Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Happy with "chant"

No sooner than the chant "send her back" erupted at Pres. Trump's North Carolina rally Wednesday evening the media and the Socialist Dems wasted no time at all to unite and condemn the President for not disavowing the chants immediately. It's apparent the Socialist Dems have very short memories, or maybe the media and the Socialist Dems have hearing problems. Lots of good hearing aids on the market today.

The media has been "carrying the water" for the Socialist Dems, or maybe it's the other way around. Could it really be the other way around?, Is the Socialist Dem party carrying the water for the media? Everyone knows this behavior by the media and Socialist Dems have been doing this since November, 2016.  Also, the Socialist Dems know, beyond a shadow of doubt,  know that whatever lie and false claims they make against President Trump, the fake news media will report it over and over again on most networks, especially CNN and MSNBC.

However, there is one thing the Socialist Dems and media didn't count on. Not one of the 63 million Americans that voted for Mr. Trump is buying into their obvious rhetoric, lies, and personal attacks. In fact, things are going so bad for the Socialist Dems and media that they now are attacking President Trumps' supporters. 

According to the media and Dems Trump supporters are white privileged racists. Will the media ever learn they are doing nothing more than taking up space. CNN and MSNBC are so hubris that they actually believe we intently listen and believe anything that is said by the likes of  Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews. Cuomo, Lemon, Reid, and the rest. 

The media will never report any of President Trump's accomplishments. Instead, the media believes strongly that if there are enough personal attacks on our President the 2020 Presidential election will have a favorable outcome for the Socialist Dems. Do they really believe that Americans are not seeing through their diatribe? 

The Socialist Dems are making the biggest mistake of their party's history by making the "squad" of Omar, Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib as the face of their party. And of course the media spends their entire time broadcasting their support of the squad only because of their hatred of our President. Isn't it ironic the squad continues to call our President a racist, and yet they love to stand on their platforms screaming anti-semitic remarks, 'no more brown people' remarks, voting against funding for the border crisis while praising the workings of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, 

President Trump has done more for the Black, Latino, and Asian workers in less than three years than Barry Soetero did in 8 years, but of course you'll never hear about that on ABC, CBS,  NBC, CNN, or MSNBC. However, I am encouraged because Americans are beginning a gigantic push-back against the media, Schumer, Pelosi, and even the squad. 

As far as the "send her back" quote, is it OK for Rashida Tlaib screamed the exact same thing toward an American citizen named Donald Trump. The blasphemies thrown at our President requires more space here, and most know what the leftists have said and continue to say.

So in closing let me echo the sentiments of the crowd at the rally last week, SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK. 


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