My wife keeps telling me I live in a la-la fantasy land. I keep reiterating to her and anyone else I talk to and the few supporters that read my blogs..."What If". My main issue on my what if scenario has to do with President Trump, the media, Socialist Dems, and our beloved Hollywood elites.
Today's blog really started yesterday while visiting my granddaughter and her family. Her father-in-law was also there, and we talked a little politics, as he is a strong Trump supporter like me. My friend Ron said, "I'm a big Trump supporter, but why does he have to tweet so much"? So I "dove" into my Trump-Tweeting support mode. I told my friend that I hope our President continues to tweet, in fact, I hope he cranks it up some.
President Donald J. Trump loves this country, and especially the American people. He wants his messages to the American people be disseminated fairly and honestly by the media. President Trump realized early on in his presidency the hatred and vitriol thrown at him since he began his first term in the White House by the media. Just what if the media held out an olive branch to President Trump? Think of the positive reaction from the White House and Americans.
Five days before the 2016 election our beloved media had Crooked Hillary up by 13 points in the polls leading up to the election. In fact, on election day morning in November, 2016 the media, led by CNN and MSNBC, reflected Hillary up by 10 points. CNN and MSNBC declared Crooked Hillary the 45th. President even before many voting sites throughout the country even closed.
Many thought the hatred toward Mr. Trump would end with the election, and many thought the media would watch the President to see results before painting him as an inept, corrupt, racist, and white supremicst president. These accusations began on Inauguration Day, January, 2017, and are steadily increasing, continuing to this day. It matters not what he has accomplished with our economy, low unemployment, jos for minorities, etc., etc.
President Trump is a strong leader who is just looking for a "fair shake" from the media, but instead the media just reports lies and hatred to the American people. So our President, who is a strong-willed leader basically told the media, "I'll just report directly to the American people myself". I guess the media thought he was going to fold and step back. This man is a true strong leader. He's not a politician, so he doesn't answer to lobbyists or any other "favor seeking" entity.
Now back to my fantasy: The media offers an olive branch by start going to press briefings asking fair, decent, and respectful questions. And then reporting the answers fairly, honestly, and with integrity. Suddenly then President Trump stops tweeting. Then the Socialist Dems start respecting the office of the Presidency and President Trump himself. Socialist Dems in Congress, specifically people like Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff start cooperating with President Trump. And lastly, Hollywood and talkshow hosts stop with the viscious verbal attacks, and begin supporting President Trump.
Apologies for the lentghty blog, but isn't this the greatest country in the world, and what good can come of complete hatred by these Trump-haters? No good ever comes from hatred. Until my fantasy comes to fruition, keep tweeting Mr. President.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops
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