Some of us old timers remember the Russian comedian Yakim Smirnoff, On stage he would say something funny about what's going on in the U.S., then he would laugh and with tongue in cheek say, "Is this a great country, or what"? On a very serious and heartfelt response to the funny guy from Russia, you're right Yakim, this is a very great country.
If only the Socialist Dems on the left would just forget about Crooked Hillary's defeat and just focus on doing all they can to work with our President to maintain this greatness, instead of spending all their time with hatred and verbal assaults on him and his family. Their hatred is blinding them to the true realizations of just how great this country is.
It's horrific when illegals swarm our borders, bringing MS13 and other criminals, along with diseases, unrest, and yes actual hatred for our great country. They even bring flags from their home country while proudly burning our American flag. And yet when they get to our border they are demanding free EVERYTHING from us including housing, food, healthcare, and education. Does anyone think for a second these 2nd and 3rd world country leaders are letting their Doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. migrate to America? But we definitely know they are using our great country to send us MS13, drug and sex-trafficking criminals from their own countries.
Why aren't these illegal staying in their own countries and fight to have a better way of life?
Maybe they can take a page or two from our own great country. First, our great country was dominated by the tyrannical British Empire, and with our overwhelming desire for independence and peace we defeated the evil tyrants in the 1770's which gave birth to our United Sates of America. Instead of fleeing here why don't these immigrants fight for their own independence and peace in their respective countries?
Another war on our own soil erupted in 1861 to abolish slavery and advance freedom equally to all. America was victorious in both wars, even though Democrat leaders at the time wanted to maintain slavery. Let us never forget brave American with their strong desire for independence, peace, and freedom fought and died in these two great wars. Since then every war, cold-war, and battle has been won by people who love our America and are proud to honor
our National Anthem and flag.
And just maybe an equal tragedy is many of our own American-born citizens jump on the hate-America bandwagon; Kaepernick, Chubby Michael Moore, Arquette family, Will & Grace. Even Barry Soetero, after only two weeks in office, went on a tour to other countries to "apologize" for America's greatness.
We now have a president that truly believes America is the greatest country ever in the world today. He works tirelessly every day to make our country even greater. God bless you President Trump. If you choose NOT to have your freedoms damaged with the Socialist agendas put forth by Bernie, Pocahontas, Biden, etc., then you only have one pure logical vote to make to assure America stays great: DONALD J. TRUMP in 2020.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
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