Senate members, with the support of ALL Hollywood actors, and Mssrs. Jackson, Sharpton, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC are in agreement and look forward to crime stoppage due to the ban gun law.
Yeah, and if you believe that, I've got some bridges and swamp property to sell to you. These people; Hitler Jr., Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein must really believe that we're going to let them take away our Second Amendment rights. Do they really think we are gonna believe them?
Is anyone else waiting for an answer from "Goering" Napilatino as to why she's buying so much ammunition that our own city and county police and sheriff departments throughout the country are unable to buy ammo for their officers who go out and protect their citizens every day? I guess it's OK for the DHS to stockpile billons of rounds of ammo while police and sheriff officers cannot get ammo. Hmmmm. wonder why?
Remember the gigantic lie that Hitler Jr. told several times during his 2008 campaigning? He said, many times, "I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I will not take your handgun away....I am not going to take your guns away".
Then the forked-tongue Hitler Jr. told a group in San Francisco while campaigning at a fund raiser in 2008, "We have to change these people that just cling to their guns and religion".
And now Hitler Jr. is spouting off into his teleprompter, "We should restore the ban on military style assault weapons and a 10-round limit for magazines...because weapons of war have no place on our streets". Will someone, anyone, please educate this man in the difference between true assault weapons and APPROVED handguns and rifles.
A true assault weapon fires rounds in "bursts" or "sprays bullets" with just one trigger pull.
They were referred to as "machine guns". This type of weapon has been banned since 1934, and is illegal for citizen use. However, whenever Hitler Jr. and his minions show the assault weapons to be banned they show a weapon that will fire in bursts or sprays. Just another lie by Hitler Jr.
Semi-automatic rifles and handguns only fire one round with one trigger pull no matter how long you hold the trigger back. The real truth here is that Hitler Jr. wants to remove ALL types of rifles and handguns from Americans. He has been lying to the American public since 2004.
Yes, this man has been lying to us for years. Our problem is the media will not bring his lies to the American public. Another example is in April, 2009 Hitler Jr. said, "more than 90 per cent of guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States". Why is it that he will blatantly lie with that statement, but he says he has no knowledge of his henchman "Himmel" Holder's Fast & Furious program, where Holder allowed weapons to "walk" across the border from the U.S. into Mexico? For free no less.
Yes, it's very plain that Hitler Jr. and all his supporters want to take away all handguns and rifles from law-abiding citizens and ultimately repeal the entire Second Amendment. He has even sent dispatched the washed-up actor Jim Carey to make a video mocking an American hero, the late Charlton Heston, calling him names. Carey mocked country style music in his video, and even called gun owners "worthless mother f****rs. Really Hitler Jr., sending out a washed-up actor to deliver your message?
Now here's the frosting on the cake and the theme of today's blog. I am not important enough to maintain a firearm to protect my family, but Hitler Jr., Jim Carey, and even Senator Feinstein can have armed body guards surrounding them all the time. All of Hitler Jr.'s Hollywood friends surround themselves with armed body guards, but they are definitely more important than any of us that want to protect our families, and support our Second Amendment rights. Would you agree this is a prime case of "do as I say...not as I do"?
Want something laughable? Did you know when Diane Feinstein would visit her husband while he was in the hospital, she didn't care for the area she was walking through in the evening, and here it is folks.....she carried a loaded handgun with her. Talk about double standards.
Last item for today: Of the more than two billion rounds of ammo that "Goering" Napolitano is storing, over 760,000 of them are deadly hollow points. And today's news just reported Goering Janet has just ordered an additional 360,000 hollow points.
When you add all these scenarios up; Second Amendment repeal, stored billions of rounds by the government, 1,700 tanks retrofitted, and now drones, be very afraid folks, very afraid.
The good news is we can take our first step in November, 2014
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Yeah, and if you believe that, I've got some bridges and swamp property to sell to you. These people; Hitler Jr., Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein must really believe that we're going to let them take away our Second Amendment rights. Do they really think we are gonna believe them?
Is anyone else waiting for an answer from "Goering" Napilatino as to why she's buying so much ammunition that our own city and county police and sheriff departments throughout the country are unable to buy ammo for their officers who go out and protect their citizens every day? I guess it's OK for the DHS to stockpile billons of rounds of ammo while police and sheriff officers cannot get ammo. Hmmmm. wonder why?
Remember the gigantic lie that Hitler Jr. told several times during his 2008 campaigning? He said, many times, "I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I will not take your handgun away....I am not going to take your guns away".
Then the forked-tongue Hitler Jr. told a group in San Francisco while campaigning at a fund raiser in 2008, "We have to change these people that just cling to their guns and religion".
And now Hitler Jr. is spouting off into his teleprompter, "We should restore the ban on military style assault weapons and a 10-round limit for magazines...because weapons of war have no place on our streets". Will someone, anyone, please educate this man in the difference between true assault weapons and APPROVED handguns and rifles.
A true assault weapon fires rounds in "bursts" or "sprays bullets" with just one trigger pull.
They were referred to as "machine guns". This type of weapon has been banned since 1934, and is illegal for citizen use. However, whenever Hitler Jr. and his minions show the assault weapons to be banned they show a weapon that will fire in bursts or sprays. Just another lie by Hitler Jr.
Semi-automatic rifles and handguns only fire one round with one trigger pull no matter how long you hold the trigger back. The real truth here is that Hitler Jr. wants to remove ALL types of rifles and handguns from Americans. He has been lying to the American public since 2004.
Yes, this man has been lying to us for years. Our problem is the media will not bring his lies to the American public. Another example is in April, 2009 Hitler Jr. said, "more than 90 per cent of guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States". Why is it that he will blatantly lie with that statement, but he says he has no knowledge of his henchman "Himmel" Holder's Fast & Furious program, where Holder allowed weapons to "walk" across the border from the U.S. into Mexico? For free no less.
Yes, it's very plain that Hitler Jr. and all his supporters want to take away all handguns and rifles from law-abiding citizens and ultimately repeal the entire Second Amendment. He has even sent dispatched the washed-up actor Jim Carey to make a video mocking an American hero, the late Charlton Heston, calling him names. Carey mocked country style music in his video, and even called gun owners "worthless mother f****rs. Really Hitler Jr., sending out a washed-up actor to deliver your message?
Now here's the frosting on the cake and the theme of today's blog. I am not important enough to maintain a firearm to protect my family, but Hitler Jr., Jim Carey, and even Senator Feinstein can have armed body guards surrounding them all the time. All of Hitler Jr.'s Hollywood friends surround themselves with armed body guards, but they are definitely more important than any of us that want to protect our families, and support our Second Amendment rights. Would you agree this is a prime case of "do as I say...not as I do"?
Want something laughable? Did you know when Diane Feinstein would visit her husband while he was in the hospital, she didn't care for the area she was walking through in the evening, and here it is folks.....she carried a loaded handgun with her. Talk about double standards.
Last item for today: Of the more than two billion rounds of ammo that "Goering" Napolitano is storing, over 760,000 of them are deadly hollow points. And today's news just reported Goering Janet has just ordered an additional 360,000 hollow points.
When you add all these scenarios up; Second Amendment repeal, stored billions of rounds by the government, 1,700 tanks retrofitted, and now drones, be very afraid folks, very afraid.
The good news is we can take our first step in November, 2014
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Monday, March 25, 2013
Stop the sequence!
There is so much news coming forward lately about the thousands upon thousands of people who fraudulently voted in last November's Presidential election. Thousands have even admitted to voting more than once. Now, don't expect Hitler Jr.'s fawning media to ever report this news to you. Of course had Governor Romney won you would've heard about it at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC till you became nauseated.
For the sake of being tabbed a sour grape loser let report some startling facts as presented by Law Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Of course we all know Hitler Jr. won the election garnering 51% of the vote, however, Professor Olson has produced some interesting facts concerning the election.
Let's start with the number of states won by the Governor Romney and Hitler Jr. Governor Romney won 29 states; Hitler Jr. won 19 states. Olson also cites that Romney won in 2,427,000 square miles of land, while Hitler Jr. won in 580,000 square miles.
Yes, Governor Romney won in the populations of counties, however a very important statistic is the murder rate per 100,000 in counties won by Hitler Jr. is 13.2%; Governor Romney 2.1%. It must be also noted that Hitler Jr. won in territories composed of citizens living in low income tenements and receiving various forms of government welfare.
In comparison, those territories carried by Governor Romney were areas of the country where land was owned by taxpaying citizens, most of which were employed, and not living off subsidized incomes provided by government.
Hitler Jr. realizes that the more he can create his welfare state the more he can convince his masses, as his namesake did, he will "take care" of them, thereby making his welfare state more dependent on his Socialist Party. And there folks is your basis of why Hitler Jr. is desperately trying to legalize the illegal aliens residing here. He is currently giving $338.billion to illegal aliens every year. With those "freebies" what party do you think they will vote for? The Socialist Party of course.
Olson cites famous Scottish Professor Alexander Tyler, who in 1887, wrote, "throughout history the average age of a civilization has been about 200 years" Professor Tyler further stated that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. If you're looking at the format Hitler Jr. has been flourishing under you can look all the way back to 1887 when Professor Tyler declared, "when voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, they will change their allegiances...from that time on they will always vote for the candidates who promise the most."
That was true back in 1887, and judging by what Hitler Jr. has been doing since January, 2009, it's definitely true today. Professor Tyler, in 1887 wrote about the different sequences a civilization goes through. "from bondage to spiritual faith....from spiritual faith to great courage.....from courage to liberty....from liberty to abundance.....from abundance to complacency.....from complacency to apathy.....from apathy to dependence", and finally, "from dependence back into bondage."
Now think very hard about this folks. Our country was formed in 1776, which makes us 237 years old this year. Look at what our Democracy has endured through the Revolutionary War, Civil War, the two World Wars, and all our other conflicts; Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Yet, our freedom and rights given to us by our founding fathers has emerged through strength and courage.
Now look at what Hitler Jr. is trying to do. He is attempting to do exactly what his namesake was successful at in Germany in the '30's and '40's. A strong indicator of this is what Hitler Jr. is doing with his infamous sequester. He is ultimately telling America that "I will sequester and squeeze so much that it will hurt, and I will continue to make it hurt until I get my way".
Of course it will be difficult to bring down a Socialist ruler like this when he has promised so much to his welfare masses. However, if we are to regain the freedoms and rights that our forefathers fought and died for we must have courage, and stand strong with our true beliefs.
And the very best action we can take in the near future is when we vote in November, 2014.
Let's take our country back. It's our country's, not Hitler Jr.'s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
For the sake of being tabbed a sour grape loser let report some startling facts as presented by Law Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Of course we all know Hitler Jr. won the election garnering 51% of the vote, however, Professor Olson has produced some interesting facts concerning the election.
Let's start with the number of states won by the Governor Romney and Hitler Jr. Governor Romney won 29 states; Hitler Jr. won 19 states. Olson also cites that Romney won in 2,427,000 square miles of land, while Hitler Jr. won in 580,000 square miles.
Yes, Governor Romney won in the populations of counties, however a very important statistic is the murder rate per 100,000 in counties won by Hitler Jr. is 13.2%; Governor Romney 2.1%. It must be also noted that Hitler Jr. won in territories composed of citizens living in low income tenements and receiving various forms of government welfare.
In comparison, those territories carried by Governor Romney were areas of the country where land was owned by taxpaying citizens, most of which were employed, and not living off subsidized incomes provided by government.
Hitler Jr. realizes that the more he can create his welfare state the more he can convince his masses, as his namesake did, he will "take care" of them, thereby making his welfare state more dependent on his Socialist Party. And there folks is your basis of why Hitler Jr. is desperately trying to legalize the illegal aliens residing here. He is currently giving $338.billion to illegal aliens every year. With those "freebies" what party do you think they will vote for? The Socialist Party of course.
Olson cites famous Scottish Professor Alexander Tyler, who in 1887, wrote, "throughout history the average age of a civilization has been about 200 years" Professor Tyler further stated that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. If you're looking at the format Hitler Jr. has been flourishing under you can look all the way back to 1887 when Professor Tyler declared, "when voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, they will change their allegiances...from that time on they will always vote for the candidates who promise the most."
That was true back in 1887, and judging by what Hitler Jr. has been doing since January, 2009, it's definitely true today. Professor Tyler, in 1887 wrote about the different sequences a civilization goes through. "from bondage to spiritual faith....from spiritual faith to great courage.....from courage to liberty....from liberty to abundance.....from abundance to complacency.....from complacency to apathy.....from apathy to dependence", and finally, "from dependence back into bondage."
Now think very hard about this folks. Our country was formed in 1776, which makes us 237 years old this year. Look at what our Democracy has endured through the Revolutionary War, Civil War, the two World Wars, and all our other conflicts; Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Yet, our freedom and rights given to us by our founding fathers has emerged through strength and courage.
Now look at what Hitler Jr. is trying to do. He is attempting to do exactly what his namesake was successful at in Germany in the '30's and '40's. A strong indicator of this is what Hitler Jr. is doing with his infamous sequester. He is ultimately telling America that "I will sequester and squeeze so much that it will hurt, and I will continue to make it hurt until I get my way".
Of course it will be difficult to bring down a Socialist ruler like this when he has promised so much to his welfare masses. However, if we are to regain the freedoms and rights that our forefathers fought and died for we must have courage, and stand strong with our true beliefs.
And the very best action we can take in the near future is when we vote in November, 2014.
Let's take our country back. It's our country's, not Hitler Jr.'s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Yipee-I did it!
Drum roll please. I am praising myself, patting myself on the back, and celebrating. And I deserve it because: I JUST SENT IN MY 2012 FEDERAL & STATE INCOME TAX RETURNS. And I did it all by my lonesome and on-line. Well kind of.
Of course the main pre-requisite is that my wife had to leave the house. So there I went to my computer, with twelve months of tax receipts and income receipts spread out all over the floor.
Of course I won't mention the company, only to say they "got me" for $39.99 buying their CD telling me "How simple it is to do you tax at it yourself".
To save my marriage I will heretofore never do my tax returns by myself "on-line", and I promised my wife I will yearly visit an authorized tax person, as I've always done in the past. The last words my wife uttered to be as she left the house were, "hey cheapskate...I'll be back late this not going to be around you as you do this, and by the way...YOU'RE NUTS". God, I love that woman, but I was hell-bent on proving to her that I could do this.
At 77 years of age my wife and I receive a very modest income. In addition to our monthly Social Security we receive a modest income from two annuities, and a modest monthly income from our dwindling stock portfolio. I figured how difficult can it be to do a simple income tax return. I mean, after all, we're an elderly couple with modest income tax rules that we have always followed our entire adult working lives.
