One of the saddest things I have ever noticed is that so many Americans have no idea just what Veteran's Day (Armistice Day) is all about. Sadder yet, is so many Americans don't even know the definition of 'Armistice'. Look it up in Webster's. Simply, it means two warring factions end their opposing war, with no sides declaring victory, and the segue to begin peace talks. Pretty neat huh?
There are some who argue that Armistice Day was changed to Veteran's Day because so many didn't even know the meaning of armistice. Ever since our great country began protecting itself from tyranny with the Revolutionary War against Britain's tyranny we have been involved in several wars; Civil War, WWI and II, Mexican-American War, Korean 'Cold War', Viet Nam War.
Yes, there were some Military obligatory drafts, but for the most part over 90% of the Americans who fought in these wars volunteered to fight for our freedoms since George Washington beat back the British. Is it me or was life just simpler then? Of course it was atrocious that young men and women fought and died to preserv the rights and freedoms for Americans they didn't even know, but they went in with just the desire to help protect and defend America.
A few years ago I visited the traveling Viet Nam War Memorial here in N.E. Ohio. I was in awe of so many old timers that were there, wearing their ribbons, medals, and gear that signified the outfits they served under during the war. As we all greeted each other I realized that all these men and women, like the men/women portrayed on the 'wall' had one glaring thing in common: We all volunteered to serve. No one had to draft us, or even ask us to serve.
I talked to a Viet Nam veteran who was proudly standing there with his ribbons and medals displayed. I thanked him for his service, and told him I was feeling a little guilty because I had never see any combat during my 4 years in the USAF, as did the heroes on the 'wall' and like many veterans there honoring those on the 'wall'. I'll never forget what he said to me, "Don't you dare feel guilty. When you raised your right hand you were signing a blank check that the Air Force could send you anywhere they wanted and could order you to any duty they saw fit".
I have never forgotten those words. He made my day. Please let me go on with another story that I had to endure a few months ago. Don't know if I'll get sued so I won't say this happened at a Pizza Hut. I was there picking up a pizza I had ordered. The gentleman ahead of me was also there to pick up his order, and he asked the cashier if there were any military discounts.
She was very nice and said she would go back and ask the manager. A minute later the manager came storming to the pick-up counter raising his voice to the military vet. "I'm so sick of you guys coming in here for handouts. Just because you put on a uniform you feel you have freebies coming. Well not here".
The veteran didn't say a word or didn't protest; just turned and walked out. As he was walking out the clerk asked, "Sir, do you want your pizza"? He didn't reply, and just walked out. The girl at the counter was all smiles at me and said, "Hi for your pizza? Name please." I too, never spoke a word, just turned and walked out. I felt the greedy manager now has two pizzas to eat. I also decided I would never use that pizza place again. Now I'm not saying it was Pizza Hut because I don't want to be sued.
Do you think that so many Americans just plain take our rights and freedoms for granted? Yes, we do. It seems we feel we are entitled to these rights and freedoms. Once a year, on November 11th. we reflect and hold high esteem for all the service men and women that served and continues to serve and protect our country. Please don't ever forget many have paid in blood shed and even lives for those rights and freedoms. And maybe the most heartwarming thing is all these warriors volunteered to fight for your freedoms; no one made them enlist.
And that's it for Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.
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