I've noticed that when my blogs contain pure facts that can easily be researched and verified I never get any comments from my critics. Well, I do get a few "names" like idiot, lunatic, and other names that I'm sure the News-Herald would not want me to print.
I've also noticed when I offer some personal opinions supporting the Romney-Ryan ticket boy do I get the negative comments from my "friendly" critics. These comments are so outrageous that I have to thank them for the comedy they provide.
So today, I thought I'd just have some relaxing times, get away from facts, and just offer my strong opinions on why another four years of Obama will lead us to an economic downward spiral we may never recover from. Then if you add the mess he's created in his foreign policy agenda we're gonna be in very bad shape. With all the mid east uprisings this weekend can you guess what our President was doing? Well according to White House spokesman, Jay Carney, "the President was just relaxing...watching the football games on TV". Flying to Vegas, and being on the Letterman show must have really wore him out.
First of all, way to go Mitt. What you said yesterday is what most hard-working American have believed in for a long time. You are absolutely correct, and I hope you keep driving your point home. President Obama has the entitlement community believing that if Romney is elected in November all their "freebie entitlements" will go away. Gee, that means some of them will have to get off the couch and get a job.
Governor Romney wants to protect the hard-working people in this country, while President Obama ridicules hard-working people by stating, "they just cling to their guns and religions".
President Obama has been proving this since January, 2009. Look at what he's done since he's been in office; $5.6 trillion added to the national debt, highest welfare/food stamps disbursement since the great depression, and maybe the most horrifying is for every single job created under President Obama three jobs are lost. Did I mention unemployment has been over 8% for the past 42 months? My critics probably forgot that didn't you?
Who really cares how wealthy Governor Romney is? Most people don't care how much money he has, or where it's kept. It's his money, not the taxpayers'. The only money Mr. President knows how to spend is other people's wealth. Did he ever have a job that had an F.I.C.A. deduction on it? I think not.
Of course Governor Romney has an uphill battle. Mr. Obama has the media in his back pocket, and he's in the back pocket of the Muslim leaders in the middle east. He calls Muslim leaders, "his highness", would rather appear on the David Letterman show than meet with Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel. Hey, he won't even visit the land of our greatest mid east ally, Israel.
President Obama's minions get to go on TV and say anything they want, including outrageous lies, and they don't have to account to anyone about it. They know the media will protect them.
The New Black Panthers have already announced they intend to be at all the voting sites in the swing states. Whenever our President and/or his minions, starting with Biden, make a fool out of themselves the media protects them, and won't broadcast it at all.
Today, it was discovered that our great Attorney General, Eric Holder, is soliciting a taxpayer's group, Media Matters, to help Obama destroy Fox News and any other organization that disagrees with the President. This President is not just interested in getting reelected, no he wants to become President of the World, or worse, Dictator of the World.
Want some proof of this? When Mr. Obama "bailed out" General Motors with taxpaying money he stated, "I have no interest in running General Motors", however yesterday General Motors asked the Mr. Obama to sell their General Motors holdings and $27.1 billion debt, so that there would be no government holding. Yeah, you guessed it.....Mr. Obama said NO. Now what does that tell you?
I'm already smiling because I can already see the comments my critics are going to write. Wish they would save their typing and time. I don't even read past the first few words, but they do provide a good comic relief for me at times.
I do wish however, that my critics would provide some good data for me to read, instead of jealous comments about Governor Romney's wealth, name calling, personal attacks against him and his family. How about some really good data, like what has President Obama done these past four years that you'd like him to repeat.
I just hope Governor Romney continues to go on the attack. He's scaring the President because Mr. Obama has nothing at all to run on. Way to go Mitt...keep it up.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
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