So forward on I went diving into this never-to-be-forgotten task. After several hours and my wife still not at home (she knew better), my on-line self-completed tax return reflected that I actually OWED money. Of course, needless to say, I was devastated. Naturally I redid my entire Federal and State tax returns not once, not twice, but THREE times, only to reaffirm that I, in fact, did owe part of my modest income to the government of Ohio and the wonderful people of our Federal government who will spend my return foolishly of course.
So upon finally surrendering I hit the button on my computer to "electronically file" my Federal and State returns, and this is where the "stuff" hit the fan. Now my cost of $39.99 for the CD included the on-line filing of my returns, so I hit the button, and guess what? My computer monitor flashed "ERROR--ERROR--ERROR" all over the place.
My computer monitor reflected that, while my tax return was well within the parameters of a legal filing, I needed a "password" to complete my electronic filing. Did they mean the KEY that was stamped on the CD? No, it didn't. What freaking "password" were they referring to? I had no clue where this lousy password was. Of course my Italian temper exploded. Thank God the wife wasn't home.
Now this upset me more than being informed that I actually owed. Hey, I paid $39.99, and it said the cost covered my electronic filing. So after many attempts laced with words that I cannot write, I just gave up. I hit the "PRINT" button. I printed out my separate Federal and State tax returns, included the checks paying what I owed, put the returns in large envelopes, and headed for the Post Office.
My wife returned, and I told her my tax filing episode. After I told her that I "had to pay this year", she said words and called me names that I cannot write in this blog. God I love that woman.
So, in summation for today's blog I want to give former Treasury Secretary Tim (no tax) Geithner a pass for not filing his tax returns for several years, cause I know it's hard work. I also want to extend a pass to all the federal employees that will not file their tax returns. Hey, again, I repeat, it's hard work. I know.
Of course, this is my best attempt at sarcasm. Why can a simple modest man like me follow the IRS rules of filing a tax return every year of my working life, and yet a Treasury Secretary, along with thousands of government employees refuse to file their tax returns? Is it not a law that all Americans abide by these laws?
Oh yeah, I hope that some of my tax payment to the government helps pay for Joe Biden's $Half-Million hotel bill in Paris.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Of course the main pre-requisite is that my wife had to leave the house. So there I went to my computer, with twelve months of tax receipts and income receipts spread out all over the floor.
Of course I won't mention the company, only to say they "got me" for $39.99 buying their CD telling me "How simple it is to do you tax at it yourself".
To save my marriage I will heretofore never do my tax returns by myself "on-line", and I promised my wife I will yearly visit an authorized tax person, as I've always done in the past. The last words my wife uttered to be as she left the house were, "hey cheapskate...I'll be back late this not going to be around you as you do this, and by the way...YOU'RE NUTS". God, I love that woman, but I was hell-bent on proving to her that I could do this.
At 77 years of age my wife and I receive a very modest income. In addition to our monthly Social Security we receive a modest income from two annuities, and a modest monthly income from our dwindling stock portfolio. I figured how difficult can it be to do a simple income tax return. I mean, after all, we're an elderly couple with modest income tax rules that we have always followed our entire adult working lives.
So forward on I went diving into this never-to-be-forgotten task. After several hours and my wife still not at home (she knew better), my on-line self-completed tax return reflected that I actually OWED money. Of course, needless to say, I was devastated. Naturally I redid my entire Federal and State tax returns not once, not twice, but THREE times, only to reaffirm that I, in fact, did owe part of my modest income to the government of Ohio and the wonderful people of our Federal government who will spend my return foolishly of course.
So upon finally surrendering I hit the button on my computer to "electronically file" my Federal and State returns, and this is where the "stuff" hit the fan. Now my cost of $39.99 for the CD included the on-line filing of my returns, so I hit the button, and guess what? My computer monitor flashed "ERROR--ERROR--ERROR" all over the place.
My computer monitor reflected that, while my tax return was well within the parameters of a legal filing, I needed a "password" to complete my electronic filing. Did they mean the KEY that was stamped on the CD? No, it didn't. What freaking "password" were they referring to? I had no clue where this lousy password was. Of course my Italian temper exploded. Thank God the wife wasn't home.
Now this upset me more than being informed that I actually owed. Hey, I paid $39.99, and it said the cost covered my electronic filing. So after many attempts laced with words that I cannot write, I just gave up. I hit the "PRINT" button. I printed out my separate Federal and State tax returns, included the checks paying what I owed, put the returns in large envelopes, and headed for the Post Office.
My wife returned, and I told her my tax filing episode. After I told her that I "had to pay this year", she said words and called me names that I cannot write in this blog. God I love that woman.
So, in summation for today's blog I want to give former Treasury Secretary Tim (no tax) Geithner a pass for not filing his tax returns for several years, cause I know it's hard work. I also want to extend a pass to all the federal employees that will not file their tax returns. Hey, again, I repeat, it's hard work. I know.
Of course, this is my best attempt at sarcasm. Why can a simple modest man like me follow the IRS rules of filing a tax return every year of my working life, and yet a Treasury Secretary, along with thousands of government employees refuse to file their tax returns? Is it not a law that all Americans abide by these laws?
Oh yeah, I hope that some of my tax payment to the government helps pay for Joe Biden's $Half-Million hotel bill in Paris.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, March 22, 2013
What middle class??(3/24/13)
I am the son of an Italian immigrant. Dad came through Ellis Island at 16 with his parents and seven brothers and sisters. Being the oldest sibling it was up to him and Grampa to work in the steel mills so Dad's siblings could go to school. At the age of 17 he entered the mills where he worked for forty-eight years. Dad led by example. One of his many quotes that I'll always remember was, "hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it might".
Later Dad, Mom, my two sisters and I lived in a two-story house with Gramps and Gram living upstairs. Gramps maintained a large vegetable garden; the perimeter of the garden was lined with any fruit tree that could grow in Northeastern Ohio. To our family, we were living the good life.
Dad always bragged in his broken English dialect how proud he was that in his forty-eight years in the mills he never once applied for Unemployment Insurance. I always felt, with great pride, that we were part of that large segment of the population that was called "THE MIDDLE CLASS".
What's my point in today's blog? It's very easy to see that the man in OUR White House, Hitler Jr. is trying to eradicate the middle class, formerly believed to be the foundation of hard working Americans in his great country.
I remember, it was as a G.I. stationed in Europe in the '50's, that I noticed there wasn't a strong emphasis in many European countries for the middle class. To me, and many of my fellow G.I. friends, that there seemed to be just two classes; the elite, and the much-lower class. Many times we discussed how fortunate we were to live in a country where the middle class flourished; the United States of America.
Fast forward to the 2008 Presidential campaign. A Democrat acquaintance of mine spoke harshly of his strong hatred of President Bush. I remember is strong comments, "Can you believe Bush has run up our debt to $10.Trillion, and gas is $1.84 a gallon? Bush is destroying this country...I'll never vote for a Republican again".
Today, we all know that our national debt will reach $17.Trillion by year's end, and the national average for a gallon of gas is creeping close to $4.00/gallon. Let's see how Hitler Jr. got us to this crisis today, and how he's pushing his agenda to wipe out the middle class, so that our great country becomes like Socialist Europe.
So my Democrat acquaintance thought Bush spent a lot of money huh? Since Hitler Jr. has been in office he has increased welfare to illegal aliens from $11.billion to $22.billion each year by state governments.
Every year our federal government spends $22.billion on food stamps and free school lunches for illegal aliens, along with $2.5.billion a year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
$12.billion a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally that cannot speak a word of English. $17.billion a year is spent for the education of American-born children of illegal aliens; anchor babies.
$3.million a day is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.Thirty per cent (30%) of ALL prison inmates in the U.S. are illegal aliens. United States taxpayers also spend $90.billion yearly on Welfare and Social Services for illegal aliens. Illegal aliens send over $45.billion yearly of their wages to their countries of origin.
It has be verified by that American citizens suffer $200.billion a year in suppressed wages caused from jobs held by illegal aliens.
And maybe the most horrifying statistic of all is that nearly one million sex crimes committed here in the U.S. every year are by illegal aliens.
To sum it up; hard working American taxpayers are shelling out $338.billion every year to take care of people living in our country ILLEGALLY. I cannot help but wonder why we vote in people to the House and Senate, representing us, to allow this.
We knew the agenda of Hitler Jr. before the 51% voted him back in for a second term, but he was allowed back in so he could continue his eradication of the middle class by raising up the dependency on him by his Welfare state.
This alone will ultimately lead to the destruction of the hard working middle class. Today, Hitler Jr. is making sure, with his agenda, there is no incentive for the middle class to flourish. We cannot allow this. He must be impeached, or we must gain control of the House and Senate in 2014. We can do this folks. It's up to us TPC'ers to lead the way.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Later Dad, Mom, my two sisters and I lived in a two-story house with Gramps and Gram living upstairs. Gramps maintained a large vegetable garden; the perimeter of the garden was lined with any fruit tree that could grow in Northeastern Ohio. To our family, we were living the good life.
Dad always bragged in his broken English dialect how proud he was that in his forty-eight years in the mills he never once applied for Unemployment Insurance. I always felt, with great pride, that we were part of that large segment of the population that was called "THE MIDDLE CLASS".
What's my point in today's blog? It's very easy to see that the man in OUR White House, Hitler Jr. is trying to eradicate the middle class, formerly believed to be the foundation of hard working Americans in his great country.
I remember, it was as a G.I. stationed in Europe in the '50's, that I noticed there wasn't a strong emphasis in many European countries for the middle class. To me, and many of my fellow G.I. friends, that there seemed to be just two classes; the elite, and the much-lower class. Many times we discussed how fortunate we were to live in a country where the middle class flourished; the United States of America.
Fast forward to the 2008 Presidential campaign. A Democrat acquaintance of mine spoke harshly of his strong hatred of President Bush. I remember is strong comments, "Can you believe Bush has run up our debt to $10.Trillion, and gas is $1.84 a gallon? Bush is destroying this country...I'll never vote for a Republican again".
Today, we all know that our national debt will reach $17.Trillion by year's end, and the national average for a gallon of gas is creeping close to $4.00/gallon. Let's see how Hitler Jr. got us to this crisis today, and how he's pushing his agenda to wipe out the middle class, so that our great country becomes like Socialist Europe.
So my Democrat acquaintance thought Bush spent a lot of money huh? Since Hitler Jr. has been in office he has increased welfare to illegal aliens from $11.billion to $22.billion each year by state governments.
Every year our federal government spends $22.billion on food stamps and free school lunches for illegal aliens, along with $2.5.billion a year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
$12.billion a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally that cannot speak a word of English. $17.billion a year is spent for the education of American-born children of illegal aliens; anchor babies.
$3.million a day is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.Thirty per cent (30%) of ALL prison inmates in the U.S. are illegal aliens. United States taxpayers also spend $90.billion yearly on Welfare and Social Services for illegal aliens. Illegal aliens send over $45.billion yearly of their wages to their countries of origin.
It has be verified by that American citizens suffer $200.billion a year in suppressed wages caused from jobs held by illegal aliens.
And maybe the most horrifying statistic of all is that nearly one million sex crimes committed here in the U.S. every year are by illegal aliens.
To sum it up; hard working American taxpayers are shelling out $338.billion every year to take care of people living in our country ILLEGALLY. I cannot help but wonder why we vote in people to the House and Senate, representing us, to allow this.
We knew the agenda of Hitler Jr. before the 51% voted him back in for a second term, but he was allowed back in so he could continue his eradication of the middle class by raising up the dependency on him by his Welfare state.
This alone will ultimately lead to the destruction of the hard working middle class. Today, Hitler Jr. is making sure, with his agenda, there is no incentive for the middle class to flourish. We cannot allow this. He must be impeached, or we must gain control of the House and Senate in 2014. We can do this folks. It's up to us TPC'ers to lead the way.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sequester this Hitler Jr. !
Fellow TPC'ers, I love ya. I'm delighted and encouraged more every day when I open up the TPC website. It seems more of my TPC partners are picking up the baton and "running" with it by penning more blogs on Adolph vs. Barack. Please keep it up TPC'ers. We're getting the message out one reader at a time.
That being said(written) let's bring some facts to light about Hitler Jr.'s sequestration double standard mandates. Yes, I know some of this is repeat stuff, but this comparison of Adolph to Barack really needs to be brought to light. Our priority is to report true facts of the comparison, personality, and mandates of these two people.
Adolph was infamous in his belief that "the ends justifies the means". Throughout Adolph's twelve years of monarchy he spoke to his crowds with speeches filled with lies and broken promises. He knew that the downtrodden poor masses of the German people actually wanted to believe in him, as they had no other philosophy to cling to. Everything, and almost everyone prior to Adolph had failed. Germany's failure of World War I helped promote him.
Adolph convinced his masses that he would provide for them, take care of them, and maintain equal distribution of the country's wealth and power. What he didn't tell them is that he, Adolph Hitler, would be in control of the entire wealth and power in Germany, and decide its distribution; he and he alone.
With control of the media and the military it became easier to lie, cheat, and steal to promote his own personal narcissistic agenda. And while this was happening Adolph threw "tidbits" out to his poor masses to keep them oh, oh,wait for it....SEQUESTERED. For example he offered government sponsored health care plan that overjoyed the masses. Wonder if anyone back then called it "Hitlercare".
With all his power Adolph continued with his "squeezing" and "sequestering" of the German masses. The only difference between Adolph's sequestering and Barack's is that Adolph sent his Gestapo out to physically eliminate those that would not abide with his squeezing and sequestering.
Barack, or Hitler Jr., as I like to refer to him, does it a little different today. No, he doesn't have the power (yet) to physically eliminate those segments of the population that disagree with him.
If his fawning media doesn't crumble his opposition, he just "takes his ball, and won't let anyone else play". There are many examples of this, along with Hitler Jr.'s double standard approaches.
One of many examples; Congress asked for an $85. billion spending cut. When Hitler Jr. said "NO" Congress refused to budge. So, like a narcissistic cry baby Hitler Jr. responded by declaring that he'd cut programs all right, like immediately closing the doors to the White House and prohibiting Americans, including our young school children from visiting THEIR White House . Will someone please remind Hitler Jr. that house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue belongs to the people of this great country. He's nothing more than a part time resident. By the way Hitler Jr.; hope you and Michelle leave it like you found it. This is OUR house, not yours.
OK, back to Hitler Jr.'s hubris, arrogance, and narcissism; he wants the people of America to suffer by "squeezing" them the same as his namesake did in the '30's and '40's. In addition to stopping Americans from visiting their own house, he stoppd all funding for American military service men/women for any continuing education.
Did anyone tell Hitler Jr. that the cost of continuing education for the military is only 0.1 of the Defense Budget? However, since Hitler Jr.'s self-proclaimed sequester he has approved to send $37. million inf foreign aid for continuing education to Pakistan. Can you guess who who ranks number one in countries that hate us? Oh yeah, it's Pakistan.
