Remember the song, "He's so fine", from the '60's? It reminds me of our President so much. President Obama is a fine speaker, looks good in his blue suit, and knows how to "rock" a room when he raises his voice and booms out to his audience.
But the truth is all that and $1.25 will get you nothing more than a cup of coffee at McDonalds.
My point is the Democrat Party spends an enormous amount of time blaming everyone but their leadership for the horrid economic crisis we face.
The Democrat Party, while continuing to blame Bush, have yet to offer any type of solutions to the problems to our economic crisis. The main question still lingers; why should we give you four more years to continue to do what you've been doing these past four years.
The Democrat Party spends so much time bashing Governor Romney, but the instant the question of "what are you going to do in the next four years" is asked they just gloss over it, and continue with the lies and personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with them.
Today I listened to David Axelrod, campaign manager for Obama, unsuccessfully try to defend his boss, President Obama, with more lies and continuous personals attack on Governor Romney, almost criticizing him for being a success in business.
When Axelrod was "pushed in a corner" to define the President's plan to help the country's growth he gave no definite answers, and only spoke of "the President's long term plan". Axelrod kept talking about plans for the future, but offered no specifics. He kept saying the President was going to cut deficit spending, but he couldn't say where.
Every time Axelrod was pushed into a corner, he would retort with some lie about the Romney-Ryan ticket, never offering anything of substance for his boss. Does Mr. Axelrod believe the American people are still going to buy this?
When Mr. Axelrod was asked the fatal question often asked by everyone, "do you think Americans are better off today than they were four years ago", he wouldn't even answer that.
He just responded about what a mess his boss inherited, and we're on the right track.
Then the host stated pure facts; $5.6 trillion dollars raising of the national debt, gasoline prices raised over 100%, household income dropping from of over $4,600. per year, forty-two months of continuing 8.3% of unemployment, 23 million Americans out of work. When asked about this all Axelrod could do was repeat the Democrat Party's favorite mantra, "it's all Bush's fault, and give this President four more years and we'll get out of this mess".
A CBO fact is if you raise taxes on everyone grossing $200,000. per year, $250,000 for couples, for an entire year you would only have enough for eight days.
President Obama's team says the President has sustained growth in this country and promised growth of 4.6% for 2012. The CBO has stated that there is a projected growth of only 1.7%.
Really, does this qualify for another four years, and without a definite specific plan.
In only sixty-five days the great American people in this great American country will make the ultimate decision on they chose to revive our country, and lead us out of one of the worst crisis we've ever been in.
If you ask yourself, "are you truly better off today than you were four years ago", and "what has this President done the past four years that you want him to repeat if he's reelected", then I know how you will vote.
As for me, it's time to retire this fine rhetorical speaking, smooth talking President. And please don't forget President Bush's final two years, and continuing on to President Obama's first two years the House and the Senate were Democrat controlled, and the only things to show for it were two failed Bills; the Frank-Dodd housing act, and Obama's healthcare plan. Let's never forget this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God Bless our country, and our troops.
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