Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Switzerland's got it right.

Did you hear/read about all those mass shootings in schools, churches, homes, and malls in Switzerland?  Me neither.  And there are many people in the world, including me, believe that mass shootings in Switzerland won't happen. Anyone wonder why?

Switzerland's military consists of a mandatory 3-month tour of duty for all men. Women serving are volunteer. and yet is the most peaceful country in the world. Yes, Switzerland has the right idea. Want to know how? Very simply put every citizen is very strongly recommended to have firearms and ammunition in their home. When does it start? When the new-born is in their crib. Protecting the family and the country is foremost in the minds of citizens of Switzerland. Nearly 90% of gun deaths in Switzerland are due to suicides, not pointing and shooting at another human.

Do you know the real reason Hitler never invaded Switzerland? He was actually afraid of the small country of Switzerland. Why? Hitler knew full well that behind every blade of grass in Switzerland was a citizen with a rifle and/or a handgun with unlimited ammunition. It has been 20 years since there was a mas shooting in Switzerland. A disgruntled man stormed a political meeting, killing 14 people, then himself. There is no record of a mass hooting before or  since that incident.

Switzerland has continued to be a neutral country for over 200 years, and that is due, for the most part, because its armed citizens compose the military. Firearm ownership is not mandatory among the Swiss population, but what is mandatory is every male join the military for a short stint. This is definitely what you call a well trained militia. And there are no radical political or religious groups entering the country. The well trained military citizenry will not allow it in any form in their country.

Switzerland encourages firearm training, hunting, and even festivals with several shooting contests. No one is alarmed at seeing a young school boy or girl riding a bike to school with a rifle slung over their shoulder. There are very little requests for a concealed carry license. Think about it. Why conceal? Most citizens have firearms and display them openly anyway. Would you not agree that the main reason there are no convenience store robberies, or home invasions, or mass shootings among the Swiss is because the evil cowards know they will not be the only ones brandishing a weapon in a store, school, or home.

Americans need only to review the "gun-free zones" of  L.A., Chicago, New York, Detroit, St. Louis, and Baltimore. Does anyone really belive that criminals even read any gun law regulations in these cities. Shootings occur everyday in the schools, businesses, and homes in America, especially cities hat have strict anti-gun laws and gun free zones. Criminals actually laugh at our gun laws in hopes there will be more gun laws for the law-abiding citizens to blindly obey. It just makes their life of crime easier.

And where does it all lie? In the family of course. Young children in Switzerland are raised to respect and train in firearms. They are encouraged to hunt and take part in festivals that involve shooting contests.  To the few people that read my blogs, I encourage you to go on Bing/Google and research Switzerland gun laws. It is truly eye-opening and amazing.

In closing I am going to hope and pray that someday America will adopt Switzerland's mandatory military service participation and gun ownership laws and policies.  Way to go Swiss. You're doing it right.

And that's Politics for Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.

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