Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Are you going to be better off?

The best the DNC speech makers could offer the American people was that President Obama was dealt such a fierce blow by former President Bush that no one, not even the great Bubba Clinton, could've dug us out of the mess. This in Bubba's own words.

So the mantra coming from the Obama campaign is that you are now better off than you were four years ago.  Really?  Just who, Mr. President, is better off since you took office?

In the President's first two years he had a full house, yes Democrat controlled House & Senate, and Obamacare is all he has to show for it. 

Well, I do stand corrected. He does have some things to show for it; $5.6 trillion increase to our national debt in a little over three years, with a $1.6 trillion due for 2012. Are you people going to vote for a man who will raise the national debt to $20 trillion if he's given another four years?

Never mind what he inherited, look what he's done. When is this President going to take responsibility for what he's done these past four years? You can't convince the American people that General Motors "is alive" according to Joe Biden. General Motors still owes the taxpayers $27.2 billion dollars, Chevy Volt has stopped production, and was costing taxpayers $49,000. per car. 

The President won't mention Solyndra and the other solar powered companies and the auto manufacturer in Finland that he gave our taxpayers' money to that are now defunct. This was done with the $875. billion dollar stimulus money that he took from us with a promise that unemployment would be reduced to 6%. Yeah, we're now at 8.1% with 368,000 leaving the work force last month.

Let's not forget bin Laden. The truth is the President had to be convinced three times before he gave the go-ahead, and more truth is that Panetta was really behind it. There were so man "I"'s and "me"'s when announcing bin Laden's assassination. The President hardly mentioned the brave and courageous Navy Seals that risked their lives on the successful mission.

Did everyone notice the President at his acceptance speech in Charlotte? Oh, he looked great, and his speaking tactics were great. His loud voice was so effective for his base.  However, was there any substance?  Did he say anything specific about his plan for the next four years? It was just the same broken promises he made in 2008.

All indications point to the President doing exactly the same thing in the next four years that he's done in his first four years. I won't go into the areas I've written about in previous blogs.
You know that already; unemployment, food stamps, welfare, raising taxes, robbing Medicare, etc. I've written about that many times, so I ask you....do you want a President that offers nothing to help our economy if he's reelected?

In other words, never mind the arguement   about being better off than you were four years ago; take a quick look at where you'll be four years from now if this man is reelected, and he continues to do the same thing. Remember what Einstein said, "the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over while expecting different results", and you can expect the President to do a lot of repeating.

I'm a Catholic Italian-American, and GOD has been a powerful source in all areas of my life.
I was heartbroken when I witnessed the "split" of votes by the Democrat delegates strongly yelling and screaming to remove GOD from their convention. The TV camera was focused on two Arab-Americans that seem to lead the charge.  When I think of all the Arab countries we give aid to and buy their gasoline I was near tears.

Another reason I believe this President wants to remove GOD from our vocabulary in the next four years is that today, on this solemn day when we honor our 9-11 heroes at ground zero, this President is a having a "service", not a PRAYER service, just a service. Are you going to put a man in OUR White House that probably doesn't believe in GOD? Oh, he may utter "God Bless", but that's only for votes.

 Do Americans want to vote for a man who claims to small business people, "you didn't build that...someone did that for you"?  Of course it's easy for a man who's never sacrificed to build a business. Actually this President has never run a business and his only job was as a community organizer. He doesn't even have the business sense to begin drilling for oil here, and open up the Keystone Pipeline. Instead he wants to live with $4.00/gallon andbuy from the middle east countries that hate us, and buy from Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico. Good business sense? NO!

He has surrounded himself with almost 40 czars and many advisers to make decisions for this "teflon" President. He hasn't met with his Cabinet or Jobs Council since last January. Are Americans going to vote for a smooth talker, instead of a strong leader who makes decisions about leading America out of our economic crisis. We need a strong business leader who's not afraid to make strong business decisions to get jobs created; no entitlement creation.

I know Americans have noticed the topics the President wants to discuss while he's currently campaigning. It's almost the exact speeches he gave in 2008, the only change was the name from McCain to Romney. He offers no plan, no new ideas, and definitely no leadership. He just wants to detract from the real issues with his constant attack on his opponents.

So, again, I ask all Americans to not only think about being better off now than you were four years ago, but also look at where you'll be four years from now if Mr. Obama is reelected.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...GOD Bless our country, and our troops

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