Wouldn't it have been great if our great professional journalists and broadcasters would have reported the news truthfully and factually last week during the Democrat National Convention? Maybe we would accept them if they would've reported the lies that came out of the speakers' mouths, especially from Bubba Clinton and the President.
Remember when Bubba Clinton, ever the self-server, said that the economy President Obama inherited was the worst ever, and even he, the great Bubba could not have solved the problem in just four years. Well, Mr. Clinton you get a very large pinocchio for an outright blatant lie.
The late, great Ronald Reagan inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression when he took over from President Carter. Prime loans were at 22%, the economy was sinking fast by the day. Job growth was at an all-time low, and unemployment was 9%.
In four years President Reagan brought our country back into the plus side in all areas; dropping unemployment, lowering prime loan interest, and putting more Americans back to work. How did he do this? President Reagan realized that if you give investors, and corporations tax incentive through his "trickle down" policies, then more jobs would create jobs.
President Reagan believed that a person on unemployment and welfare could never create a job. Now that's something that President Obama and his staff should have adopted back in 2009.
President Obama continues to blame former President Bush, however, what has he done, especially in this past year? He has not met with his appointed jobs council January of this year. The bottom line is he has refused all suggestions from his jobs council. He hasn't even met with his Cabinet since his January State of the Union speech in January.
President Obama bragged last night about the country moving forward in the right direction.
I'll never be disrespectful and call our President a liar, but, he surely didn't check his facts, or the CBO before he walked on stage in Charlotte.
President Obama wanted to brag about all the jobs he created. The truth is he has lost more net jobs than he created since he's been in office. For every one job created, four Americans lost their jobs. In fact, Mr. Obama did not lay out a clear plan for the future. He just repeated the same promises that he made in 2008, that he has yet to keep. The labor force is down 63.5%, the worst ever in our history.
President Obama keeps"begging" for the American people to give him four more years, even though he said in 2010 that if he didn't turn around the economy it would be a one-term proposition for him.
If you need any more proof that President Obama likens himself to a "rock star" just take a look at the Hollywood celebrities he paraded out to speak last night; Scarlett Johannsen, Eva Longoria, and Kerry Washington. Yeah, like the 23 millions of Americans out of work are going to relate to these Hollywood stars. All three of these starlets were only there for display. Each of their speeches lacked substance. One "star" even wanted us to believe that the Republicans want to stop women from voting. Now who vetted her speech?
I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of numbers. You know what those numbers reflect, but I can't close without today's statistics. There's going to be a lot of left wing liberals in the media and in the White House cheering for joy that the unemployment dropped to 8.1% from 8.3%. President Obama bragged that he created 4 million jobs since he took office.
Now, do you want the bare facts? Sure you do....like me, you love your country. The CBO has reported President Obama has net-lost more jobs than he created. The economic growth in the country has declined to the lowest our country has been in since the great depression.
What you also won't hear from the media, expect for Fox Cable News, is that 360,000 Americans quit the work force last month. This makes the true unemployment in reality is over 9.0% Another fact that last month only 96,000 jobs were created. This cannot keep up with the population growth or people entering the job market.
Oh yes, let's not forget that of the 96,000 jobs created last month, only 14,000 were in the manufacturing sector. The Democrats continue to turn a blind eye to these facts, and just murmur, "still better than Bush". I remember a promotion once where my new boss said to me, "congratulations, and by the way you've got three months to blame your predecessor for any problems you inherited....after that it's all your responsibility".
The general consensus of President Obama's speech last night is nice delivery, but no content, just recycled promises. One talk show host even said today, "was the President on stage, or was that just a hologram of him from back in 2008"?
Can't leave the blog today without mentioning our favorite gaffe man Mr. Biden. Biden lambasted and attacked the Romney-Ryan team for wanting to have territorial taxes. He said it would destroy American economy. Didn't someone tell the gaffer-in-chief that territorial taxes were suggested to President Obama by the Simpson-Bowles team and the jobs council? The President's response to Republican majority House leader at this suggestion was "there are consequences in everything Eric, and I won..I'm the President". Great answer huh folks? Yes, our President is sure looking out for us.
Yes, President Obama is a man of many words....just not his word. He must go.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....GOD Bless our country....and our troops.
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