Saturday, March 30, 2019

Thank you, thank you, thank you

There just aren't enough people to thank today, but let me try to throw some name out there profusely expressing my gratitude these groups for overwhelmingly helping to elect my great President, Donald J. Trump  to another victorious election in 2020. This election will most likely be a bigger landslide than the 2016 election.

Here's some of my "thank you" honorees....Maddow, Mathews, Blumenthall, CNN, MSNBC, Harris, Tlaib, Cortez, Omar, Acosta, Pelosi, Schumer, Mad Maxine, Booker, Schiff, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Smollett, Anderson, Behar, Barry & his husband,  and....I better stop here. So many folks to name, so little space. 

These people listed above with all their lies, corruption, and savage personal attacks on our President have all but assured that the 63 million of us that voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, will now likely expand to close to 70 million in 2020. Abraham Lincoln said it the best, "some people all the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time".

To quote the infamous Rev. Wright, "The chickens have come home to roost".  The push-back against the fawning media that protects the Socialist Dems is making the forefront. Just a side note question here, after the Mueller Report what network did people mostly tune into to find the truth about Mueller's findings? You guessed it...Fox News.

And what networks were hurt the most over the Mueller report? You're right again, CNN and MSNBC. Even the great man/woman Rachey Maddow in one day lost over 25% of her viewing audience, mainly the 25-40 age bracket. For over two years Maddow insisted she knew of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Thank you Rachel for helping us garner thousands upon thousands of votes for Pres. Trump in 2020.

The main problem with CNN and MSNBC is they actually believe the news they spew out to us is truthful. They really think we're stupid and they are going to change the minds of the 63 million voters that put Mr. Trump in the White House. Of course none of us 63 million ugly, old, white deplorables aren't famous enough to be on the radio or TV, but Pelosi, Schumer and their gang know full well we'll be screaming Trump support to the high heavens in the 2020 voting booths.

Blind faith is what theae fake news networks really think we're going to give them. Oh yeah, if Chrissy Mathews says it, it must be true. We all know that if Mueller found any incriminating evidence of collusion or obstruction on the Trump administration that he would have waited two years to produce any evidence.  And we all know that the far left Socialist Dems will never stop spreading thir lies, fake news, and personal attacks. The Socialist Dems in the House and Senate are now proclaiming that they don't even believe the findings of the Mueller report.

Bob Mueller's report took two years in the making. His staff was comprised of hard core Democrats that used highly unethical methods, even going so far as threatening individuals with prison time, if they didn't lie under oath to condemn Pres. Trump. However, I predict this will all stop in 2024 when Pres. Trump leaves the White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.

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