Thursday, September 27, 2012

83 polls and counting

I remember, living in California for 35 years, when people would say, "if you don't like the weather, stick around for fifteen  minutes, and it'll change".

Well, with 83 polls out there, if you search hard enough you'll find a poll for your candidate that you like. Then you can say your candidate is winning the race. 

It's hard to imagine their are 83 polls out there informing American people that their poll is the correct one. However, there seems to be some pure facts emerging from the findings of these "credible" polls that some may find interesting.

The liberal progressive Democrats are so frightened of the tightness of this Presidential race that they've decided to skew the polls by asking polling questions to more Democrats than Republicans. If that wasn't bad enough the liberal progressive Democrat poll "masters" are also saying that upwards of 10% more Democrats will vote than Republicans in November.

Their plan is to convince Republicans the race is over, and why even show up to vote because their man, Mr. Obama, has already won the election.  Well that plan may just backfire on them. The very fair and unskewed polls honestly and factually reflect that the Presidential race is dead even.

Now,  the word is getting out to the Republican base, along with the Independents, and even some Democrats on the fence that we need to get the vote out and make sure we succeed in voting for Governor Romney.

I remember in the 2010 mid-term election when the liberal progressive Democrats tried the same technique, and we all know how that turned out.

I implore all Americans to think before you walk into the voting booth. Can you imagine how Mr. Obama is going to operate when he doesn't have to worry about a reelection? He's going to run amok with our taxpayer dollars, ignoring what's important about foreign policy, and vacationing and golfing while our unemployment climbs to over 9% in his first year.

Don't let that happen folks. We owe more to our children and grandchildren. Think

And that's Politics with Pete for now.....God Bless our country....and our troops

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