Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ryan, my wife, and I in Westlake

A few days ago I went online to download two tickets for my wife and I to see and hear Congressman Ryan at a rally in Westlake, Ohio.

Today, when I woke it was pouring down rain like I haven't seen in a while. I told my wife that maybe we two 77-year-olds should just stay home and watch the rally on TV. Her reply, "Oh no, we're going...get ready".  Still trying to convince her, I said "remember when we went to Bush's rally...we had to wait hours before he showed up"?  Again she said, "we're going...now get ready".  My wife always gets the last word. She was a General in her previous life.

To compromise she let me wear my U.S. Air Force baseball hat, and off we drove for over forty miles through the rain to Westlake. We arrived at 9:50 A.M., with doors opening at 10:00, and Congressman Ryan speaking at noon.

After standing in a very long line, going through scanners, showing picture I.D., we finally got inside the Westlake Recreation Center.  So there we stood, with approximately 2,500 other people waiting, waiting, waiting. At that time we had two hours to wait.

Suddenly, through the crowd Mayor Ruby of Brecksville came up to my wife and I, shook hands with us, and asked, "would you folks like a better view"? When I answered yes he asked us to follow him, pointing to the risers, behind where Congressman Ryan would speak. the mayor was so gracious, and when I jokingly asked, "is it because of my Air Force hat", he warmly replied, "oh yeah...gotta acknowledge our military people".

What a heartwarming, uplifting, and wonderful time we experienced. From our vantage point on the riser we had a full view of the entire auditorium. Honestly there were 2, 500-3,000 people in attendance. We met, shook hands, even hugged people we never met before. The mutual theme we all shared made all of us almost like family.

We met and shared experiences with retired police and fire men, retired military people, two people running for Ohio Congressional office, and just everyday people like my wife and I.
It was an experience I'll never forget.

After some uplifting speeches out walked the future Vice President of the United States, Congressman Paul Ryan. If we could've harnessed the energy in that recreation center we could've supplied Ohio for a month. It was fantastic. That was four hours ago, and my adrenalin is still going strong.

Congressman Ryan was flawless.  He knocked it out of the park.The cheering was deafining, showing Mr. Ryan how much we appreciated him coming here to speak to us. He strongly hit on the major five points he and Governor Romney were going to focus on beginning January, 2013.

If I could I would take everyone in this great country to a Romney or Ryan rally, and then take them all to see the documentary "2016".  I'm encouraging all, especially the Independents and the Undecideds, to get to a Romney or Ryan rally, then see the documentary "2016", and I'm sure you'll vote to put our current President on an indefinite vacation from OUR White House.

When the News-Herald gave me blogging privileges I said that all my blogs would be focused on removing our current President from the White House.  I ask everyone's help in doing this. Get the word out folks. The future of the country that we're going to pass onto our children and grandchildren depends on it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our country...and our troops


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