Thursday, September 13, 2012

Leading from behind....really?

I'm not an Obama birther. As I've said in my previous blogs; I really don't care where Mr. Obama was born. I just care where he lives OUR White House.

However, after seeing the documentary "2016", and watching the President's actions, or lack thereof, concerning the embassies attacks,  I firmly believe our President is a strong Muslim sympathizer. 

There have been attacks on U.S. embassies in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen. Our ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were slaughtered by rebel Muslim forces, and what does the President do? Well, for the most part absolutely nothing. He strolled out to the rose garden and reminded us that Americans should be more tolerant, and just, "wait and see".

Really Mr. President, chaos is erupting in our middle east embassies, Americans were killed, and many more may follow, and your only answer is "wait and see".

Governor Romney had it right. Your administration is acting disgraceful by suggesting Americans are intolerant of Muslims. You attacked Governor Romney by accusing him of "shooting from the hip before knowing all the facts". What facts are you waiting for?

At the very least Governor Romney showed some strong Presidential leadership, even with an open mic uncovered reporters at Romney's press conference plotting to attack him for his comments about the embassies attacks. Romney showed leadership, and all you could do was stand next to Hillary and bloviate on how we must "wait and see". 

You have missed many more morning intelligence briefings than you have attended since you've been in office, but manage to golf over one-hundred times. Instead of attending the morning briefing the day Libya was attacked and ambassador Stevens was killed you were on Air Force One for a Nevada fund raiser.

On the very same day you refused to meet with the Prime Minister of our closest Middle East ally, Mr. Netenhu, you booked an appearance on the David Letterman show. At a time when a war between Israel and Iran may break out any time now, it's obvious you don't have the foresight or support to sit down with the Israel Prime Minister to offer America's support to him. Does this have anything to do with you being a Muslim sympathizer?

You have the audacity to condemn Governor Romney of not having any foreign policy experience, and yet what experience do you have? Your answer is that as the leader of the free world, just skip morning intelligence briefings and go golfing or campaigning and not say anything. What a leader you are.

Mr. President, with the media in your back pocket and their personal attacks and lies on Governor Romney, the polls are showing that the media may just squeeze you into OUR  White House for another term.

I'm just so curious.  It's a given CBO fact that if you do get reelected there will be at the least a $4. Trillion national debt increase while you're in office. Poverty will increase, food stamp issuing will rise even more, unemployment will rise to 10% and Bernanke will continue to turn on the money printing machine. The true job creators  and investors will tightly squeeze their money and there will be no job creations. Are you going to rely on your entitlement communities to create job? I think not.

When foreign policy leadership is at an all time need, you refuse to take a stand and lead. You accused Governor Romney of using the embassies tragedies for political gains.  You sure have a short memory Mr. President. Do you recall the numerous times you attacked Senator McCain, and President Bush for the Iraq war, strongly focusing on the nine American soldiers who were killed in the Iraq war? I guess it's another case of double standards. But don't worry the media will cover your back side.

To continue my curiosity Mr. President, When you're well into your second term, and our domestic economy is in shambles, and our foreign policy crumbles beyond repair, just who are you going to blame then? By then blaming Bush just isn't going to fly. Maye you can blame the previous guy....wait that would be you.

Do you think the media will still be in your back pocket as things start to crumble and their ratings plummit faster than yours? Maybe you can blame the media then. 

People, after the middle east tragedies these past twenty-four hours please go see the documentary "2016", and listen to the words of Barack Obama himself in the documentary. You'll starting putting things together and think twice when you enter the voting booth in 54 days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our Country....and our Troops



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