When you woke this morning you probably started your daily routine. First, the bathroom, brushing teeth, jumping in the shower, dressing with clean fresh clothes, in the kitchen for fresh coffee, turning on one of your two or three plasma TVs to watch the morning news. Then off to school, work, or if you're retired maybe golf, reading, gardening. or anything else you CHOOSE to do.
Than after school, work, golf, etc., it's home for your choice of what you want for dinner. After dinner and a nice tasty desert it's TV to scroll through over a hundred channels. or maybe it's off to night school, or anything else you CHOOSE to do. At bedtime you slide into a nice warm bed, or a nice cool air-conditioned bedroom. And don't forget you have the ability to CHOOSE what comfortable temperature you want.
My point in today's blog is Americans have so many wonderful privileges, including our freedoms, and right to CHOOSE each and every minute of our lives. These privileges, and freedoms were given to us by God and our Constitution. We must, in fact, we cannot ever forget what has been given to all Americans by the grace of our God and our constitution.
However, and this an important however, Americans must not get lazy, and just take for granted all our rights, privileges, and freedoms. Since the Revolutionary War and all the wars that followed so many men and women fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedoms and rights we have today. Americans must not take these freedoms and rights for granted.
Well, what can you do? Of course at the top of the list is to honor God, family, and friends each waking moment of our lives. We also must never forget the greatest tool our Founding Fathers gave us...The Constitution of the United States of America. So many times we hear people say, "But what can I do...I'm just a plumber, school teacher, construction worker." etc.
Please folks, don't ever, ever sell yourself short on what our greatest contribution can be. The most important and lasting contribution we can make is how we prepare our children for the future. BOTH parents have the responsibility and obligation to raise our children, at a very young, to be law-abiding honorable individuals. Parents have the responsibility of preparing and supporting our children for the proper education, and what lies ahead for them.
When there is no father figure in the home a working single mother has a difficult time giving attention to needs of her growing children. Never forget the greatest natural resource in the entire world is the child. ALL parents have the obligation and responsibility to nurture our children and prepare them as the future citizens who someday will be leaders of our earth.
This is the greatest country in the world, and to continue with our greatness we cannot take our freedoms and rights for granted. We cannot ignore the challenges and dangers that befall us and our future leaders. I've always maintained that raising a child the right way is the toughest yet most rewarding job you'll ever have. We owe it to our children, our country, and ourselves. We have a beautiful and strong country. Let's not take it for granted.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
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