With only fifty-seven days left in this crucial Presidential race it's time for you two to throw out all the stops, and start attacking. GOD knows, you have more than enough ammunition.
Senator McCain lost the election in 2008 because he wanted to play the nice guy role. Look where it got him. Fifty-two percent of Americans drank Obama's kool-aid. Obama himself said it when he thought the mic was off and he whispered to Reid, after thunderous applause on his campaign trail in '08, "look at them...they're drinkin' the kool-aid".
It's going to be a close race, but if you sit back and refuse to retaliate against all the lies, broken promises, and lack of leadership and transparency coming out of this administration you're going to lose.
In 2008 Senator McCain refused to mention Obama's association with Reverend Wright, Bill Ayres, Louis Farrakhan, mobster Rezko, and others, along with his refusal to show America his college transcripts. McCain wanted to run a decent above board nice cordial respectful race. Senator McCain's mistake was that he thought Obama was going to do the same. Look where that got him. At the short end of 52-46 percent votes.
Please Governor Romney, Congressman Ryan don't make the same mistake. As I wrote earlier, you have so much good strong ammunition at your disposal to use. You can start with the President's broken promises.
Remember when candidate Obama in '08 promised Americans complete and total transparency? He even promised all negotiations would be on C-Span. We haven't seen one yet.
He also promised there would be no lobbyists or special interest groups in his appointed staffs.
Well, we all know that was a lie. He promised he would reach across the aisle, and what did he do with Obamacare? He went behind closed doors, not allowing any Republicans in the meetings, and with the Democrat-controlled House & Senate passed his horrendous plan that Americans do not want.
I wrote in a previous blog that you need to get tougher Governor Romney. Why won't you retort against those that condemn you for not publishing your latest tax return? You should respond by announcing that when the President releases his college grades you'll release your tax returns. Now that will silence the President and the media.
You're allowing them to attack you because you're a wealthy successful business man. Why not reflect the well established Democrat leaders who were, and still are extremely wealthy? That list includes John Kerry, FDR, JFK, and many others. The media and the White House never condemn those individuals. You should point out that you didn't use any taxpayer's money to attain your wealth, and really most Americans are more worried about their own financial status than yours. You should use that.
You are being criticized for not having a plan to help America out of the economic crisis. You must tout your five-point plan, especially you number one plan of drilling for oil and energy to stop our dependence on other countries when we have so much resource right here.
Now, for someone who has no plan, it's truly our own President. I've asked Democrat friends of mine to tell me of one specific plan the President gave in his speech at the DNC. No response, except to blame Bush. What kind of answer is that? You haven't spoken yet that in President Bush's last two years and President Obama's first two years there was a Democrat controlled House & Senate. You never bring up the infamous Dodd-Frank housing debacle that put our housing industry in a tailspin that we've haven't recovered from and never will.
President Obama is completely telling mis-truths in his explanation of your version and his version of Medicare. He is robbing Medicare of $716.billion dollars, yet he gets away with spouting out that you are trying to rob Medicare with your voucher plan.
Why don't you respond that your voucher plan is not for anyone 55 or over, and for the rest of Americans it's purely voluntarily. On the other hand Obama's plan will be to remover millions of poor seniors from Medicaid and place them on a mandatory, yes mandatory plan that is Government controlled. You need to tell Americans about that.
Governor Romney-Congressman Ryan many Americans drink the kool-aid regarding Obama's job creation. You need to have Americans understand that for every one job that is created, four are leaving the job force, or on welfare.the President blames Bush for all the lost jobs in 2008, yet after an enormous $875.Billion stimulus package, and a promise of 6% unemployment, we jumped to over 40 months of 8%+ unemployment.
President Obama wants all to believe how he's helping people. The truth is he has increased welfare/food stamps/unemployment more than any other President since the Great Depression.
Ask Americans to think where the money is coming from to sustain these programs. It's coming from hard-working people some small business owners that built their own businesses without the help of the Government.
Governor Romney-Congressman Ryan, there are many of us that are willing to support you now and hopefully when you're in OUR White House, but right now you must, you need to focus on the next fifty-seven days. Time to get tough.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...God bless our troops.
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