Saturday, September 22, 2012

$70,000. apology

Radical Muslim extremist have been hijacking, killing, kidnapping, and trying to destroy all who do not believe in the Islamic teachings for several decades.

In 1968 Senator Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim radical.  In 1972 Muslims kidnapped and massacred athletes at the Olympics. In the same year a Pan-Am 747 was hijacked and diverted to Cairo, Egypt where it was blown Muslim radicals.

In 1979 the U.S. Embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim radicals.  In 1983 the U.S. Marie barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim radicals.  In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, and a 70-year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim radicals.

In 1988 Pan-Am flight 103 was bombed by Muslim radicals.  In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim radicals.  In 1998 U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by by Muslim radicals. On September 11, 2001 four airlines were hijacked by Muslim radicals and flown into the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim radical extremists.  And now we have uprisings in twenty-two middle eastern countries with the horrific death of Ambassador Stevens and three American heroes.

I don't think anyone will dispute that Islamic Muslim radical extremists have been murdering American Christians and Jews for decades. If any of the above doesn't seem factual to any one please tell me where I'm wrong in reporting these facts.

So, what does Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton do? They spend $70,000. of taxpayer dollars to air "apologies" on the Pakistan TV channels. Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton were communicating how sorry America is to Pakistan for that 14-minute video that, in their estimation, caused all the mid east embassies uprisings.

Mr. Obama sure does a lot of apologizing, especially when there' a Muslim uprising.  And now Mr. Obama continues to blame the stupid video that no one has even seen. It's been on You Tube since May, and only has 1,000 hits. Does Mr. Obama actually believe the Muslim radical extremists that slaughtered Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, saw that video. I don't think so.

Last Sunday our U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice paraded on five TV talk shows, and claimed the uprisings were caused by the infamous video. Her and Mr. Obama should've checked in with their White House staff. Even Jay Carney, WH press secretary.  finally admitted the uprisings were planned terrorist attacks on the 9-11 anniversary. But still Mr. Obama goes on  talk shows and claims the uprisings were caused by a stupid video that no one saw.

It's clear that Mr. Obama does not want to admit there was a terrorist attack on his watch. He is one big failure on foreign policy, but he will not take responsibility for any foreign policy failures. There was an admission that Mr. Obama has missed more than half of his morning intelligence briefings. What is ironic that since the uprisings Mr. Obama has attended the last five morning intelligence briefings. What does that tell you?

What's more ironic is that these same countries continue to sell us their oil, and continue to receive billions in aid from us.

Folks, I have been saying this in my previous blogs, and I will continue for the next forty-five days that Mr. Obama's main and only priority is getting reelected, not the American people.

However, the polls are showing a slight but constant moving in the polls that reflect Americans may have stopped drinking Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid. Like President Lincoln once said, "you can't fool all the people all the time".  Keep it up folks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops.

1 comment:

  1. Islamic radicals (how large IS that percentage anyway?) have been violating human rights through conquest, murder and intimidation for multiple centuries. We have threats right inside our borders, for many years, perhaps decades. We need to wake up. Obama's policies are exacerbating the proliferation of radical Islam within our borders. Obama may be a control freak, but he can't control what's happening right here.


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