Can you guess what the following African-American Democrat Party activists and Congressional members have in common with the Republican Party; John Conyers, Charlie Rangel, Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Van Jones, Emanuel Cleaver, John Lewis, Keith Ellison, Donna Edwards, and more? Would you like to know what these African-American leaders have in common with the Republican Party, and why they're still Democrats?
Before we visit again this let me give you some important facts. Yes, pure facts.
In 1854 the Republican Party opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, supported by the Democrat Party. The Kansas-Nebraska Act supported the institution of slavery.
In 1861 Abraham Lincoln was elected to President, and continued the pursuit of freeing slavery in the United States. The Democrat Party strongly supported slavery, and many Democrat states seceding from the Union, starting the infamous Civil War. One can only speculate that if the Democrat Party supported the abolishment of slavery would there have been a Civil War.
In 1863 President Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, which was strongly opposed to by the Democrat Party, that still overwhelmingly supported slavery.
In 1865 the Republican Party passed the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery forever. Republican Party support: 100. Democrat Party support: 23.
In 1866 the first Civil Rights Act was passed. The Republican Party support: 94, with the Democrat Party support: 0
In 1868 the Republican Party passed the Fourteenth Amendment that recognized freed slaves as U.S. citizens. The vote was Republican Party support: 100. The Democrat Party support: 0.
In 1870 the Republican Party passed the Fifteenth Amendment allowing freed slaves the right to vote. Republican Party support: 100. Democrat Party support: 0.
In 1871 the Anti-KKK Act was passed to once again further the protection and rights of freed slaves. We must remember that in 1865 the KKK was considered the terrorist arm of the Democrats.
In 1875 the Civil Rights Act was passed as anti discrimination against African-Americans. The voting support was Republicans: 99, the Democrats: 0
In 1914 Democrat President Woodrow Wilson passed the act that instituted segregation in the Federal government and the military. This act reversed fifty years of the act of integration.
In 1915 Democrat President Woodrow Wilson showcased the movie"The Birth of a Nation-Epic Rise of the KKK" in the White House.
In 1922 the Anti-Lynching Bill was passed. There were 119 votes against upholding the Bill in the House of Representatives. Of the 119 votes against, the Democrat Party had 103 votes against the anti-lynching bill.
In 1957 President Eisenhower passed the first civil rights act in 82 years, with the Democrat Party in full fillibuster. the final tally was Republican support: 92, Democrat: 54.
In 1960 and 1964 two more civil rights acts were passed, and in both sessions the Democrats once again fillibustered. In both voting sessions the Republicans overwhelmed the voting support over the Democrat Party.
Since African-American leadership has joined the progressive Democrat Party there have been some outstanding statistics to review; African-American children born out of wedlock has risen 70%. More African-American males incarcerated in jails and prisons than in college. African-American unemployment has risen to 20%. Of the 4,000 abortions performed each day 40% are African-Americans.
Since the beginning of all civil rights acts passed in Congress, the Republican Party support has been 94%, while the Democrat support has been 35%. Here is a good time to note that the greatest modern day civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr., was a REPUBLICAN. I'm sure Dr. King could see how much the Republican Party has accomplished for all African-Americans.
It is a fact that the overwhelming majority of Africa-Americans are registered Democrats, and most are very strong anti-Republican. However, with some good strong research the African-American community will discover more has been done for them since 1854 by the Republican Party than the Democrat Party they belong to.
It's a strong wonder that African-Americans don't recognize how much gratitude and allegiance they owe the Republican Party, and how many questions they should have with their Democrat Party.
And that Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our country....God Bless our troops.
I would like to take each one of these points and share them on my facebook page - giving you credit for each, of course. I will also mention your blog. I have hoped to see a list of and discourse on this topic for SO long! Thank you so much for doing it!