Friday, September 28, 2012

Personalism vs. Capitalism

Today, I got an education in political policies, and now I understand much better just how Mr. Obama is functioning. Who gave me that lesson?  My 16-year old grandson....thanks Chad.

My grandson gave me the definitions of Capitalism, Personalism, Socialism, and Communism.
He even chided me when I told him of my negativity on Socialism. He just said, "Now gramps, Socialism wouldn't work here in the U.S., because we're built on Capitalism, but in some countries, Socialism works fine".  Darn kids are getting so smart today.

A Personalist is someone who rallies the masses and convinces them to support his policies with total disregard for the documented laws of the people, and the constitutional policies of the land as written by the founding fathers. Now who does that start you thinking about?

To completely control the masses a Personalist will actually institute programs whereby he takes income from the wealthy to distribute to the "unfortunate" thereby encouraging the "unfortunate" that he can make life better for them. At times the "unfortunate" will believe and follow the Personalist. 

Another trait of a Personalist is that they will forsake the will of the people they represent for their own rise to power. Very often they will lie to people, distort the truth, and remove themselves from controversial issues that may harm their personal rise to power. Now, are you getting a little better picture of who this reminds you of?

A Personalist very often uses the powers of the media and elitists to help further the power and policies of the Personalist with little or no regard for the masses of the people they govern.  The media and elitists will support the Personalist with supporting lies and distorted truths. This is done to push down the efforts and free will of the people.

The Personalist, along with the support of the media and elitists will continue to "feed" mis-information to the masses, with the hope and belief that the masses will succumb to the will of the Personalist. The Personalist believes that HIS own agenda and policies is all that really matters, and will strive to achieve this by any means necessary, including feeding the masses lies and deception.

A Personalist is usually one with great charisma, likeability, along with great persuasive powers. The Personalist, with these attributes, can easily fool the masses into believing that he can help them. Of course this is just a step to control the masses and subdue their individual free God-given rights.  Still thinking who fits this bill?

As a true Christian American that loves and respects all Americans, I would never compare anyone from the United States of America to the vile and horrible dictator that rose out of Germany in the 1930's.  However, for clarity regarding Personalists, I would like to relay a story from a 92-year old woman from Austria.

I watched the TV interview of this frail woman who recounted the ordeal when Germany arrived in Austria.  She explained that many believed the fallacy that Germany overtook Austria with military force.  The Austrian woman further explained that the German dictator, in his speaking engagements, convinced the citizens of Austria that he could make life better for them.

An election was held, and while many are unaware, the German dictator won the election with an 89% approval of the Austrian people. Of course the rest is history concerning the demise of Austria in the '30's and '40's.

Well known Personalists include Simon Bolivar, Andrew Jackson, Napoleon Bonoparte, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and too many others to list here.  A free society that thrives on competitive Capitalism cannot flourish on the ideologies of Socialism, Communism, and Personalism.

It is the opinion of this writer that Barrack Hussein Obama is a Personalist. 

The question before us all is do we want to afford this Persoanlist another four years in  the White House that belongs to the freedom loving people of this country. It's our choice in 39 more days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops.

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