Now Hitler Jr. knows he needs the Hispanic vote to win back the House and maintain Democrats in the Senate, so what does he do? Hitler Jr. is approving for illegal immigrants from Mexico to jump in on the food stamp roles. While Hitler Jr. continues to mandate that "the sequester is going to get worse", he forces the increase in the minimum wage, and refuses to alter the rules of qualifications for his welfare/food stamp/unemployment programs. Isn't that what his namesake did in the '30's and '40's?
Maybe the most dastardly approach to Hitler Jr.'s sequestration is when two days ago Hitler Jr.'s Himmler, Harry Reid, stood on the Senate floor and blamed the Republicans for the sequester that killed seven Marines in a training exercise in Nevada.
Hitler Jr.'s sequestration did not stop his daughter Malia from going on a Spring break to an upscale resort in Mexico with twelve friends, two jets, and 28 Secret Service agents. Wouldn't you like to know what that cost you the taxpayer? Well, you will never find out anything about the trip. The Secret Service threatened the Internet sites that any news leaked of Malia's flamboyant trip would result in a shut down by the Secret Service. They chalked it up to "security for the President's daughter".
Hitler Jr.'s sequestration is horrible enough by itself, but when you add his double standards mandates, and his direction to his Goering, Napolitano to "arm up". It's scary folks, very scary.
Our great country just plain can't afford Hitler Jr. any longer. If not impeachment then vote the RIGHT way in 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
That being said(written) let's bring some facts to light about Hitler Jr.'s sequestration double standard mandates. Yes, I know some of this is repeat stuff, but this comparison of Adolph to Barack really needs to be brought to light. Our priority is to report true facts of the comparison, personality, and mandates of these two people.
Adolph was infamous in his belief that "the ends justifies the means". Throughout Adolph's twelve years of monarchy he spoke to his crowds with speeches filled with lies and broken promises. He knew that the downtrodden poor masses of the German people actually wanted to believe in him, as they had no other philosophy to cling to. Everything, and almost everyone prior to Adolph had failed. Germany's failure of World War I helped promote him.
Adolph convinced his masses that he would provide for them, take care of them, and maintain equal distribution of the country's wealth and power. What he didn't tell them is that he, Adolph Hitler, would be in control of the entire wealth and power in Germany, and decide its distribution; he and he alone.
With control of the media and the military it became easier to lie, cheat, and steal to promote his own personal narcissistic agenda. And while this was happening Adolph threw "tidbits" out to his poor masses to keep them oh, oh,wait for it....SEQUESTERED. For example he offered government sponsored health care plan that overjoyed the masses. Wonder if anyone back then called it "Hitlercare".
With all his power Adolph continued with his "squeezing" and "sequestering" of the German masses. The only difference between Adolph's sequestering and Barack's is that Adolph sent his Gestapo out to physically eliminate those that would not abide with his squeezing and sequestering.
Barack, or Hitler Jr., as I like to refer to him, does it a little different today. No, he doesn't have the power (yet) to physically eliminate those segments of the population that disagree with him.
If his fawning media doesn't crumble his opposition, he just "takes his ball, and won't let anyone else play". There are many examples of this, along with Hitler Jr.'s double standard approaches.
One of many examples; Congress asked for an $85. billion spending cut. When Hitler Jr. said "NO" Congress refused to budge. So, like a narcissistic cry baby Hitler Jr. responded by declaring that he'd cut programs all right, like immediately closing the doors to the White House and prohibiting Americans, including our young school children from visiting THEIR White House . Will someone please remind Hitler Jr. that house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue belongs to the people of this great country. He's nothing more than a part time resident. By the way Hitler Jr.; hope you and Michelle leave it like you found it. This is OUR house, not yours.
OK, back to Hitler Jr.'s hubris, arrogance, and narcissism; he wants the people of America to suffer by "squeezing" them the same as his namesake did in the '30's and '40's. In addition to stopping Americans from visiting their own house, he stoppd all funding for American military service men/women for any continuing education.
Did anyone tell Hitler Jr. that the cost of continuing education for the military is only 0.1 of the Defense Budget? However, since Hitler Jr.'s self-proclaimed sequester he has approved to send $37. million inf foreign aid for continuing education to Pakistan. Can you guess who who ranks number one in countries that hate us? Oh yeah, it's Pakistan.
Now Hitler Jr. knows he needs the Hispanic vote to win back the House and maintain Democrats in the Senate, so what does he do? Hitler Jr. is approving for illegal immigrants from Mexico to jump in on the food stamp roles. While Hitler Jr. continues to mandate that "the sequester is going to get worse", he forces the increase in the minimum wage, and refuses to alter the rules of qualifications for his welfare/food stamp/unemployment programs. Isn't that what his namesake did in the '30's and '40's?
Maybe the most dastardly approach to Hitler Jr.'s sequestration is when two days ago Hitler Jr.'s Himmler, Harry Reid, stood on the Senate floor and blamed the Republicans for the sequester that killed seven Marines in a training exercise in Nevada.
Hitler Jr.'s sequestration did not stop his daughter Malia from going on a Spring break to an upscale resort in Mexico with twelve friends, two jets, and 28 Secret Service agents. Wouldn't you like to know what that cost you the taxpayer? Well, you will never find out anything about the trip. The Secret Service threatened the Internet sites that any news leaked of Malia's flamboyant trip would result in a shut down by the Secret Service. They chalked it up to "security for the President's daughter".
Hitler Jr.'s sequestration is horrible enough by itself, but when you add his double standards mandates, and his direction to his Goering, Napolitano to "arm up". It's scary folks, very scary.
Our great country just plain can't afford Hitler Jr. any longer. If not impeachment then vote the RIGHT way in 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Hitler Jr.=Dear Leader
I wouldn't be surprised if soon we are all mandated to refer to Hitler Jr. as DEAR LEADER, instead of President. It is obvious that there are four words that are definitely void of Hitler Jr.'s vocabulary; "with approval of Congress". However there are two words that we hear and read every day; "Executive Power"
This man on many occasions will just by-pass Congress, and even our Constitution for the main purpose of moving his own agenda forward. This man in OUR White House is not the leader of all American people. He will go down in history as the Dear Leader of the Socialist movement.
He has made more recess appointments and used the executive power of his office more than any other President in the White House. The passage of Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare and his personal stimulus package should have warned voters his "first time around".But, as I've written before, those that he continued to provide for through his welfare nanny program voted him back into OUR White House to continue his control.
In 2007 "candidate" Obama was severely critical of President Bush, "using his executive order to expand his power". But in Hitler Jr.'s first term he signed 145 executive orders, and is on track to issue over 300 executive orders by the time he leaves office. Many of his executive orders are never exposed for public knowledge. Someone did this in the '30's and '40's in Germany also.
This man continues to fail the American people. He continues to emulate his namesake by his continuous lying. He actually falls more in line with the words of his former White House chief of staff, "never let a good crisis go to waste". Hitler Jr. actually used the Newtown, CT school massacre to attempt to ingratiate himself with the American people. However, just another lie.
He boasted that he implemented 23 orders to initiate gun control. In reality he only issued orders to trace guns and initiate background checks. Of course we know where his gun law is now; on the bottom of the pile in Reid's office.
And let's never forget how the media completely supports and even props up this man. In the '30's and '40's when an facet of the "masses" spoke out against Chancellor Hitler they were physically eliminated, and never heard from again. Chancellor Hitler back then heavily relied on his controlled media to uncover the identities of those that spoke out against him. His Gestapo did the rest.
Today, when any organization, media outlet, school, business that speaks out against Hitler Jr., he knows his fawning media will help him in two ways; first today's fawning media will not report any news that could be construed as harmful to him is never reported. Good examples of this are CNN and MSNBC gave broadcast coverage to Lindsey Lohan's court appearance and the First Lady watching children eat apples in the Oval Office instead of reporting the Senate's refusal to vote on Feinstein's gun ban proposal, or the explosion in Nevada that killed seven soldiers in a training mission.
Secondly, Hitler Jr.'s fawning media will viciously attack any segment of the population against Hitler Jr. so adamantly that they become afraid and either "fall in line" or completely back down. He has even used his personal media to initiate fear by declaring that drones will fly over American citizens, supposedly to protect us.
However, when you add drones to Napolitano's two billion rounds of ammo and over 1,700 war tanks, it should strike fear into the hearts of Americans. I just hope that fear prevails in Americans all the way to the voting booth in 2014.
Tomorrow; more of Hitler Jr.'s lies regarding his infamous sequestration.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
This man on many occasions will just by-pass Congress, and even our Constitution for the main purpose of moving his own agenda forward. This man in OUR White House is not the leader of all American people. He will go down in history as the Dear Leader of the Socialist movement.
He has made more recess appointments and used the executive power of his office more than any other President in the White House. The passage of Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare and his personal stimulus package should have warned voters his "first time around".But, as I've written before, those that he continued to provide for through his welfare nanny program voted him back into OUR White House to continue his control.
In 2007 "candidate" Obama was severely critical of President Bush, "using his executive order to expand his power". But in Hitler Jr.'s first term he signed 145 executive orders, and is on track to issue over 300 executive orders by the time he leaves office. Many of his executive orders are never exposed for public knowledge. Someone did this in the '30's and '40's in Germany also.
This man continues to fail the American people. He continues to emulate his namesake by his continuous lying. He actually falls more in line with the words of his former White House chief of staff, "never let a good crisis go to waste". Hitler Jr. actually used the Newtown, CT school massacre to attempt to ingratiate himself with the American people. However, just another lie.
He boasted that he implemented 23 orders to initiate gun control. In reality he only issued orders to trace guns and initiate background checks. Of course we know where his gun law is now; on the bottom of the pile in Reid's office.
And let's never forget how the media completely supports and even props up this man. In the '30's and '40's when an facet of the "masses" spoke out against Chancellor Hitler they were physically eliminated, and never heard from again. Chancellor Hitler back then heavily relied on his controlled media to uncover the identities of those that spoke out against him. His Gestapo did the rest.
Today, when any organization, media outlet, school, business that speaks out against Hitler Jr., he knows his fawning media will help him in two ways; first today's fawning media will not report any news that could be construed as harmful to him is never reported. Good examples of this are CNN and MSNBC gave broadcast coverage to Lindsey Lohan's court appearance and the First Lady watching children eat apples in the Oval Office instead of reporting the Senate's refusal to vote on Feinstein's gun ban proposal, or the explosion in Nevada that killed seven soldiers in a training mission.
Secondly, Hitler Jr.'s fawning media will viciously attack any segment of the population against Hitler Jr. so adamantly that they become afraid and either "fall in line" or completely back down. He has even used his personal media to initiate fear by declaring that drones will fly over American citizens, supposedly to protect us.
However, when you add drones to Napolitano's two billion rounds of ammo and over 1,700 war tanks, it should strike fear into the hearts of Americans. I just hope that fear prevails in Americans all the way to the voting booth in 2014.
Tomorrow; more of Hitler Jr.'s lies regarding his infamous sequestration.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Dividing us?
In the '30's and into the '40's Adolph Hitler never stopped giving speeches to his large crowds of admirers. He and his staff would arrange where, when, and even who could attend his speeches. Even with complete control and power Adolph never stopped planning for continuing growth and power. He never stopped making rules and regulations for all to follow.
People were forced to follow Adolph's rules and regulations whether they liked them or not. Those that did not follow his rules and regulations were quickly disposed of. Those that fell into step with Adolph's rules were just as quickly rewarded. This was continued on for twelve years; reflecting a divided house. Adolph Hitler was the epitome of "a house divided will weaken and fall".
Dividing his personal choice of "winners" and "losers" was one of the main reasons Hitler's rise to complete power and control was so meteoric. He was so adept at doing this, that it was easy to convince the poor and downtrodden of Germany that he would lead them into the prosperity they so richly deserved.
With the overwhelming support of the media and the military Adolph even went so far as to "create" enemies among his masses. This methodology assured his rise to power. It's actually chilling when you realize that ONE single person could convince an entire country that eliminating the Jewish population was "for the good of the Fatherland".
Of course one single person alone could not accomplish this, however, Adolph surrounded himself with those segments of the German population that would help him achieve what he wanted. Remember the media and the military were the first two areas he took control over. Yes, there were segments of the media that pushed back against Adolph, but he responded quickly with his military and silenced those areas of the media that disagreed with him. His military would do this in such a horrific manner to make others fear his wrath.
We must never forget that Adolph Hitler came along when Germany was suffering economic failure and ruin.With his fantastic oratory skills he was able to convince the poor and the middle class that he would raise the German people out of poverty, and into prosperity. And all he asked them to do, at first, was to listen to him and follow his plan.
As I'm fast forwarding to Hitler Jr., I'm not going to rehash what he's been doing to our great country since January, 209. You've read and heard enough of it by now.
Of course I'm not advocating that Hitler Jr. is going to physically eliminate any segments of our population. However, he is dividing this country like it's never been divided before. Hitler Jr., like his namesake from the '30's has the overwhelming majority of the media under his control. Also, we can readily see that he is downsizing our military as he sends planes, tanks, and aid to other countries.
He's creating class war fare like we've never experienced before in the history of our country.
The word "racist" is spoken and used more now than during the '60's civil rights movement.
Hitler Jr. has convinced Hispanics that they would be given amnesty along with welfare and food stamps. Like his namesake he's a great speaker. Please remember that's all he's got.
Unfortunately the people of Germany and Europe discovered too late what this man was doing to their great country. This monster was so powerful by then that the people of Germany and Europe could not rid this man on their own. They had to rely on outside sources.
Let's not be like the people of Germany in the '30's and wake up too late. We can stop this man beginning in 2014. Stop him from passing unlawful regulations. With a Republican House and Senate we can repeal Obamacare. We can restore incentives to businesses to create jobs. We can rise our great country to the economic and military predominance we so richly deserve.
We can start this in 2014, and finish it in 2016 to send this lame duck Hitler Jr. to Hawaii or Kenya, or wherever he and Michelle want to go. We can do this TPC'ers.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
People were forced to follow Adolph's rules and regulations whether they liked them or not. Those that did not follow his rules and regulations were quickly disposed of. Those that fell into step with Adolph's rules were just as quickly rewarded. This was continued on for twelve years; reflecting a divided house. Adolph Hitler was the epitome of "a house divided will weaken and fall".
Dividing his personal choice of "winners" and "losers" was one of the main reasons Hitler's rise to complete power and control was so meteoric. He was so adept at doing this, that it was easy to convince the poor and downtrodden of Germany that he would lead them into the prosperity they so richly deserved.
With the overwhelming support of the media and the military Adolph even went so far as to "create" enemies among his masses. This methodology assured his rise to power. It's actually chilling when you realize that ONE single person could convince an entire country that eliminating the Jewish population was "for the good of the Fatherland".
