Our GOP candidate, Governor Romney, is such a decent man, and has made it known that he will not run a campaign based on personal attacks or lies. Governor Romney has made it clear that is campaigning will be based on truth and facts, and his beliefs on what is good for the future of America.
However, and this is a gigantic HOWEVER, President Obama and his campaign advisers, along with the media, will not act in kind. Because our President has no record or four-year accomplishments to campaign on, he has resorted to lies and personal attacks on his campaign stumps.
Therefore with fifty-nine days till the November election, I've decided to be the "bad guy", and do some attacking on our esteemed President. The difference is that everything I write in this blog will be the truth that President Obama and the media want to hide from you.
Let's get your wife, the first lady, out of the way first. This won't take many words. Your wife, the first lady, has a staff of twenty-two, the most of any other first lady. She has spent thousands of taxpayers' dollars on clothes and jewelry, and has spent over $10Million dollars on vacations. She has her own personal trainer that she flies in from Chicago on her schedule. Yet, you complain Mr. President that the first lady does not get paid while she's in the White House. Honestly, get paid for what Mr. President?
You have created a jobs czar, Jeffrey Immelt, that has seen right through you, and has jumped ship, and says he will now vote for Governor Romney. Here's another CBO fact that the media won't tell Americans about: You have blamed President Bush for our economic failure, and yet when you took office Federal spending was 25% of GDP. According to the CBO it is now at 66%, and it is projected to hit 70% of GDP by the end of 2012.
Unemployment, under your watch is the highest it's been, consistently, since the Great Depression. Home ownership rate is now at 59.7%; the lowest since 1965.
Mr. President, where is your leadership. Even Democrats are screaming for you to stand up and lead, get off the basketball court, and off the golf course. Yes, you are likeable, you look good in a dark blue suit, and you're a great speaker. But what the heck have you done?
Are you really going to hang your legacy hat on Obamacare? If you would bother to listen to your jobs council you would find out that the U.S. is now seventh in global competitiveness. Did your advisers bother to tell that before you took office we were number one.
During your DNC speech last Thursday you seemed to be begging your base to "give me four more years....we've got more to do". Mr. President, you haven't done anything at all to help our country rise up from the terrible economic ruin we're in now. You did a lot of bloviating, bragging, and talking in generalities, but what is your plan? Haven't heard it yet.
Mr. President, you have to stop reading your press clippings, and quit listening to the media that fawns over you all the time. You should have been listening to the people instead, since you've been in office. Yes, right now, with the help of the media, people still put your popularity slightly ahead of Governor Romney, but it's fading fast.
Are you proud that you have increased our national debt by nearly $6.Trillion since you've been in office. Your stimulus package of $853.Billion did nothing but raise the unemployment to over 8%; the longest unemployment consistency since the 1930's.
And please stop Biden with his rant that, "General Motors is back". GM has completely stopped production on the Chevy Volt, and GM still owes the taxpayers over $27.Billion. do you remember your ranting on how great the Volt was going to be for America? Another one of your great miscues.
I hold the office of the Presidency in very high esteem, but you Mr. Obama, as a man, are a disgrace to the office of the Presidency. To borrow a phrase from Clint Eastwood, "you are the biggest hoax ever to land on the American people".
Yes, right now you have many Americans "drinking the kool-aid", but we're getting smarter by the day. Hanging out with liberal Hollywood celebrities, that have no credibility, and no real agenda or platform, except for their celebrity status is certainly no endearing you to the 23 million Americans out of work.
Lastly, on purely personal views, I think you've stained the office of the Presidency, and I hope and pray others will join me in not voting for you because: (1) You, along with your administration have made every available effort to remove the names of GOD and JESUS CHRIST from our society. (2) Your far left leanings have me believe that you believe in Socialism, and if given four more years you will move us to Communism. (3) You have refused to offer help to those Islamic countries where their people are trying to over throw their murderous dictator, as in the case of Syria and Iran. (4) You have completely turned your back on the Jewish community and our greatest Middle Eastern ally, Israel.
Oh, I could go on and on, but this blog is too long already. I would like to bring up a "hidden concept" though. it's said that those that won't share important information to the public are usually those with something to hide. I refer, of course, to your college transcripts. We really don't care if you received A's, B's, C's in your courses, just show them to us. Could it be that your college grades will reveal you were a foreign student?
You know Mr. President, I really don't care where you were born.....I just care where you live now, and hope it's only for fifty-nine more days.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....GOD bless our country....and our troops.
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