Friday, August 23, 2019


Right this instant, as I'm typing this, thousands of babies are being born all over the world. So, the burning question seems to be, "What makes one child grow to become  a decent law-abiding citizen of the world, while another child grows to become an evil-filled monster." Books are written, movies are made, lectures and studies have been made, but no one wants to face the ultimate truth. It all starts in the family.

'Starts in the family' seems to be a phrase that doesn't interest  a major part of our society. In this maddening, out-of-control gun violence going on right now, it seems there is plenty of blame to go around. It's the NRA's fault, it's Trump's fault, and my favorite, "it's the gun manufacturers' fault".  Some non-thinkers even blame the gun itself.  With that logic maybe we should stop building automobiles.

Just plain old common sense will show that cities with gun-free zones are the cities that have the highest gun crimes. And we all know what that means, but are not willing to accept, and that means criminals will never, never, ever abide by any gun laws.  So does anyone have any answer to the gun violence happening now in Chigao, L.A., Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc.? Is there anyone who actually believes criminals will ever begin to abide by any type of "gun reform"?

Criminals are just laughing at us, just hoping good law-abiding citizens obey all the gun reform laws. It certainly makes their life of crime and violence much easier. Now add to that scenarios that many city mayors, especially Socialist Dem mayors actually give direct orders to their police forces to "stand down" during protests. This can be seen openly during Antifa protests.  Criminals are just not afraid of any police presence while they unlawfully carry on a life of crime and unruly protests with no respect or regard for law.

I always tell people that I was raised on LSD....Love-Support-Discipline. Raising a child the right way is one of the hardest jobs you'll ever have, but if done correctly, is absolutely the most rewarding job you'll ever experience. Being raised in a Judeo-Christian environment with strong family values in a two-parent family certainly doesn't guarantee a child won't turn to crime, but the odds are certain guaranteeing the child has a chance to grow into a law-abiding and contributing member of society.

When that miracle emerges from its mother's womb there isn't a set of instructions on its backside with instructions to the parents on how to raise the child. Does anyone believe that a parent wishes their child leads a life of crime? Of course not. Most parents are pulling for and supporting their son/daughter to grow into a law-abiding contributing member of society. 

As parents we are obligated to provide our children with a safe, free, and loving home  and environment. Society agrees that child has a greater chance to accomplish success in a two-parent family. It's important for a growing child to know they have the love, guidance, and support of both parents.  Many children in inner city urban areas are greeted in this world with never knowing who their father is, or what prison their mother is currently living in. Our children deserve better if they are going to succeed in life. 

Someday we are going to turn over this country, this world to our younger generation, and it is the duty of all parents to prepare them for their future and thd the future of our country. If our children believe that they are the most important people in their parents' lives, then it's a very good chance that legacy will continue when they become parents.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

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