Of course one single person alone could not accomplish this, however, Adolph surrounded himself with those segments of the German population that would help him achieve what he wanted. Remember the media and the military were the first two areas he took control over. Yes, there were segments of the media that pushed back against Adolph, but he responded quickly with his military and silenced those areas of the media that disagreed with him. His military would do this in such a horrific manner to make others fear his wrath.
We must never forget that Adolph Hitler came along when Germany was suffering economic failure and ruin.With his fantastic oratory skills he was able to convince the poor and the middle class that he would raise the German people out of poverty, and into prosperity. And all he asked them to do, at first, was to listen to him and follow his plan.
As I'm fast forwarding to Hitler Jr., I'm not going to rehash what he's been doing to our great country since January, 209. You've read and heard enough of it by now.
Of course I'm not advocating that Hitler Jr. is going to physically eliminate any segments of our population. However, he is dividing this country like it's never been divided before. Hitler Jr., like his namesake from the '30's has the overwhelming majority of the media under his control. Also, we can readily see that he is downsizing our military as he sends planes, tanks, and aid to other countries.
He's creating class war fare like we've never experienced before in the history of our country.
The word "racist" is spoken and used more now than during the '60's civil rights movement.
Hitler Jr. has convinced Hispanics that they would be given amnesty along with welfare and food stamps. Like his namesake he's a great speaker. Please remember that's all he's got.
Unfortunately the people of Germany and Europe discovered too late what this man was doing to their great country. This monster was so powerful by then that the people of Germany and Europe could not rid this man on their own. They had to rely on outside sources.
Let's not be like the people of Germany in the '30's and wake up too late. We can stop this man beginning in 2014. Stop him from passing unlawful regulations. With a Republican House and Senate we can repeal Obamacare. We can restore incentives to businesses to create jobs. We can rise our great country to the economic and military predominance we so richly deserve.
We can start this in 2014, and finish it in 2016 to send this lame duck Hitler Jr. to Hawaii or Kenya, or wherever he and Michelle want to go. We can do this TPC'ers.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Monday, March 18, 2013
I may only get a few folks reading my blogs, and I know I will still get critics attacking me for calling Barack our own personal Hitler Jr., but as long as these hands can still type I'm going to review, research, and write about why this man in OUR White House is in direct similarity to the original Hitler from Germany in the '30's. I'll never stop.
I've done a lot of research on Hitler's Gestapo that he started in 1933 as soon as he was elected Chancellor of Germany. Hitler had his own "FBI", and with the support of Goering and Himmler, and the newly formed Gestapo, Hitler self-proclaimed himself as the Dictator instead of Chancellor of Germany.
Fast forward to 2008, when Barack, as a presidential candidate, promised he would do all he could, if elected President, to convince the youth of America, to join the Peace Corps, and encourage the youth to swear service to the government after their tour with the Peace Corps. Remember Adolph's infamous Youth Corps in the '30's?
Hitler Jr., then preached that the U.S. cannot rely solely on our military to protect our country. In 2008 Barack said, "we need a national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded as our military....we cannot rely on our military to achieve our security objectives". I ask all of you to take a look at what Hitler did in 1933 when he and Goering formed the Gestapo.
Let's fast forward again to the present day. Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to purchase 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And of those 2 Billion rounds of ammunition, approximately 200,000 of those are hollow point rounds. I don't want to insult anyone, but for those of you who have no knowledge of a hollow point round please let me explain. I carry hollow point rounds for personal protection. When a hollow point round enters its target it does more than pierce; it expands and does so much more damage than a regular round. Again, I repeat my two-fold question to Hitler Jr., why is Janet purchasing 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And why are 200,000 of those rounds hollow points?
Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to retrofit over 200 war tanks, and make them "workable" to operate on our city streets here in the U.S.? When you research and read the dastardly acts the Gestapo committed under Hitler, it makes you think and ask just what is Hitler Jr.'s goal? Is he trying to form his own personal "Gestapo"? Don't let this go away folks. Think this through before the 2014 mid term elections.
Why is Hitler Jr. preventing the Benghazi survivors from appearing in Congress to report to the appropriate Senate committee, so they can testify as to exactly just what happened in the Benghazi massacre of four American heroes? Isn't it strange that this happened six months ago, and we still have no answers. Don't know about you, but I think someone in OUR White House is hiding something.
When Hitler Jr. stands in front of his teleprompter and tells Americans that our economy is his first priority, and his goal is to put Americans back to work, he is lying. We are now paying $4.00/gallon for gasoline and he still refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline to put thousands of Americans back to work. Can you believe what Hitler Jr.'s response was when asked about the Keystone Pipeline? His comment was, " well that figure of thousands upon thousands may be a little inflated". For God's sake Hitler Jr., ONE job would be more than you've created here in the U.S. in four and a half years. The only jobs you've created here is gun and ammunition manufacturing.
This man is truly a danger to our country. The media props him up as being "a great husband and family man". This is just another lie by the fawning media. The first family is only viewed at a church when it's a self-serving photo op during a holiday. We all know he spends his Saturdays playing basketball, and Sundays are reserved for golfing. This man will not even take the necessary steps to convince Iran to release an American citizen Christian pastor. This Christian pastor's wife has been pleading with Kerry and the White House to intervene to get her husband back safely to his family. Her pleas have fallen on deaf ears. When will we all agree that Hitler Jr. is nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer? I think Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood can attest to that.
This man is dangerous to the rights and freedoms of our great nation. He must be impeached now. If not impeachment start removing his policies in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
I've done a lot of research on Hitler's Gestapo that he started in 1933 as soon as he was elected Chancellor of Germany. Hitler had his own "FBI", and with the support of Goering and Himmler, and the newly formed Gestapo, Hitler self-proclaimed himself as the Dictator instead of Chancellor of Germany.
Fast forward to 2008, when Barack, as a presidential candidate, promised he would do all he could, if elected President, to convince the youth of America, to join the Peace Corps, and encourage the youth to swear service to the government after their tour with the Peace Corps. Remember Adolph's infamous Youth Corps in the '30's?
Hitler Jr., then preached that the U.S. cannot rely solely on our military to protect our country. In 2008 Barack said, "we need a national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded as our military....we cannot rely on our military to achieve our security objectives". I ask all of you to take a look at what Hitler did in 1933 when he and Goering formed the Gestapo.
Let's fast forward again to the present day. Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to purchase 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And of those 2 Billion rounds of ammunition, approximately 200,000 of those are hollow point rounds. I don't want to insult anyone, but for those of you who have no knowledge of a hollow point round please let me explain. I carry hollow point rounds for personal protection. When a hollow point round enters its target it does more than pierce; it expands and does so much more damage than a regular round. Again, I repeat my two-fold question to Hitler Jr., why is Janet purchasing 2 billion rounds of ammunition? And why are 200,000 of those rounds hollow points?
Why is Hitler Jr., directing his personal Goering (Janet Napolitano) to retrofit over 200 war tanks, and make them "workable" to operate on our city streets here in the U.S.? When you research and read the dastardly acts the Gestapo committed under Hitler, it makes you think and ask just what is Hitler Jr.'s goal? Is he trying to form his own personal "Gestapo"? Don't let this go away folks. Think this through before the 2014 mid term elections.
Why is Hitler Jr. preventing the Benghazi survivors from appearing in Congress to report to the appropriate Senate committee, so they can testify as to exactly just what happened in the Benghazi massacre of four American heroes? Isn't it strange that this happened six months ago, and we still have no answers. Don't know about you, but I think someone in OUR White House is hiding something.
When Hitler Jr. stands in front of his teleprompter and tells Americans that our economy is his first priority, and his goal is to put Americans back to work, he is lying. We are now paying $4.00/gallon for gasoline and he still refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline to put thousands of Americans back to work. Can you believe what Hitler Jr.'s response was when asked about the Keystone Pipeline? His comment was, " well that figure of thousands upon thousands may be a little inflated". For God's sake Hitler Jr., ONE job would be more than you've created here in the U.S. in four and a half years. The only jobs you've created here is gun and ammunition manufacturing.
This man is truly a danger to our country. The media props him up as being "a great husband and family man". This is just another lie by the fawning media. The first family is only viewed at a church when it's a self-serving photo op during a holiday. We all know he spends his Saturdays playing basketball, and Sundays are reserved for golfing. This man will not even take the necessary steps to convince Iran to release an American citizen Christian pastor. This Christian pastor's wife has been pleading with Kerry and the White House to intervene to get her husband back safely to his family. Her pleas have fallen on deaf ears. When will we all agree that Hitler Jr. is nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer? I think Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood can attest to that.
This man is dangerous to the rights and freedoms of our great nation. He must be impeached now. If not impeachment start removing his policies in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Adolph=Barack - Part 2
First of all to all my Irish friends; HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Oops, I hope the politically correct police are OK with this. I mean, is this a religious greeting that should be stricken from my "blogging rights"? I'm a first generation Italian-American and enjoy Italian ritualistic celebrations, and my Irish-American friends and I banter back and forth with good nature teasing.
For example; I always tease my Irish friends that the reason green is the predominant color of the Irish is because they're "green with envy because they're not Italian", and that St. Patrick was really sent from Rome by the Pope to drive the snakes out of Ireland.
Last Irish tease; the Irish drown their sorrows with many pints of Irish ale on March 17th., because they're so sad they are not Italians. OK, no more Irish jokes. My true Irish friends truly know how much I love and respect them. My closest Irish friend, born in Dublin, Ireland, and I worked together for several years, and still stay in touch. You can imagine his Irish brogue as he teased me about being Italian a lot. He did this all in good nature.
One of my fondest memories was being stationed in the military in London, England in the '50's and vacationing in Ireland for ten days, and falling in love with all the beautiful Irish lasses with their red hair and green eyes. Ireland is definitely home to some of the world's most beautiful women. Yes, from the bottom of my heart to all my Irish friends; HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. I love and respect you and your celebrations.
Secondly, and the main theme of today's blog; can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if, after the 9-11 tragedies on our Trade Center by radical Muslims, he would have appointed six Muslim Brotherhood members to White House positions? They would have desecrated him in the media.
However, this is exactly what Hiter Jr., did since he's been in OUR White House, and the media is absolutely mum on it. Don't believe me? Here's Hitler Jr.'s lineup:
Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy for U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Mohamed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Salam al-Marayati - Obama adviser - Muslim Public Affairs Council Director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar -Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-based Neighborhood partnerships
Rashad Hussain- Special Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference
Please, for all who do not believe this, and my critics, please research this and get back to me if you think I've lied or prefabricated any of these Hitler Jr. appointments.
Here's another reason I so strongly compare Adolph to Barack; every time Adolph came out with a mandate, decree, and/or law the media promptly supported him, and when the revolt of Europe first started in the '40's against Adolph, he still had his fawning media behind him to downplay and desecrate the rebels against Hitler, his Third Reich, and his Gestapo.
Can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if he would have acted like a playground bully who didn't get his way in Congress, ran off and formed a "sequester" to punish the American people? What picture would the media have portrayed about President Bush if closed the White House tours to the American people? What names would the media have called President Bush if he stopped many programs for medical treatments to military personnel? Had President Bush stopped continuing educational programs for military personnel the media would have destroyed him.
And yet this is exactly what Hitler Jr. is doing, and where is the media reporting of this?
Fox reporter Catherine Herridge and Senator Lindsey Graham are working hard to uncover the news of the survivors of the Benghazi massacre. There are over thirty survivors, and now it's been reported that the survivors were told by the White House not to speak or come forth with any news of what really happened in Benghazi. Will the media ever report the true story of Benghazi, or will the truth of Benghazi become buried with Hitler Jr.'s birth certificate and his college transcripts?
And what does the media focus on in today's news? The media is already starting to attempt to smear and destroy the GOP's new star Dr. Benjamin Carson. Instead of reporting today's news with truth and integrity the media wants to help Hitler Jr. by calling Dr. Carson a "racist", token Uncle Tom for the GOP, and even calling him, as a Hollywood star said, "an Oreo cookie".
I will never be convinced today's media will be an honest reporting tool for the American people. I will also never, ever apologize to my critics for calling Barack, Hitler Jr.
Just remember what former USSR Premier Nikita Kruschev said, "America is too powerful to destroy with military power....however, just be patient, they will crumble from within".
Please remember all this in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
For example; I always tease my Irish friends that the reason green is the predominant color of the Irish is because they're "green with envy because they're not Italian", and that St. Patrick was really sent from Rome by the Pope to drive the snakes out of Ireland.
Last Irish tease; the Irish drown their sorrows with many pints of Irish ale on March 17th., because they're so sad they are not Italians. OK, no more Irish jokes. My true Irish friends truly know how much I love and respect them. My closest Irish friend, born in Dublin, Ireland, and I worked together for several years, and still stay in touch. You can imagine his Irish brogue as he teased me about being Italian a lot. He did this all in good nature.
One of my fondest memories was being stationed in the military in London, England in the '50's and vacationing in Ireland for ten days, and falling in love with all the beautiful Irish lasses with their red hair and green eyes. Ireland is definitely home to some of the world's most beautiful women. Yes, from the bottom of my heart to all my Irish friends; HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. I love and respect you and your celebrations.
Secondly, and the main theme of today's blog; can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if, after the 9-11 tragedies on our Trade Center by radical Muslims, he would have appointed six Muslim Brotherhood members to White House positions? They would have desecrated him in the media.
However, this is exactly what Hiter Jr., did since he's been in OUR White House, and the media is absolutely mum on it. Don't believe me? Here's Hitler Jr.'s lineup:
Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy for U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Mohamed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Salam al-Marayati - Obama adviser - Muslim Public Affairs Council Director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar -Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-based Neighborhood partnerships
Rashad Hussain- Special Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference
Please, for all who do not believe this, and my critics, please research this and get back to me if you think I've lied or prefabricated any of these Hitler Jr. appointments.
Here's another reason I so strongly compare Adolph to Barack; every time Adolph came out with a mandate, decree, and/or law the media promptly supported him, and when the revolt of Europe first started in the '40's against Adolph, he still had his fawning media behind him to downplay and desecrate the rebels against Hitler, his Third Reich, and his Gestapo.
Can you imagine what the media would have done to President Bush if he would have acted like a playground bully who didn't get his way in Congress, ran off and formed a "sequester" to punish the American people? What picture would the media have portrayed about President Bush if closed the White House tours to the American people? What names would the media have called President Bush if he stopped many programs for medical treatments to military personnel? Had President Bush stopped continuing educational programs for military personnel the media would have destroyed him.
And yet this is exactly what Hitler Jr. is doing, and where is the media reporting of this?
