Many of us old timers remember a very popular TV series cop show starring Sgt. Joe Friday. Sgt. Joe had this dead pan no-nonsense demeanor and appearance. One of his famous quotes when he would question women was, "Just the facts ma'am". You could almost anticipate him quoting this while questioning a lady.
In view of the media and Socialist Dems' attacks on Justice Kavanaugh and the Ukraine lies from an unknown "whistle blower", the word FACT has become the most important word in journalism today. Just think how great our good old U.S.A. would be if all networks, and news reporting outlets would focus on facts instead of ratings.
Maybe my most personal favorite fact is that the Socialist Dems along with their fawning media refuse to accept that they lost the 2016 election. They have been trying to replace our President since before he took office in 2017, and they can't legally lay a glove on him even with the lies and personal attacks. Everyone knows this whistleblower-impeachment fiasco is nothing more than a distraction so the Department of Justice cannot look into the Obama-Clinton crimes.
Democrat Socialist Congressman Al Green even admitted, "We have to impeach him now or else he's gonna get reelected next November". Really? Is that how our D.C. lawmakers want to conduct themselves? Socialist Dems know they have the media and Hollywood elites in their back pocket, and can go on TV and maliciously fabricate all the lies they want to attack our President. The biggest and most outrageous display of this is Adam Schiff (D-CA) who not only heads up the Intelligence committee, he's also leading one of the Socialist Dems impeachment inquiries. Would you call overkill?
Americans, especially the 63 million of us who voted for Mr. Trump, are seeing this charade for what it truly is; a purely non-factual attack on a man who continues to do so much for our country. The Socialist Dems realize they have no factual evidence that our President should be impeached, so they just continue with their onslaught of personal attacks against him.
ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, and MSNBC have now even resorted to attaching names to the 63 million of us who voted for Mr. Trump. According to the media I am a racist, xenophobic, deplorable, despicable, foul-smelling, and worthless human being because I voted for Mr. Trump. The media is quickly losing all their credibility with Americans, who realize there are no FACTS to substantiate their claims against our President.
The tragic sadness is these news outlet organizations are becoming the National Inquirers of our daily news. Everyone giggles about the National Inquirer as we read their headlines while going through the grocery store check-out lanes. Yes, we are entertained and laugh at the headlines, but we surely don't ever believe any of their made-up drama filled stories.
And that is precisely what the American pubic is experiencing today. Gone are the FACT reporting journalists we grew to rely on their factual reporting. Walter Cronkite is being replaced by Fredo Cuomo. Famed journalist Jessica Savage is replaced by Rachel Maddow, Edward R. Murrow is being replaced by Chuck Todd. We all remamber the famous nightly news program of Huntley-Brinkley. They are now replaced by the likes of Chrissy Matthews and Jake Tapper. Their mantra is ,"We don't care about facts...we want ratings.
And the Socialist Dems are not giving up their evil and fruitless battle to overthrow this President with manufactured lies because they know full well they cannot defeat this President at the polls next November. Fasten your seat belts folks. It's gonna be a messy campaign season next year. However, I feel so very confident that the 63 million of us will not waiver in our support this great President in his reelection bid.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
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