Our President is so self-centered that he can't even stand to have his buddy Joe Biden out-gaffe him. Is it true that the largest personal monthly expense for Mr. Obama is his purchase of gallons of Teflon that he pours himself on a daily basis?
This President will not hesitate to throw anyone, and I mean anyone, under the bus before he takes any type of responsibility for the conditions that exist here on the home front, or any issues on foreign policy.
He accuses Governor Romney of "shooting from the hip before he takes the time to load his ammunition". This is the same Mr. Obama that has skipped more than half of his morning intelligence briefings. If he would have attended the morning White House briefing forty-eight hours before the current middle east uprisings in Libya and Egypt, he would've discovered that attacks on our embassies were in the works.
Instead he chose to spend time on the radio with "Pimp with a limp", asking the Pimp-man for "a little magic to help him". Then he skips another briefing to get on Air Force One to travel to Nevada for a fund-raiser. Frosting on the cake? An appearance on the Dave Letterman show gets priority over an important meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel. By the way does anyone know how many times Mr. Obama has visited Israel since he's been in office? Want the answer?.....ZERO. Yes, President Obama has yet to visit our best mid east ally.
But Mr. Obama thought it was effective to travel to countries in the middle east apologizing for America and giving a soft "marshmellow" approach to "let's all get along". What a waste. I rather like what President Reagan's mantra was...."there is peace in strength...we must let the world know we embrace peace, but America has the best and strongest military force on the planet". We spoken Gipper.
Recently during an Hispanic radio interview our President stumbled on and on when he was asked if he considered Egypt an ally. Finally he said no, and the very next day his staff had to walk back his statement. This President has done so much "walking back" that he's learning Michael Jackson's moon walk.
He just continues to lather himself up with Teflon and "everyone else is to blame". Really, he even criticized our Secretary of State Ms. Clinton for not having proper security at our embassies. Had our President attended some of his morning intelligence briefings maybe he would have found out more about these programmed situations before they took place, and maybe Ambassador Stevens would be alive today.
The truth is this President has no leadership experience at all. Have you noticed when he gets on the campaign stump he just bloviates in generalities. He booms his loud voice to the crowds as he figuratively passes out the kool-aid. Please notice that he never offers any specifics about our county's failing economy or his failing foreign policies.
While walking to our car after seeing the documentary "2016" I said to my wife, "what scared me the most about that documentary was the cartoon that showed an imaginry gate around the middle east with an imaginary barbed wire fence squeezing Israel...and this President continues to turn his back on Israel, while he claims we should level the playing field in the world".
Ironically, last night on the TV screen a map was shown depicting all the uprisings in the middle east embassies; Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Tripoli, Sudan, even Lebanon. And all these countries surround our ally Israel. Riots are continuing as I'm writing this, and our President is more interested in his reelection than making definite decisions. Our Teflon-in-chief is leaving the decision making to others, so if anything fails he can smile, wave and blame others.
Another piece of irony is I've yet to know of one progressive-Liberal-Democrat that has gone to see the movie "2016". They'll just scream that it's one big lie without even seeing it. What they would find out if they see it is that all of Mr. Obama's comments are in his own voice. All the comments and facts about him are from published documents and credible people who have known Barrack Obama Sotero all his life.
What's so tragic these past three days is that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and (MS)NBC, has spent more time attacking Governor Romney on his statements than questioning the stance that our President is or is not taking. Right now Governor Romney is acting more Presidential than Mr. Obama. Mitt is not afraid to take a position and show leadership. We need this folks.
These issues and facts are what the Americans have to research before they walk into the voting booth in November. And, oh yeah, go see the movie "2016".
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
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