Fox reporter Catherine Herridge and Senator Lindsey Graham are working hard to uncover the news of the survivors of the Benghazi massacre. There are over thirty survivors, and now it's been reported that the survivors were told by the White House not to speak or come forth with any news of what really happened in Benghazi. Will the media ever report the true story of Benghazi, or will the truth of Benghazi become buried with Hitler Jr.'s birth certificate and his college transcripts?
And what does the media focus on in today's news? The media is already starting to attempt to smear and destroy the GOP's new star Dr. Benjamin Carson. Instead of reporting today's news with truth and integrity the media wants to help Hitler Jr. by calling Dr. Carson a "racist", token Uncle Tom for the GOP, and even calling him, as a Hollywood star said, "an Oreo cookie".
I will never be convinced today's media will be an honest reporting tool for the American people. I will also never, ever apologize to my critics for calling Barack, Hitler Jr.
Just remember what former USSR Premier Nikita Kruschev said, "America is too powerful to destroy with military power....however, just be patient, they will crumble from within".
Please remember all this in the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Adolph vs. Barack
I've been receiving some criticism and push back because I've been referring to the current resident in OUR White House as Hitler, Jr. To any critics who read this; no I'm not apologizing. Instead I'm going to show the profound similarities between these two individuals.
First, Adolph Hitler from Germany in the '30's. In the '30's Germany was faced with economic ruin and no hope in sight. The outlook for the future looked grim, and the media, at the time was forecasting the worst was yet to come.
And then out of nowhere came this flamboyant speaker that promised the middle class of Germany "hope & change". Adolph convinced the hopeless middle class that the elite bankers and capitalists were the main reasons for the economic collapse of Germany, who Adolph began calling "THE FATHERLAND". Adolph went further to convince the downtrodden middle class that most of the elitist bankers were Jewish, and with his energized speeches convinced the middle class that the Jewish were "enemies of the Fatherland".
Soon the media was convinced that Adolph should be the leader of the German middle class, and with the overwhelming support of the media, soon the middle class believed all that was spoken by Adolph was definitely the truth. Adolph went so far as to convince the middle class that most of doctors, lawyers, bankers, scientists, and teachers were the evil Jewish enemies of Germany.
Adolph convinced the German middle class that they should hate and despise "these evil Jews that were destroying Germany". His inspiring speeches convinced the downtrodden middle class that a strong "Fatherland" government would bring the middle class of Germany back to the prominence they so richly deserve. He was a great orator, and his speeches were memorable to the middle class of Germany, convincing them of a great future.
In January, 1933, with overwhelming media support the people of Germany voted Adolph Hitler into supreme power of Germany with a landslide voting approval. Soon, after election, Adolph took total command of the military, along with universities, schools, hospitals, and even banks. He convinced the middle class that he would lead them into prosperity, if they followed him to the "hope & change" future he laid out for them.
In addition to convincing the middle class that he would protect them by expanding his military, and built the infamous Third Reich. After Adolph convinced the German people that only the government can prevent crimes, so they willingly gave up their personal handguns and rifles, he then took another step and built his secret police organization, the Gestapo.
Out of fear of the educated Jewish he began his quest to annihilate the entire Jewish population. His arrogance and hubris led him to invade neighboring countries like Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. A 90+ age woman, who survived Adolph's take-over of Austria, spoke that Adolph didn't come in with tanks to take over Austria. He took over control of Austria winning an election with over 90% approval. His smooth talking oratory speeches led the way to his domination of Austria.
Adolph then decided his Arian race would take over the world, and decided to attack Great Britain, and even planned to attack our own United States. He declared an all out war on those that opposed his philosophies and principals, to the point that he began to send his Third Reich and Gestapo police to annihilate ALL who opposed him, even religious organiztions. His quest was to be a supreme ruler of the Ayrian people.
Adolph had such a deep hatred for all those that wouldn't stand with him and the Ayrian race he began his slaughtering of any person, religion, and organization that wouldn't side with him.
Then, slowly, beginning in the early '40's people began to realize what a monster and "population divider" this evil maniac was. Then people began to push back and, in some cases, even revolt. However, by then it was too late. Adolph's government had grown large enough for him to actually create "enemies of the State". While he was deeply entrenched in World War II, he even began slaughtering his own people. Soon, only his strongest supporters in the media and his Third Reich stood by him. World War II ended in 1945.
Adolph stayed in power from 1933 until he died a horrid dictator hiding in one of his protective bunkers while his beloved "Fatherland" surrendered to the allied forces. However, we must never forget that Adolph Hitler was able to stay in power for over twelve years.
Let's fast forward to the Democrat party convention in 2004. Enter a tall skinny African-American that about so little was known. America didn't even know his true birth place. We never saw his college transcripts. We never knew of his friends. We wondered where he received his financial aid, but we never knew of any job he held. Ah, but still the middle class believed this Barack would lead them back into prosperity. He was, and still is, a great orator, and enjoys the gift of speaking to thousands and making promises that we know he will not keep, but he still has his "masses" believing he will lead the middle class to prosperity while he continues to preach "hope & change".
The middle class believed all his promises, and along with the support of Barack's fawning media voted him to become the leader of the free world beginning January, 2009. And this is the beginning of comparing Barack to Adolph in terms of philosophies. Of course I'm not advocating Barack is going to begin annihilating those segments of the population that disagree with his Socialist Liberal Progressive views.
Let's review, however, what Barack has done since he's been on OUR White House that prompts us to compare him to Adolph. Barack immediately grew his nanny welfare state to the largest it's ever been since the great depression. In four years Barack has increased our national debt more than all the presidents before him COMBINED. Barack has assured his control over his "masses" by inflating the roles of food stamp users to nearly 50 million Americans. The true unemployment is nearly 10%, while our national debt will reach $17.Trillion before 2013 is over. He has convinced his nanny welfare masses that he will continue to protect them, by taking from the wealthy in this country.
Barack, in his first two years in office created a government controlled health care plan behind closed doors with his Democrat controlled House and Senate. The congressional budget office has now proven that Barack's health care plan alone will increase our national debt by $3.Trillion over the next ten years.
Barack continues to attack the wealthy by raising taxes to create revenue. He refuses to give tax incentives to large private sector corporations so they can create jobs to lessen the welfare and unemployment roles. Barack was so successful in creating his welfare state that 75% of the 51% that voted Barack into our White House are still currently on the welfare role.
Barack continues to fund those alternative energy companies that heavily donate to the Democratic party, even those these companies continue to fold and file for bankruptcy. Currently Solyndra is under investigation for fraud, but of course Barack's fawning media won't report that.
Barack continues refusing to drill for oil here in and in Alaska while gas and oil prices continue to rise, and America continues to buy oil from our enemies in the mid east. Barack will not even allow the Keystone Pipeline to operate here in the U.S. knowing it would create thousands of jobs for Americans, hurting his donor base of alternative energy companies. Are you now seeing more of the similarity of Adolph and Barack?
Barack is now on a journey to take away Second Amendment rights from Americans so he can take away legal rifles and handguns from law abiding American citizens. Now, while he's doing this he's directing Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security to purchase billions of rounds of ammunition and retrofit war tanks to operate on the streets of our cities. See any more similarity to what Adolph did in the '30's?
While Barack is being criticized by many for forcing the downsizing of our own military he arrogantly responds by sending F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, along with foreign aid of $2.Billion a year. Are you now getting a better sense of the similarity between these two people?
Adolph Hitler with complete control over the the government, military, and the media, rose to become a ruthless dictator for twelve years, and only World War II could remove him from power. Thankfully we only have to endure the wrath of Barack for only four more years.
But Barack can do a lot of damage in the next four years. However we can lessen his power significantly into making him a worthless lame duck president by voting for a GOP House and Senate in the 2014 elections.
Sorry for the lengthy blog, but I implore you to research and review the similarities of these two men, and recognize your commitment to take the first step in taking our country back in 2014. And again to my critics, I'm not apologizing for referring to Barack as Hitler Jr.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
First, Adolph Hitler from Germany in the '30's. In the '30's Germany was faced with economic ruin and no hope in sight. The outlook for the future looked grim, and the media, at the time was forecasting the worst was yet to come.
And then out of nowhere came this flamboyant speaker that promised the middle class of Germany "hope & change". Adolph convinced the hopeless middle class that the elite bankers and capitalists were the main reasons for the economic collapse of Germany, who Adolph began calling "THE FATHERLAND". Adolph went further to convince the downtrodden middle class that most of the elitist bankers were Jewish, and with his energized speeches convinced the middle class that the Jewish were "enemies of the Fatherland".
Soon the media was convinced that Adolph should be the leader of the German middle class, and with the overwhelming support of the media, soon the middle class believed all that was spoken by Adolph was definitely the truth. Adolph went so far as to convince the middle class that most of doctors, lawyers, bankers, scientists, and teachers were the evil Jewish enemies of Germany.
Adolph convinced the German middle class that they should hate and despise "these evil Jews that were destroying Germany". His inspiring speeches convinced the downtrodden middle class that a strong "Fatherland" government would bring the middle class of Germany back to the prominence they so richly deserve. He was a great orator, and his speeches were memorable to the middle class of Germany, convincing them of a great future.
In January, 1933, with overwhelming media support the people of Germany voted Adolph Hitler into supreme power of Germany with a landslide voting approval. Soon, after election, Adolph took total command of the military, along with universities, schools, hospitals, and even banks. He convinced the middle class that he would lead them into prosperity, if they followed him to the "hope & change" future he laid out for them.
In addition to convincing the middle class that he would protect them by expanding his military, and built the infamous Third Reich. After Adolph convinced the German people that only the government can prevent crimes, so they willingly gave up their personal handguns and rifles, he then took another step and built his secret police organization, the Gestapo.
Out of fear of the educated Jewish he began his quest to annihilate the entire Jewish population. His arrogance and hubris led him to invade neighboring countries like Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. A 90+ age woman, who survived Adolph's take-over of Austria, spoke that Adolph didn't come in with tanks to take over Austria. He took over control of Austria winning an election with over 90% approval. His smooth talking oratory speeches led the way to his domination of Austria.
Adolph then decided his Arian race would take over the world, and decided to attack Great Britain, and even planned to attack our own United States. He declared an all out war on those that opposed his philosophies and principals, to the point that he began to send his Third Reich and Gestapo police to annihilate ALL who opposed him, even religious organiztions. His quest was to be a supreme ruler of the Ayrian people.
Adolph had such a deep hatred for all those that wouldn't stand with him and the Ayrian race he began his slaughtering of any person, religion, and organization that wouldn't side with him.
Then, slowly, beginning in the early '40's people began to realize what a monster and "population divider" this evil maniac was. Then people began to push back and, in some cases, even revolt. However, by then it was too late. Adolph's government had grown large enough for him to actually create "enemies of the State". While he was deeply entrenched in World War II, he even began slaughtering his own people. Soon, only his strongest supporters in the media and his Third Reich stood by him. World War II ended in 1945.
Adolph stayed in power from 1933 until he died a horrid dictator hiding in one of his protective bunkers while his beloved "Fatherland" surrendered to the allied forces. However, we must never forget that Adolph Hitler was able to stay in power for over twelve years.
Let's fast forward to the Democrat party convention in 2004. Enter a tall skinny African-American that about so little was known. America didn't even know his true birth place. We never saw his college transcripts. We never knew of his friends. We wondered where he received his financial aid, but we never knew of any job he held. Ah, but still the middle class believed this Barack would lead them back into prosperity. He was, and still is, a great orator, and enjoys the gift of speaking to thousands and making promises that we know he will not keep, but he still has his "masses" believing he will lead the middle class to prosperity while he continues to preach "hope & change".
The middle class believed all his promises, and along with the support of Barack's fawning media voted him to become the leader of the free world beginning January, 2009. And this is the beginning of comparing Barack to Adolph in terms of philosophies. Of course I'm not advocating Barack is going to begin annihilating those segments of the population that disagree with his Socialist Liberal Progressive views.
Let's review, however, what Barack has done since he's been on OUR White House that prompts us to compare him to Adolph. Barack immediately grew his nanny welfare state to the largest it's ever been since the great depression. In four years Barack has increased our national debt more than all the presidents before him COMBINED. Barack has assured his control over his "masses" by inflating the roles of food stamp users to nearly 50 million Americans. The true unemployment is nearly 10%, while our national debt will reach $17.Trillion before 2013 is over. He has convinced his nanny welfare masses that he will continue to protect them, by taking from the wealthy in this country.
Barack, in his first two years in office created a government controlled health care plan behind closed doors with his Democrat controlled House and Senate. The congressional budget office has now proven that Barack's health care plan alone will increase our national debt by $3.Trillion over the next ten years.
Barack continues to attack the wealthy by raising taxes to create revenue. He refuses to give tax incentives to large private sector corporations so they can create jobs to lessen the welfare and unemployment roles. Barack was so successful in creating his welfare state that 75% of the 51% that voted Barack into our White House are still currently on the welfare role.
Barack continues to fund those alternative energy companies that heavily donate to the Democratic party, even those these companies continue to fold and file for bankruptcy. Currently Solyndra is under investigation for fraud, but of course Barack's fawning media won't report that.
Barack continues refusing to drill for oil here in and in Alaska while gas and oil prices continue to rise, and America continues to buy oil from our enemies in the mid east. Barack will not even allow the Keystone Pipeline to operate here in the U.S. knowing it would create thousands of jobs for Americans, hurting his donor base of alternative energy companies. Are you now seeing more of the similarity of Adolph and Barack?
Barack is now on a journey to take away Second Amendment rights from Americans so he can take away legal rifles and handguns from law abiding American citizens. Now, while he's doing this he's directing Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security to purchase billions of rounds of ammunition and retrofit war tanks to operate on the streets of our cities. See any more similarity to what Adolph did in the '30's?
While Barack is being criticized by many for forcing the downsizing of our own military he arrogantly responds by sending F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, along with foreign aid of $2.Billion a year. Are you now getting a better sense of the similarity between these two people?
Adolph Hitler with complete control over the the government, military, and the media, rose to become a ruthless dictator for twelve years, and only World War II could remove him from power. Thankfully we only have to endure the wrath of Barack for only four more years.
But Barack can do a lot of damage in the next four years. However we can lessen his power significantly into making him a worthless lame duck president by voting for a GOP House and Senate in the 2014 elections.
Sorry for the lengthy blog, but I implore you to research and review the similarities of these two men, and recognize your commitment to take the first step in taking our country back in 2014. And again to my critics, I'm not apologizing for referring to Barack as Hitler Jr.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Here comes the push-baack
Of course a lot of Hitler Jr.'s fawning media won't report it folks, but there is a real push-back going on now against the policies and plans of the Chief Socialist that lives in OUR White House. Yes, no need to remind everyone of the 51% of mis-guided people who voted Hitler Jr., back in OUR White House. I remember a Democrat friend of mine who said to me this past November, "I'm disappointed in Obama's first term, but I'm going to give him another chance, so I'm voting for him again".
