Saturday, January 26, 2019

"Sources say"

Whenever a reporter or news anchor starts their news story with "sources say", then you immediately know the story is without any evidence or credence. Since November, 2016 CNN and MSNBC are so hungry to improve their horrible ratings they practically start every show with "sources say", and now they've even added, "if it's true".  So now they start most of their reporting with, "breaking news...sources say, and if it's true......."

Sort of looks like CNN and MSNBC are just giving themselves a free pass huh? Take the BuzzFeed report for a very explosive and informative example. Two reporters not only have conflicting stories about the authenticity of "President Trump is a Russian spy", but one was asked by CNN if they saw the evidence. His answer was, "wellll, I haven't seen any evidence, but I stand by the report". 

The other reporter from BuzzFeed actually visited CNN, and openly lied that he "saw" the evidence that insinuated President Trump was a Russian spy. Maybe the most horrifying part of this is that CNN ran with the story, and supported BuzzFeed before any facts were presented.  Seems they can't get their stories straight with the two  BuzzFeed reporters falling over each other as to the validity of the story.

Joy Behar even condoned all the fabricated stories surrounding President Trump by saying on the View, "we have to do this to take down Trump".  So it's OK to report anything, no matter how false, as long as you start with "sources say, and if it's true......" The false narratives about our President  are being exposed at such a rapid rate that today's media is losing all credibility with Americans. We all yearn for the honest reporting of Cronkite, Murrow, and Huntley-Brinkley.

Before he became blantely biased America thought Dan Rather just might be a good successor to Walter Cronkite. Instead Dan Rather's legacy will be he is the father of fake news, reporting on a story about G.W. Bush's military service.  Now, there just aren't many people that believe anything he says. By the way has anyone seen Dandy Dan lately? Where is he working?

CNN, MSNBC, and now BuzzFeed, can report anything they choose as long as they cover their a** by starting with "sources say, and if it's true......" And we can't forget there Socialist Democrat Kamala Harris during the Kavanaugh hearings. She never issued a true statement or question. She always started with "there are those that say...." This from a woman who got her start in politics by having a long affair with a married man 30 years older than her.

Lop-sided journalistic reporting is becoming so hateful and bias that President Trump is encouraging the press secretary to discontinue her daily press briefings, which many support.
We are familiar with the cycle that started November, 2016. First, Dems, Hollywood elites, the media led by CNN and MSNBC, and all talk show hosts all truly believed that Crooked Hillary was a shoo-in to become the 45th President. 

No one really cared that this lop-sided group wouldn't accept the election results, so they started their vicious personal attacks and lies toward President Trump. with impeachment hopes. Of course there will never be an impeachment, so all they hope is these "sources say" stories will help defeat our President in 2020. And we all know that just is not happening.

These Socialist Dems care nothing about facial reporting....they just care about competing for ratings by any means, and will report anything as long as they start with "sources say, and if it's true".   So I'd like to end today's blog with, sources say, and if it's true, at 84 years old with Parkinson's I will be the starting shortstop for the Yankees next year. Great huh?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

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