Just a short blog today, but it's about one of the most serious problems every American is facing. No, it isn't about solar power, or wind turbines. It's about that that liquid stuff we put into our cars everyday. It's called GASOLINE.
I would like to write a few facts, and then ask some questions. I invite anyone, including my most adament critics to answer the questions. Forget that you're a Republican, Democrat, or whatever you believe in. Just please give me your take on the subject OK?
First of all, when President Obama took office in January, 2009 the price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.85. Today, the national average is $3.86 a gallon, and in some areas of the country gasoline is over $4.00, and climbing.
We buy millions of gallons of oil everyday from mid east countries that we also send billions to in foreign aid every year. By the way these countries, for the most part, hate America and our way of life. I've always believed these countries are going to hate us anyway, so why continue to send them money.
So, for further factual news, first we continue to buy oil from countries that hate us, and then we send them billions in foreign aid every year. The real frosting on the cake is that we borrow money from China, with very high interest, to continue sending billions in foreign aid to these mid east countries that continue to hate our western civilization.
With the economic crisis that our country is experiencing now I need to ask questions that we all know the answers to. First, why are we not drilling for oil here in the contiguous United States, and in Alaska? Secondly, why won't the President open the Keystone Pipeline?
And thirdly, why are we not erecting for drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico?
Drilling for our own oil, building refineries, and drilling platforms could create a million or more jobs. Is anyone going to dispute that this would be great for our economic recovery?
We have more oil under our own soil here and in Alaska that is in the middle east. Wouldn't it be great not to be dependent on the middle east for our own oil resources? Does anyone out there have the answer as to why we're not drilling here?
In North and South Dakota oil is being drilled on private property and these states are doing great. Unemployment there is less than 5%. Related jobs are being created, and economically the two states are flourishing.
There are many, many unanswered questions as to why President Obama and his administration is prohibiting oil drilling right here in the good old U.S.A. There is even some strong speculation, that I won't write here because it is just speculation, as to why the President wants us to continue to be dependent on the middle east for our oil.
How about this scenario: Immediately start drilling for oil here and in Alaska, end the middle east oil dependency, also stop sending billions every year in foreign aid to countries that hate us and slay our military and our ambassador. It's nice to think what this would do for our economy. Give me your take on this please.
So, all you critics of my blogs out there, please answer these questions for me OK? But if you should come to the same conclusion I do then maybe you'll stop the Romney bashing, and think on your own before you walk into the voting booth in fifty days.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
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