Thursday, September 6, 2012

No God in Charlotte?

It really doesn't matter if you're a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or any other political affiliation during this current election. I would never challenge your GOD-given right to believe anyway you want.

However, I was completely astounded watching the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last night on TV. It was difficult to believe there was an overwhelming loud vote to remove  the word GOD from the DNC platform speaking and views.

The vote was actually taken by a vote of yelling and screaming from the Democrat floor delegates. There was very strong speculation that the  yelling and screaming votes to remove the word  GOD from the DNC was actually louder than the yelling and screaming  to keep GOD in the platform.

Of course there are atheists and agnostics at the DNC, with the ACLU there to support them, and this is their 1st. Amendments rights. They have my respect, but also my strong disagreement and disappointment. 

There is strong speculation that President Obama instituted the request to remove  the word GOD from the speakers' platforms. Many have wondered why, especially since the President refused Catholic Cardinal Dolan to pray at the DNC.

Suddenly pressure began to mount from within the delegates that the word GOD should be inserted back into the speaking platform at the DNC. The oral arguing became so strong that a floor vote was taken yesterday from the Democrat delegates.

During this internal controversy a Muslim delegate was interviewed. He was in favor of removing the word GOD from the DNC speaking platforms. He ranted on so incessantly that to me didn't make any real sense, so I "TV remoted" him off.

I have a close friend who's agnostic. I even have a sister, who raised Catholic with me that is an agnostic. I have an acquaintance in California who has turned agnostic. When the subject of a GOD is brought up I refuse to argue, and just respond with, "someone put this all here".

To me it's very disheartening to know there are so many Americans, as Democrat delegates now in Charlotte, that want to remove GOD from their DNC.  Upon reading the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our Declaration of Independence the word GOD is boldy acknowledged in writing. 

I have personally doubted GOD's decisions at times, and was even angry with him when my daughter was born with Cerebral Palsy. However, I never denied his existence and always believed in GOD, and always will.

I question all Americans to ask themselves if they want to allow this Democrat party, with President Obama at the helm, that doesn't want to speak of GOD, back in our White House?

The term "GOD-given rights", mean just that....we get our inalienable rights from GOD. Please remember that in 61 days as you walk into the voting booth.

And that's Politics with Pete for today..and remember GOD bless America...and our troops.


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