Athesiests and abortionists refer to a child in the womb as nothing more than a piece of flesh that may have valuable body parts to sell for profit. Everytime I attempt to enage in a conversation with a liberal about this subject the only answer I get is, "it's a woman's right". Really? Is that all they have to justify the outright physical painful death of God's miracles?
I'll be 84 in a few months, and God has given me the blessings of three great-grandchildren, with another arriving in May. My 5-yr. old is much more than a great granddaughter to me. She's my therapist, buddy, pal, associate cook, center of joy, and so much more. Her mother, my granddaughter was finishing up her senior year in college when my great granddaughter was born.
She asked my wife and I if we could care for her a few days a week while she focused on her collegiate studies. Now just suppose my granddaughter decided on an abortion instead of giving birth to this angel? In my opinion the world would be missing an angel today. There are no words to describe the joy I feel in my heart every day because of this 5-yr. old miracle.
Yes, every child is a blessed miracle from God. I have a younger sister who I was raised with as a devout Roman-Catholic, taught by our parents the blessed meaning of all God's children, including those unborn children.
However, today my younger sister is proud to proclaim she is a devout Atheist, and a proud pro-choice advocate. I asked her opinion once of Doctors and nurses leaving living surviving aborted babies to die squirming on a steel table, then carving out body parts to sell for profit.
My sister says this is for scientific stem cell research, and she advocates for it. You can imagine the arguements between us.
I am overjoyed seeing now that more states are refusing state funds to Planned Parenthood clinics. I strongly predict that in my lifetime I will see our Federal Government completely
halt all funding to Planned Parenthood. They will then have to survive on private donations
and funding. Of course this will upset my younger sister, who hasn't talked to me since I voiced to her that I was sure grateful our mother didn't advocate for abortions like she did.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops
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