People, people, haven't we all had enough? How can anyone justify allowing this man with his Socialist agenda back into OUR White House for four more years? Hasn't he done enough damage the first four years?
Every time I write a blog with pure facts about what this man has done, and what the CBO and economic advisers are saying what will happen the next four years if he's reelected, all I get is personal attacks on Governor Romney and yes, even me.
No one can give me any "wish" they would like Mr. Obama to repeat if he's reelected. They just site how much money Romney has. Who cares how much money he has? FDR, JFK, Kerry had more money than Governor Romney, but the media won't tell you that. Heck, we don't know..maybe Mr. & Mrs. Obama have million in off-shore accounts. The media sure won't tell us. They won't even give us his college grades. Governor Romney has never spent any of my money, but Mr. Obama sure has, and continues every day.
Has anyone ever looked up the belief of "spread the wealth", or "wealth distribution"? That is a pure unadulterated Socialist agenda definition. No other way around it. So how does the progressive liberals and the media refute this? They try to discredit Governor Romney for accusing Mr. Obama of attempting to turn our country in a nanny state.
Mr. Obama, along with his minions, and with the support of the media, is telling Americans lies upon lies, and with the Attorney General on board with all their lies no one can do anything about it. People, the deck is stacked against us. If we don't stop this President's agenda it will only take two years into his second term, and we may be in the throes of a complete nanny state. Can you say The United States of Greece, and then later The United States of Islam?
Mr. Obama refuses to meet with Israel's B. Netenyau, his jobs council, his cabinet, or attend his daily intelligence briefings, but he has time for David Letterman, a trip to Nevada for a fund raiser, and some personal schmoozing with Jay-Z and Beyonce. People do we want a Celebrity-In-Chief or do we want, and need a leader to get us out of our economic and foreign state of affairs?
Now we discover that Mr. Obama will meet with Egypt's Muslim leader next week, and yet he still won't meet with Israel's Benjamin Netenyau. What does that tell you? To me it means he has more allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood than he does to our best mid east ally.
As I'm writing this it has now been proven that the 9-11 attacks on our embassies were pre-planned attacks, and not the result of some stupid 14-minute movie. That is straight from Mr. Olsen, director of the national terrorism council. And what is spokesman Jay Carney saying..."it's still under investigation". There is now strong speculation that a Camp Gitmo detainee was behind the attacks. Still under investigation huh?
Want some frosting on the cake? MSNBC has been attacking Governor Romney's "truth" statement about Americans receiving entitlements, but they won't broadcast a video/audio of Mr. Obama avowing that he is a strong believer of wealth distribution, which we all know is Socialism. MSNBC is saying it isn't authenticated, and could be a falsely edited tape production. Is that a joke or what?
Now the CBO is stating that in the year 2016 Obamacare will cost millions of middle class Americans approximately $1,200. a year in a penalty tax if they don't purchase a health care plan. Yes, $1,220. per individual. We know what that's's to cover the millions that will be put on the Obamacare health care plan that can't pay for it, and are on Mr. Obama's entitlement programs.
Is anyone disputing that Mr. Obama has nothing to brag about or run on? No, so he's doing the only thing he can, and that is to personally attack Governor Romney. Mr. Obama won't even have a press conference to explain the controversy over the mid east attacks, but has so much time to be a charismatic celebrity in chief.
Mr. Obama, here's a tip....Governor Romney is not the are. Get up and lead, and inform America what is going on about foreign policy and our economic downturn. What are you waiting for?
No, no, no...we cannot allow this man to continue what he's doing now for another four years.
Of course the critics that don't agree with me will start the name calling on me and let it slither on to Governor Romney. That's the only way progressive liberals can deal with the problems we have facing us now, or they'll continue to blame Bush for what Mr. Obama is doing now.
Mr. Obama criticizes Governor Romney for wanting to lower taxes on the people who create jobs, and yet Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000 a year. If that comes to pass our government will raise $80.Billion a year. That will cover only eight days of interest on our debt. Yeah, like that will get us out of debt real quick.
I love this country, and I have deep respect for the office of the Presidency, but I just cannot respect the man, the human being that presides in that office now. Therefore I have decided that for the next 47 days I will not write "President" Obama, but refer to him as Mr. Obama.
Please American people I implore you all to do a lot of soul searching as well as your own fact finding. Do you want to give Governor Romney a respected and proven business man the opportunity to aggressively attack the domestic and foreign policies we have now, or do you want to reelect a man that has no plan, repeat what he's done the past four years, and will certainly take us further down the path of demise? Think about it folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
Thank you Pete...