But have you noticed the growing "push-back" that is occurring now? And it seems to be having an effect on the people in OUR White House; it seems they're so frightened they are spinning their policies to facilitate major on going cover ups. We're even noticing that some of the "loyal" media is slowly starting to report the truth and facts to the American people.
There was a time fawning media would never have pushed back so heavily on Hitler Jr.'s prohibiting Americans from visiting OUR White House. We all know this egomaniac decided to "run home from the playground with his ball" because he's not getting his way on closing the White House tours. The push back was so severe that the Chief Socialist is now considering to reopen OUR White House for tours.
There are even factions of the media openly questioning the Chief Socialist's decisions about the budget, and are calling him on his latest declaration, "I don't see an immediate debt crisis problem". The once fawning media is even reporting now how fast Hitler Jr.'s approval ratings are plummeting. It's even being reported that the main reason for Hitler Jr.'s falling approval ratings is mainly due to Independents beginning to realize they voted wrong in November. How about that media reporting that?
The media now reports that some of the Democrat House and Senate members that are up for 2014 reelection are starting to distance themselves from the Chief Socialist and are even not wanting him to campaign for him. Can you believe this?
Hitler Jr., tried to put an extra squeeze on his infamous sequester that he went so far as to halt any educational assistance to military personnel. After finding out that the GOP still wouldn't "fold' Hitler Jr. decided to stop medical assistance to injured military personnel declaring the sequester was causing a shortage of personnel to administer medical aid.
There was a time when we all thought that only Fox reported "fair & balanced" news, however, slow as it seems, there are strains of the media crawling back to reporting the news truthfully.
Whoever thought the media would report that we now have $3.5 Billion due in back taxes from federal employees. Kind of strange huh; especially when you consider these federal employees get paid from our tax paying dollars.
Who would have known we have White House staff employees that owe close o $400,000 in back taxes. The media is further reporting that outside government contract companies owe hundreds of thousands in back taxes. These companies, owing back taxes, and while having no intention of paying their back taxes, are still receiving government contracts from the Chief Socialist from OUR White House.
Have you noticed there is even more news being reported that surrounds and questions the validity of the birth certificate, college transcripts, and broken lies of Barrack Husein Obama. There are now more than ever more questions arising from the media demanding answers to questions surrounding Benghazi.
Thanks to those in the media that are starting to live up to your journalists' credentials. Welcome back media, but you still have a long way to go.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
But have you noticed the growing "push-back" that is occurring now? And it seems to be having an effect on the people in OUR White House; it seems they're so frightened they are spinning their policies to facilitate major on going cover ups. We're even noticing that some of the "loyal" media is slowly starting to report the truth and facts to the American people.
There was a time fawning media would never have pushed back so heavily on Hitler Jr.'s prohibiting Americans from visiting OUR White House. We all know this egomaniac decided to "run home from the playground with his ball" because he's not getting his way on closing the White House tours. The push back was so severe that the Chief Socialist is now considering to reopen OUR White House for tours.
There are even factions of the media openly questioning the Chief Socialist's decisions about the budget, and are calling him on his latest declaration, "I don't see an immediate debt crisis problem". The once fawning media is even reporting now how fast Hitler Jr.'s approval ratings are plummeting. It's even being reported that the main reason for Hitler Jr.'s falling approval ratings is mainly due to Independents beginning to realize they voted wrong in November. How about that media reporting that?
The media now reports that some of the Democrat House and Senate members that are up for 2014 reelection are starting to distance themselves from the Chief Socialist and are even not wanting him to campaign for him. Can you believe this?
Hitler Jr., tried to put an extra squeeze on his infamous sequester that he went so far as to halt any educational assistance to military personnel. After finding out that the GOP still wouldn't "fold' Hitler Jr. decided to stop medical assistance to injured military personnel declaring the sequester was causing a shortage of personnel to administer medical aid.
There was a time when we all thought that only Fox reported "fair & balanced" news, however, slow as it seems, there are strains of the media crawling back to reporting the news truthfully.
Whoever thought the media would report that we now have $3.5 Billion due in back taxes from federal employees. Kind of strange huh; especially when you consider these federal employees get paid from our tax paying dollars.
Who would have known we have White House staff employees that owe close o $400,000 in back taxes. The media is further reporting that outside government contract companies owe hundreds of thousands in back taxes. These companies, owing back taxes, and while having no intention of paying their back taxes, are still receiving government contracts from the Chief Socialist from OUR White House.
Have you noticed there is even more news being reported that surrounds and questions the validity of the birth certificate, college transcripts, and broken lies of Barrack Husein Obama. There are now more than ever more questions arising from the media demanding answers to questions surrounding Benghazi.
Thanks to those in the media that are starting to live up to your journalists' credentials. Welcome back media, but you still have a long way to go.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Can't touch it
It seems that we only react to the dangers that invade our senses. If we can't see, hear, feel, smell, or taste a danger we just ignore it, and hope that it goes away, with very little thought.
Our great nation is under attack and imminent threat. It's not a threat like we felt on 9-11; it's not a threat like our fighting soldiers feel every day on the battlefield. However, it's a threat, nonetheless, and it could be more devastating to the American people than an all out war.
For example, just yesterday it was announced that the U.S. has arrived at an all time record breaking high of 48 million Americans now receiving food stamps. Our true unemployment is over 10%, it's been six months since the massacres at Benghazi and we still have no answers.
Oh yes, indirectly we will feel all these dangers, but not with the sense of urgency that our senses will telegraph to us.
Do any of us truly understand the national debt of $16.6 Trillion? Can we really grasp what Obamacare is going to do to the economy? Do any of us take the time understand inflation and what Bernanke is doing by constantly printing money? How are we to understand this Hitler Jr. in our White House will give F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to a Muslim Brotherhood nation while he tries to take away the guns of American citizens.
The majority of our country's media will not report the truth to the American people. The media puts their own views on what is happening today. We rely on the media and the Internet to report the news to us with honesty and integrity. Most of us now know that most of the media are not serving the public as it should. The media only supports their "Messiah".
Do any of us truly understand that we must borrow money from China just to pay interest on our debt to China? Do all Americans truly understand the relationship of our GDP to the ever growing national debt? Do we truly have a grasp on deficit cuts and revenue spending?
Yes, these are real tragedies that are taking place every day in our great nation, but we can't see, hear, taste, feel, or smell any of these dangers. These dangers are all on-going and only the people of this great nation can put a stop to this.
Americans must wake up to the fact that we have a man in OUR White House whose sole mission is to bring this great nation to its knees. His broken promises to the American people are enough to impeach him, but add to that what economical damage he has done since January, 2009, and the damage he will do throughout the next four years, and this man does not have the right to lead us.
Have you noticed that little by little we are forgetting the tragedy of the Benghazi massacres? It's safe to say we will probably never know the details of what happened six months ago in Benghazi. The media will do a great job of covering up that story.
Our great nation has the potential and resources to become the crude oil and natural gas capital of the world, and yet we continue to prop up mid eastern Muslim nations that want to destroy us. We could put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work, and yet we continue to grow Hitler Jr.'s nanny welfare state. This man wants to destroy us, not grow us.
And most of us are so caught up in our own personal world that we just give in to a few extra quarters a week for gasoline, a little more for our food, a little more for our health insurance, and accept a $16.Trillion debt, along with the "acceptable" unemployment.
Let's be honest, do we feel this way because we think, "well our kids and grand kids will take care of this in the future it"? We have to stop this man before he buys all the ammunition in the country, repeals the Second Amendment, and puts war tanks on our streets.
Remember, there are horrific dangers out there, and they are real and on going right now. Pay attention to them and don't think that if you can't see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it that these dangers aren't real. Believe me these dangers from this man in OUR White House are very, very real.
Four years from now may be too late folks. We must have a starting point, and for us our starting point is the mid term 2014 elections. At least with a GOP House and Senate we can slow down this Hitler Jr., until we have a replacement for our White House that will help bring our country to the economic and military dominance we so rightly deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country...and our troops.
Our great nation is under attack and imminent threat. It's not a threat like we felt on 9-11; it's not a threat like our fighting soldiers feel every day on the battlefield. However, it's a threat, nonetheless, and it could be more devastating to the American people than an all out war.
For example, just yesterday it was announced that the U.S. has arrived at an all time record breaking high of 48 million Americans now receiving food stamps. Our true unemployment is over 10%, it's been six months since the massacres at Benghazi and we still have no answers.
Oh yes, indirectly we will feel all these dangers, but not with the sense of urgency that our senses will telegraph to us.
Do any of us truly understand the national debt of $16.6 Trillion? Can we really grasp what Obamacare is going to do to the economy? Do any of us take the time understand inflation and what Bernanke is doing by constantly printing money? How are we to understand this Hitler Jr. in our White House will give F-16 fighter jets and over 200 war tanks to a Muslim Brotherhood nation while he tries to take away the guns of American citizens.
The majority of our country's media will not report the truth to the American people. The media puts their own views on what is happening today. We rely on the media and the Internet to report the news to us with honesty and integrity. Most of us now know that most of the media are not serving the public as it should. The media only supports their "Messiah".
Do any of us truly understand that we must borrow money from China just to pay interest on our debt to China? Do all Americans truly understand the relationship of our GDP to the ever growing national debt? Do we truly have a grasp on deficit cuts and revenue spending?
Yes, these are real tragedies that are taking place every day in our great nation, but we can't see, hear, taste, feel, or smell any of these dangers. These dangers are all on-going and only the people of this great nation can put a stop to this.
Americans must wake up to the fact that we have a man in OUR White House whose sole mission is to bring this great nation to its knees. His broken promises to the American people are enough to impeach him, but add to that what economical damage he has done since January, 2009, and the damage he will do throughout the next four years, and this man does not have the right to lead us.
Have you noticed that little by little we are forgetting the tragedy of the Benghazi massacres? It's safe to say we will probably never know the details of what happened six months ago in Benghazi. The media will do a great job of covering up that story.
Our great nation has the potential and resources to become the crude oil and natural gas capital of the world, and yet we continue to prop up mid eastern Muslim nations that want to destroy us. We could put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work, and yet we continue to grow Hitler Jr.'s nanny welfare state. This man wants to destroy us, not grow us.
And most of us are so caught up in our own personal world that we just give in to a few extra quarters a week for gasoline, a little more for our food, a little more for our health insurance, and accept a $16.Trillion debt, along with the "acceptable" unemployment.
Let's be honest, do we feel this way because we think, "well our kids and grand kids will take care of this in the future it"? We have to stop this man before he buys all the ammunition in the country, repeals the Second Amendment, and puts war tanks on our streets.
Remember, there are horrific dangers out there, and they are real and on going right now. Pay attention to them and don't think that if you can't see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it that these dangers aren't real. Believe me these dangers from this man in OUR White House are very, very real.
Four years from now may be too late folks. We must have a starting point, and for us our starting point is the mid term 2014 elections. At least with a GOP House and Senate we can slow down this Hitler Jr., until we have a replacement for our White House that will help bring our country to the economic and military dominance we so rightly deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country...and our troops.
Monday, March 11, 2013
It's my right
You old timers will remember that song, "It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To". Well, yesterday morning my wife thought I had gone off the deep end. I awoke to a warm morning of 65 degrees, and I started to sing the above song, but I changed the words to, "It's My Right, and I'll Shoot If I Want To".
The reason for my stupid and crazy singing was that we've had a snowy cold winter here in Northeast Ohio, and I spent (still do) a lot of my time down in my man-cave making reloads for my two .38's and .357. As I looked out my man-cave window I would just pray for the days this Spring when I could go target shooting.
Well, yesterday was that first day, and after watching Duke beat N.Carolina in basketball the night before (grandson in med school at Duke), and to go shooting the very next morning was more than this old timer could hope for.
So, after loading the car with my targets, my gun bag with two of my guns, and 300 rounds of reload ammo, I was heading for the pistol range.
When I got to the pistol range there were four other shooters already on the range. Two of the guys I recognized. Every time I pulled the triggers on my revolvers I thanked God and the founding fathers for my Second Amendment rights. After a couple of hours of shooting the five of us sat on a bench and began, as all target shooters do, swapping stories about our handguns, where's the best place to buy shooting supplies, rising costs of gun supplies, and the shortage of handgun and reloading supplies.
Of course there were jokes and teasing, then someone brought up what Hitler Jr. is trying to do with our Second Amendment rights. Now that sure opened a can of worms. Of course a lot of the comments can't be written in my blog. You get the drift right?
Three of us are NRA members, and we all agreed that there was no way ANYONE was going to take away our Second Amendment rights. From the tone of the conversation I would venture a guess that there were no Democrats in our small group of five.
On the drive home from the pistol range I thought of the four men I stood with at the pistol range. Every one of us fired hundreds of rounds of bullets from deadly weapons. It was encouraging to share this time with these men. All five of us followed safety protocol, along with courtesy and respect for one another.
We all remembered and chuckled at the line Charlton Heston spoke at an NRA convention, "The government can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands".
You will never see any of the five men at the pistol range yesterday running into a crowded theater or a school to open fire on defenseless adults and children. And of course this goes to proving the point that I repeat over and over: "guns don't kill people....people kill people".
Just to repeat my favorite target shooting theme: I pray that I never point and shoot my handguns at anything but targets, however, when I go to sleep at night I set the house alarm, and have my .357 on my nightstand, loaded with hollow point bullets and sleep like a baby.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
The reason for my stupid and crazy singing was that we've had a snowy cold winter here in Northeast Ohio, and I spent (still do) a lot of my time down in my man-cave making reloads for my two .38's and .357. As I looked out my man-cave window I would just pray for the days this Spring when I could go target shooting.
Well, yesterday was that first day, and after watching Duke beat N.Carolina in basketball the night before (grandson in med school at Duke), and to go shooting the very next morning was more than this old timer could hope for.
So, after loading the car with my targets, my gun bag with two of my guns, and 300 rounds of reload ammo, I was heading for the pistol range.
When I got to the pistol range there were four other shooters already on the range. Two of the guys I recognized. Every time I pulled the triggers on my revolvers I thanked God and the founding fathers for my Second Amendment rights. After a couple of hours of shooting the five of us sat on a bench and began, as all target shooters do, swapping stories about our handguns, where's the best place to buy shooting supplies, rising costs of gun supplies, and the shortage of handgun and reloading supplies.
Of course there were jokes and teasing, then someone brought up what Hitler Jr. is trying to do with our Second Amendment rights. Now that sure opened a can of worms. Of course a lot of the comments can't be written in my blog. You get the drift right?
Three of us are NRA members, and we all agreed that there was no way ANYONE was going to take away our Second Amendment rights. From the tone of the conversation I would venture a guess that there were no Democrats in our small group of five.
On the drive home from the pistol range I thought of the four men I stood with at the pistol range. Every one of us fired hundreds of rounds of bullets from deadly weapons. It was encouraging to share this time with these men. All five of us followed safety protocol, along with courtesy and respect for one another.
We all remembered and chuckled at the line Charlton Heston spoke at an NRA convention, "The government can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands".
You will never see any of the five men at the pistol range yesterday running into a crowded theater or a school to open fire on defenseless adults and children. And of course this goes to proving the point that I repeat over and over: "guns don't kill people....people kill people".
Just to repeat my favorite target shooting theme: I pray that I never point and shoot my handguns at anything but targets, however, when I go to sleep at night I set the house alarm, and have my .357 on my nightstand, loaded with hollow point bullets and sleep like a baby.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Guns for everyone?
I just can't believe what I've been reading, hearing, and seeing on TV these past few weeks. Gun sales are at an all time high. In fact, gun sales, along with ammunition and bullet reloading equipment are skyrocketing out of sight. Gun and ammunition sales outlets are actually refusing Internet orders "until further notice". NRA membership is up 200%. Even gun sales to women has risen 77%.
Believe me, I can relate to all this news. I run a target pistol shooting league, own three handguns, and reload my own bullets. It has become so difficult to purchase supplies for my reloading. My Internet sales sources are not even accepting orders "until further notice".
Now I wonder to just what this is attributed. I can garner some guesses, but I think there are some main reasons that are almost comical. First of all, this man, who resides in OUR White House is attempting to adopt what dictators and czars actually accomplished in the past.
We all know that Hitler and Stalin were able to take arms away from their citizens leaving them defenseless. What prevailed was complete dictatorship, mayhem, and annihilation. Now, we have someone who is goal oriented to repeal the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. However, it's beginning to backfire very strongly on the man in OUR White House.
In fact Second Amendment loving Americans are pushing back so strongly that retail gun outlets are actually putting posters with pictures of Mr. Obama regaling him as "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR". This man in his futile endeavors to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights have been met with such strong resistance proving that our fore fathers' vow that we "have the right to keep and bear arms". Of course we know what the push back is; purchasing more arms by citizens.
And let's not forget our infamous California Senator Dianne Feinstein. When she heard that gun sales for women have increased 77%, her answer was "women should have have guns; their bodies are meant to create life, not kill it". Has anyone uttered words more ridiculous than that? I would love to discuss this with Senator Feinstein, as I have two sisters, three daughters, two step daughters, and four granddaughters. Is this Senator saying the females of my family should just stay home and "make babies"? Is she saying the females in my family, and any other woman in our country does not have the right to defend themselves?
The only answer I have to such a bizarre statement is I would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with all the women of California that voted this woman in office. wonder what their take on Senator Feinstein is now.
Also, there are some other phenomenons taking place now throughout our country. With the increase of firearm sales, there has been a decrease in gun related crimes. Well, except for Chicago, Obama's home town, where only criminals carry guns on the streets of that city. Law abiding citizens are fore bidden to carry firearms on the streets of Chicago.
Another phenomenon is that Sheriffs and Police Chiefs throughout the country are actually encouraging American citizens to legally purchase and register firearms, take their respective state gun carrying exams and learn how to correctly defend themselves with a firearm.
Cities across the country are now authorizing school teachers to arm themselves in their classrooms to protect our children. The reasoning here is that we have armed guards to protect the money in our banks, armed guards to protect our politicians, and even art museums. Why not use firearms to protect our greatest natural resource; our children.
There are now two cities that are making it mandatory that every household have a weapon for protection. As an avid supporter of the Second Amendment I would like to take it another step. May seem a little strange, but I'd like to see all people that carry a firearm legally have a badge displayed that they are, in fact, carrying a firearm. Can you imagine a criminal with a gun approaching someone and seeing a firearm badge on a law abiding citizen? Just may deter a crime.
No, no Mr. Obama, you and your minions are not going to repeal our Second Amendment, nor are you going to take our guns away from us. Your namesake Hitler Sr. got away with it, but don't get any ideas. Not in our house.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Believe me, I can relate to all this news. I run a target pistol shooting league, own three handguns, and reload my own bullets. It has become so difficult to purchase supplies for my reloading. My Internet sales sources are not even accepting orders "until further notice".
Now I wonder to just what this is attributed. I can garner some guesses, but I think there are some main reasons that are almost comical. First of all, this man, who resides in OUR White House is attempting to adopt what dictators and czars actually accomplished in the past.
We all know that Hitler and Stalin were able to take arms away from their citizens leaving them defenseless. What prevailed was complete dictatorship, mayhem, and annihilation. Now, we have someone who is goal oriented to repeal the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. However, it's beginning to backfire very strongly on the man in OUR White House.
In fact Second Amendment loving Americans are pushing back so strongly that retail gun outlets are actually putting posters with pictures of Mr. Obama regaling him as "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR". This man in his futile endeavors to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights have been met with such strong resistance proving that our fore fathers' vow that we "have the right to keep and bear arms". Of course we know what the push back is; purchasing more arms by citizens.
And let's not forget our infamous California Senator Dianne Feinstein. When she heard that gun sales for women have increased 77%, her answer was "women should have have guns; their bodies are meant to create life, not kill it". Has anyone uttered words more ridiculous than that? I would love to discuss this with Senator Feinstein, as I have two sisters, three daughters, two step daughters, and four granddaughters. Is this Senator saying the females of my family should just stay home and "make babies"? Is she saying the females in my family, and any other woman in our country does not have the right to defend themselves?
The only answer I have to such a bizarre statement is I would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with all the women of California that voted this woman in office. wonder what their take on Senator Feinstein is now.
Also, there are some other phenomenons taking place now throughout our country. With the increase of firearm sales, there has been a decrease in gun related crimes. Well, except for Chicago, Obama's home town, where only criminals carry guns on the streets of that city. Law abiding citizens are fore bidden to carry firearms on the streets of Chicago.
Another phenomenon is that Sheriffs and Police Chiefs throughout the country are actually encouraging American citizens to legally purchase and register firearms, take their respective state gun carrying exams and learn how to correctly defend themselves with a firearm.
Cities across the country are now authorizing school teachers to arm themselves in their classrooms to protect our children. The reasoning here is that we have armed guards to protect the money in our banks, armed guards to protect our politicians, and even art museums. Why not use firearms to protect our greatest natural resource; our children.
There are now two cities that are making it mandatory that every household have a weapon for protection. As an avid supporter of the Second Amendment I would like to take it another step. May seem a little strange, but I'd like to see all people that carry a firearm legally have a badge displayed that they are, in fact, carrying a firearm. Can you imagine a criminal with a gun approaching someone and seeing a firearm badge on a law abiding citizen? Just may deter a crime.
No, no Mr. Obama, you and your minions are not going to repeal our Second Amendment, nor are you going to take our guns away from us. Your namesake Hitler Sr. got away with it, but don't get any ideas. Not in our house.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Let's celebrate!
Yipee, hooray, wowee. Our country is on the way back to full recovery. Well, that's got to be true because the White House, along with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC just reported it so today. Yeah, today is a great day for financial recovery here in the U.S.
It has been reported that unemployment completely nose-dived today to the very low figure of 7.7%. I'm certain and confident that we are well on our way to lowering our national debt of nearly $17.Trillion because we will be taxing all the people returning to work.
Wait, hold on. I've got more great news to keep the celebrating going onward. Get this: We have created 236,000 jobs last month. I'm just flabbergasted with joy. Hats off to the media for this positive reporting. Wow, it's hard for me to contain myself. I'm sure ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC feel great about reporting this news to America.
Now, let's dig just a little deeper and explore some facts that Hitler Jr.'s lame stream media "forgot" to report. American workers filing for unemployment insurance for the first time averaged 350,000 for every week this past year. Also, not reported, that while unemployment has plummeted to 7.7%, it is factual that unemployment among minorities still ranks close to 14%.
Ready for some more unreported facts? These are not facts that I manufactured, or manifested myself. These facts are straight from the CBO and the Treasury Dept. Maybe the most devastating fact is that in this past month alone, 130,000 Americans have left the work force. Yep, just gave up looking for work, and challenged the welfare/food stamp route.
Of course the media won't report that news, and they also won't report is that since January, 2009 when Hitler Jr. was sworn into OUR White House there are 8.5 less Americans working. While the White House was whooping and hollering with joy at 7.7% unemployment there are today over 20 million Americans out of work. Yeah, right; let's celebrate.
The CBO will tell you that it's just a numbers game. Today, more people every week are just plain leaving the work force and growing Hitler Jr.'s nanny state. It's just want he wants so he can better control the masses.
Fifty-One percent of Americans voted this man to lead our country out of this financial nightmare we all now experience. And what is his answer to create more revenue? He lowers taxes on corporations and small businesses and offers them more incentives so they can invest and create more jobs. You don't believe that do you? It was Reagan that did that in the '80's.
Nah, that's too easy, and he may lose control of the private sector if he does that. Hitler Jr.'s answer is to continue taxing the wealthy so he can sustain his nanny state for control purposes.
This man's man goal is to gain as much control as he can. And when he runs out the necessary money to control his nanny state; well, welcome to the United States of Greece.
Someone today reported that Hitler Jr. will parade children out to pull on our heart strings to prove a point. Yet, this very same man prohibits young American children from visiting one of America's strongest landmarks, our White House. He will even punish our very children that we want to instill the meaning of democracy in so that he can punish us through sequestration.
Is this the leader we want for our children? Is this the man we want to lead our country? He must be impeached. He's laughing in our face. Let's not take it any longer America.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
It has been reported that unemployment completely nose-dived today to the very low figure of 7.7%. I'm certain and confident that we are well on our way to lowering our national debt of nearly $17.Trillion because we will be taxing all the people returning to work.
Wait, hold on. I've got more great news to keep the celebrating going onward. Get this: We have created 236,000 jobs last month. I'm just flabbergasted with joy. Hats off to the media for this positive reporting. Wow, it's hard for me to contain myself. I'm sure ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC feel great about reporting this news to America.
Now, let's dig just a little deeper and explore some facts that Hitler Jr.'s lame stream media "forgot" to report. American workers filing for unemployment insurance for the first time averaged 350,000 for every week this past year. Also, not reported, that while unemployment has plummeted to 7.7%, it is factual that unemployment among minorities still ranks close to 14%.
Ready for some more unreported facts? These are not facts that I manufactured, or manifested myself. These facts are straight from the CBO and the Treasury Dept. Maybe the most devastating fact is that in this past month alone, 130,000 Americans have left the work force. Yep, just gave up looking for work, and challenged the welfare/food stamp route.
Of course the media won't report that news, and they also won't report is that since January, 2009 when Hitler Jr. was sworn into OUR White House there are 8.5 less Americans working. While the White House was whooping and hollering with joy at 7.7% unemployment there are today over 20 million Americans out of work. Yeah, right; let's celebrate.
The CBO will tell you that it's just a numbers game. Today, more people every week are just plain leaving the work force and growing Hitler Jr.'s nanny state. It's just want he wants so he can better control the masses.
Fifty-One percent of Americans voted this man to lead our country out of this financial nightmare we all now experience. And what is his answer to create more revenue? He lowers taxes on corporations and small businesses and offers them more incentives so they can invest and create more jobs. You don't believe that do you? It was Reagan that did that in the '80's.
Nah, that's too easy, and he may lose control of the private sector if he does that. Hitler Jr.'s answer is to continue taxing the wealthy so he can sustain his nanny state for control purposes.
This man's man goal is to gain as much control as he can. And when he runs out the necessary money to control his nanny state; well, welcome to the United States of Greece.
Someone today reported that Hitler Jr. will parade children out to pull on our heart strings to prove a point. Yet, this very same man prohibits young American children from visiting one of America's strongest landmarks, our White House. He will even punish our very children that we want to instill the meaning of democracy in so that he can punish us through sequestration.
Is this the leader we want for our children? Is this the man we want to lead our country? He must be impeached. He's laughing in our face. Let's not take it any longer America.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
How many more "titles" are we going to attach to Barack Husein Obama? There have been Socialist-In-Chief, Teflon-In-Chief, Teleprompter-In-Chief, Liar-In-Chief, Muslim-In-Chief, Communist-In-Chief, Whiner-In-Chief, Fear Monger-In-Chief, Fiddler-In-Chief, Egomaniac-In-Chief, and I've decided to add the latest, and maybe the most important, PUNISHER-IN-CHIEF.
This man has a goal of destroying our American way of life, and he continues to show evidence of this. This man is definitely not displaying the necessary leadership to move our country to the status we were back in the '80's under President Reagan. He is not a man of the people. He is a man for himself.
No sense in rehashing what he's done in the past four and half years. It's no secret that he's shown time and time again that he is self-proclaimed as being above the law. The cover-up surrounding the Benghazi massacre by itself is an impeachable offense. This man is now authorizing drones to fly over our country to spy on Americans, but there were no drones to be found while four American heroes were being slaughtered.
You can bet that the truthful documents surrounding the Benghazi slaughter is buried in the same vault that is hiding Obama's birth certificate, college transcripts, and his Kenyan passport. I can never accept this man as a leader for all Americans. He panders only to his campaign donors, or those who will help him push his un-American policies on us.
There is knowledge of an e-mail originating from the White House urging the Federal departments to "make sure this sequester hurts the public, so our point can be made". That alone, along with other ridiculous scare tactics, garners another impeachable offense.
So what does Hitler Jr., to to ice the cake? He immediately stops White House tours. He doesn't care that this Spring season is when schools all over the country plan trips to D.C. for White House tours. This means absolutely nothing to Hitler Jr., except to act like a playground bully. It only costs $18,000. per week to operate the tours in OUR White House. The seven people who conduct the tours are all volunteers. Is any more information needed to show this man must be impeached. He's on a mission to destroy America.
The Chief Socialist wants to raise more taxes. Has anyone informed him that the top 20% of America's wage earners pay over 70% of all taxes. His goal is to raise taxes so corporations will stop investing to create jobs, and thereby growing his nanny state. This is dangerous folks.
Here's a sure fire start to stopping this man: the 2014 mid-term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
This man has a goal of destroying our American way of life, and he continues to show evidence of this. This man is definitely not displaying the necessary leadership to move our country to the status we were back in the '80's under President Reagan. He is not a man of the people. He is a man for himself.
No sense in rehashing what he's done in the past four and half years. It's no secret that he's shown time and time again that he is self-proclaimed as being above the law. The cover-up surrounding the Benghazi massacre by itself is an impeachable offense. This man is now authorizing drones to fly over our country to spy on Americans, but there were no drones to be found while four American heroes were being slaughtered.
You can bet that the truthful documents surrounding the Benghazi slaughter is buried in the same vault that is hiding Obama's birth certificate, college transcripts, and his Kenyan passport. I can never accept this man as a leader for all Americans. He panders only to his campaign donors, or those who will help him push his un-American policies on us.
There is knowledge of an e-mail originating from the White House urging the Federal departments to "make sure this sequester hurts the public, so our point can be made". That alone, along with other ridiculous scare tactics, garners another impeachable offense.
So what does Hitler Jr., to to ice the cake? He immediately stops White House tours. He doesn't care that this Spring season is when schools all over the country plan trips to D.C. for White House tours. This means absolutely nothing to Hitler Jr., except to act like a playground bully. It only costs $18,000. per week to operate the tours in OUR White House. The seven people who conduct the tours are all volunteers. Is any more information needed to show this man must be impeached. He's on a mission to destroy America.
The Chief Socialist wants to raise more taxes. Has anyone informed him that the top 20% of America's wage earners pay over 70% of all taxes. His goal is to raise taxes so corporations will stop investing to create jobs, and thereby growing his nanny state. This is dangerous folks.
Here's a sure fire start to stopping this man: the 2014 mid-term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Whaddya think?
Yeah, yeah, I know; we've all heard, seen, and read countless birther stories surrounding Hitler, Jr. I even fell for it, and must confess that for a time I became a latent birther about Hitler Jr.
Then I decided that with the media completely in support of this man, there was no way any evidence or facts would be brought forward.
Constant rhetoric about his birth certificate, his background, and even his college grades were thrown around, but quickly submerged. I then decided I would just go wit my own personal mantra; "I really don't care where he was born; only where he lives now".
For so long I even dismissed the sources of the birther servings. Even when you take into account what the Chief Socialist has been doing for over four years; unemployment, increasing gas prices, $16.5 Trillion national debt, and his complete lack of leadership it is still difficult to do more than just make jokes about this Hitler Jr., that lives in our White House.
However, and it's a big however, there is now a slight sliver of light shining through about this man's total background. Every President that served prior to this man, and most Congressional members since 1776 have had their complete background and history on display for all of Americans to view. Isn't it ironic that in January, 2009 the first act of business for Hitler Jr., was to hire a staff of attorneys and spend over $3.million to assure that his complete background would forever be hidden from the American people.
The Associated Press out of Washington, D.C. is now reporting that Occidental College, where Barack Obama attended under the name of Barry Soetoro, has released information that Barry Soetoro received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. This information was released in a court order as a result of suit brought about by a group in the Superior Court of California.
Occidental College further reported that Barry Soetoro was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation. It is a fact that a student must claim foreign citizenship to be eligible for a Fulbright scholarship.
Questions are now arising as to what legal passport was "Barry Soetoro" was using when he traveled between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi in 1981. In 1981 at the age of 20 Barry admitted that he traveled to Pakistan, but will not reveal what passport he used. Just this past year alone, Barry has spent $950,000 of campaign funds for law firms in twelve states to block all personal information of Barry Soetoro/Barack H. Obama. Why is that? What is this man hiding?
When Barack H. Obama was traveling in 1981 it was with either a British or Indonisia passport, which supports that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not Hawaii. There are now eighteen lawsuits filed, and Justice Antonin Scalia has agreed to hear arguments concerning Barry/Barck's proof of citizenship and hi eligibility to serve as the President of our country.
And once again I beg the media to step up and do their rightful job. Americans need you to have some honesty and integrity in your news reporting. This disgraceful man is not qualified to live in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Then I decided that with the media completely in support of this man, there was no way any evidence or facts would be brought forward.
Constant rhetoric about his birth certificate, his background, and even his college grades were thrown around, but quickly submerged. I then decided I would just go wit my own personal mantra; "I really don't care where he was born; only where he lives now".
For so long I even dismissed the sources of the birther servings. Even when you take into account what the Chief Socialist has been doing for over four years; unemployment, increasing gas prices, $16.5 Trillion national debt, and his complete lack of leadership it is still difficult to do more than just make jokes about this Hitler Jr., that lives in our White House.
However, and it's a big however, there is now a slight sliver of light shining through about this man's total background. Every President that served prior to this man, and most Congressional members since 1776 have had their complete background and history on display for all of Americans to view. Isn't it ironic that in January, 2009 the first act of business for Hitler Jr., was to hire a staff of attorneys and spend over $3.million to assure that his complete background would forever be hidden from the American people.
The Associated Press out of Washington, D.C. is now reporting that Occidental College, where Barack Obama attended under the name of Barry Soetoro, has released information that Barry Soetoro received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. This information was released in a court order as a result of suit brought about by a group in the Superior Court of California.
Occidental College further reported that Barry Soetoro was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation. It is a fact that a student must claim foreign citizenship to be eligible for a Fulbright scholarship.
Questions are now arising as to what legal passport was "Barry Soetoro" was using when he traveled between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi in 1981. In 1981 at the age of 20 Barry admitted that he traveled to Pakistan, but will not reveal what passport he used. Just this past year alone, Barry has spent $950,000 of campaign funds for law firms in twelve states to block all personal information of Barry Soetoro/Barack H. Obama. Why is that? What is this man hiding?
When Barack H. Obama was traveling in 1981 it was with either a British or Indonisia passport, which supports that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not Hawaii. There are now eighteen lawsuits filed, and Justice Antonin Scalia has agreed to hear arguments concerning Barry/Barck's proof of citizenship and hi eligibility to serve as the President of our country.
And once again I beg the media to step up and do their rightful job. Americans need you to have some honesty and integrity in your news reporting. This disgraceful man is not qualified to live in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Where art thou media?
Remember when NeeNuNano Pelosi was giggling at the podium when she said those infamous words, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it".? She was referring to Obamacare of course. We now know that if all 535 members of the House and the 98 members of the Senate had read the entire 2,977 pages the infamous Obamacare bill would have never see the light of day.
Of course it would have been difficult to read since the bill was hidden behind locked doors in the Senate chambers. We didn't know, of course, that the IRS now has the authority to impose an excise tax on health insurance providers starting this year. Now who do you think the insurance providers are going to pass that added tax on to? We know the answer don't we? It is estimated that this will cost an average family an additional cost averaging over $200.
Also, because of a 1993 law there is a loop hole that if an elderly person had a lot of Medicaid expenses and then died, the Government may have the lawful right to assume ownership of the estate of the deceased individual. As more of these horrible scenarios emerge from the "unread" pages of Obamacare there is panic. I've written many blogs titled "Told ya So".
I just want to ask so many members of the House and Senate, why would you vote for this horrendous bill before you voted for it? I seriously doubt if even the Chief Socialist knew what was in the bill. To Hitler Jr., it was just another tool to control the "masses". Now, we're discovering that Hitler Jr., robbed his own Obamacare of $340.million to give to a campaign donor.
This Chief Socialist's utopia is to have all Americans surrender their entire assets to the Messiah-in-Chief, and then he will dole out money as he sees fit. This man continues to commit impeachabe offenses, and still continues to get away with multiple cases of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Oh media, media where art thou when we need thee? Wouldn't it be great if the media would report just a few important scenarios? For example; the Chief Socialist is ready to pass a gun bill in just a few weeks, but hasn't passed a budget in over four years. Here's another one; the Chief Socialist wants to take every citizen's arms away, but gives fighter jets and war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood. And let us never forget he has increased the national debt more in his first term that all, and I mean ALL the U.S. presidents before him COMBINED!
Here's a great test for us all to take today; watch the news on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC tonight, and count the number of times the word BENGHAZI is spoken. I will wager that all of these networks combined won't add up to five.
This Hitler Jr., must be impeached. Oh media, please step up and do your job with honesty and integrity. If you networks want to catch up to Fox's ratings start reporting the news as it should be reported, and quit being like fawning idiots. It's not too late.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Of course it would have been difficult to read since the bill was hidden behind locked doors in the Senate chambers. We didn't know, of course, that the IRS now has the authority to impose an excise tax on health insurance providers starting this year. Now who do you think the insurance providers are going to pass that added tax on to? We know the answer don't we? It is estimated that this will cost an average family an additional cost averaging over $200.
Also, because of a 1993 law there is a loop hole that if an elderly person had a lot of Medicaid expenses and then died, the Government may have the lawful right to assume ownership of the estate of the deceased individual. As more of these horrible scenarios emerge from the "unread" pages of Obamacare there is panic. I've written many blogs titled "Told ya So".
I just want to ask so many members of the House and Senate, why would you vote for this horrendous bill before you voted for it? I seriously doubt if even the Chief Socialist knew what was in the bill. To Hitler Jr., it was just another tool to control the "masses". Now, we're discovering that Hitler Jr., robbed his own Obamacare of $340.million to give to a campaign donor.
This Chief Socialist's utopia is to have all Americans surrender their entire assets to the Messiah-in-Chief, and then he will dole out money as he sees fit. This man continues to commit impeachabe offenses, and still continues to get away with multiple cases of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Oh media, media where art thou when we need thee? Wouldn't it be great if the media would report just a few important scenarios? For example; the Chief Socialist is ready to pass a gun bill in just a few weeks, but hasn't passed a budget in over four years. Here's another one; the Chief Socialist wants to take every citizen's arms away, but gives fighter jets and war tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood. And let us never forget he has increased the national debt more in his first term that all, and I mean ALL the U.S. presidents before him COMBINED!
Here's a great test for us all to take today; watch the news on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC tonight, and count the number of times the word BENGHAZI is spoken. I will wager that all of these networks combined won't add up to five.
This Hitler Jr., must be impeached. Oh media, please step up and do your job with honesty and integrity. If you networks want to catch up to Fox's ratings start reporting the news as it should be reported, and quit being like fawning idiots. It's not too late.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
It's not cuts!
The Chief Socialist and his gang frightened me so much with their threats about sequestration that I thought I'd be eating cat food today. I thought my Social Security check would never arrive. I was praying my house wouldn't catch fire because there may be no firemen available.
I wouldn't allow my wife out of the house because I was afraid there would be no necessary police protection available. But I found out that life started out as very normal on March First.
There were no layoffs to fire and police personnel. Our daughter's friend had no trouble dropping her young son off at a child care center. A friend of a friend had chest pains and was rushed to an emergency room to a near-by hospital, and was iimmediately taken care of and their Medicare card was accepted for insurance coverage. There were no cancelled air line flights at major airports throughout the country.
However, I felt something was amiss yesterday when the Chief Socialist started to "back down" a little with the threats. Instead of the sky being certain to fall on all of us, the Chief Socialist tried his hand at sheepishly telling America, "well, we'll be OK, especially the private sector, but
EVENTUALLY these cuts will hurt us all".
And then suddenly, out of the initially proposed falling sky the sequester "cuts" were finally reported by even the liberal media, that they weren't really "cuts", but a "a reduction in spending for the coming year".Wonder why this wasn't reported by the media before March First.
What was the Hitler Jr.'s response? He continued to release criminal illegal aliens to the streets of America. What else did he do? He stared at his beloved teleprompters and called out the GOP Congress as "being dumb for allowing the sequester cuts to take place". Like the evil Hitler Sr., before him our Chief Socialist was so arrogant that he gave no thought to the American people that he swore to uphold the Constitution for; instead he pushed further on his scare tactics.
I wonder what's going to happen to this Chief Socialist if our media ever wakes up and starts to report the daily event news topics honestly and fairly.
I remember during the Socialist's first four years there would be pictures of G.W. Bush with captions under the pictures that read, "Miss me yet"? Well now, as we've discovered there is no G.W. Bush for the Chief Socialist to blame any longer. So this smooth talking Hitler Jr., immediately starts to blame the "dumb Republicans in Congress" for all the problems now facing our country The sequester and the second coming of the fiscal cliff soon to arrive at the end of this month is surely the fault of the "dumb Republicans".
In early December the Chief Socialist's approval rating was 58%. Yesterday his approval rating dropped to 47%, and is projected to drop even further. Even a large contingency of Democrats are starting to second guess their vote back in November.
If the media had been fair and not so corrupt with their lies and programmed editing we would not have a sequester problem today; there would be no tax-raiding Obamacare, we would have honest answers to Benghazi, the Keystone Pipeline would be flowing oil from Canada to the U.S., there would be oil drilling here and in Alaska, and the United States of America would be a better place to live.
Oh yeah, my bullet reloading supplies would be cheaper and easier to purchase.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
I wouldn't allow my wife out of the house because I was afraid there would be no necessary police protection available. But I found out that life started out as very normal on March First.
There were no layoffs to fire and police personnel. Our daughter's friend had no trouble dropping her young son off at a child care center. A friend of a friend had chest pains and was rushed to an emergency room to a near-by hospital, and was iimmediately taken care of and their Medicare card was accepted for insurance coverage. There were no cancelled air line flights at major airports throughout the country.
However, I felt something was amiss yesterday when the Chief Socialist started to "back down" a little with the threats. Instead of the sky being certain to fall on all of us, the Chief Socialist tried his hand at sheepishly telling America, "well, we'll be OK, especially the private sector, but
EVENTUALLY these cuts will hurt us all".
And then suddenly, out of the initially proposed falling sky the sequester "cuts" were finally reported by even the liberal media, that they weren't really "cuts", but a "a reduction in spending for the coming year".Wonder why this wasn't reported by the media before March First.
What was the Hitler Jr.'s response? He continued to release criminal illegal aliens to the streets of America. What else did he do? He stared at his beloved teleprompters and called out the GOP Congress as "being dumb for allowing the sequester cuts to take place". Like the evil Hitler Sr., before him our Chief Socialist was so arrogant that he gave no thought to the American people that he swore to uphold the Constitution for; instead he pushed further on his scare tactics.
I wonder what's going to happen to this Chief Socialist if our media ever wakes up and starts to report the daily event news topics honestly and fairly.
I remember during the Socialist's first four years there would be pictures of G.W. Bush with captions under the pictures that read, "Miss me yet"? Well now, as we've discovered there is no G.W. Bush for the Chief Socialist to blame any longer. So this smooth talking Hitler Jr., immediately starts to blame the "dumb Republicans in Congress" for all the problems now facing our country The sequester and the second coming of the fiscal cliff soon to arrive at the end of this month is surely the fault of the "dumb Republicans".
In early December the Chief Socialist's approval rating was 58%. Yesterday his approval rating dropped to 47%, and is projected to drop even further. Even a large contingency of Democrats are starting to second guess their vote back in November.
If the media had been fair and not so corrupt with their lies and programmed editing we would not have a sequester problem today; there would be no tax-raiding Obamacare, we would have honest answers to Benghazi, the Keystone Pipeline would be flowing oil from Canada to the U.S., there would be oil drilling here and in Alaska, and the United States of America would be a better place to live.
Oh yeah, my bullet reloading supplies would be cheaper and easier to purchase.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
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