How about we start today's blog with all the things thrown at President Trump and his family that began even before he was sworn in as our 45th. President. There are so many ugly vicious swipes it's impossible to list them all, but here's some highlights:
Stephen Colbert, on national TV claimed to all of America, "Trump's mouth was a c**k holster for Putin". Actor Peter Fonda wants Barron Trump "thrown in a cage full of pedophiles". Remember Kathy Griffin holding up a cartoon version of Pres. Trump's head. Rosie O'Donnell claims Barron Trump is Ivanka's son, and her father impregnated her.
Remember when comedian George Lopez said he wanted to pimp out First Lady Melania?
Pres. Trump has been called a racist and a White supremacist, not only by the Socialist Dems, but also by the fake news media. President Trump has been called unbalanced, unfit, mentally unbalanced, corrupt, a liar, etc. As a matter of fact, with all that President Trump has accomplished there has been no objective news reporting by the fake news media.
Former criminal, doper, and all-around Trump hater went so far as to make a Trump "assassinated" video. You remember Snoop Dog right?On the day she was sworn into office Muslim Dem congresswoman Rashid Tliaba (D-MI) promised she would work her entire time in office advocating to 'impeach the m****r f****r'. And there are many celebrities and even athletes calling for the death of President Trump and his family. Irrelevant actor Tom Arnold is calling for President. Trump to be assainated.
The are billboards, stage plays, and talk show snippets degrading our President, while he continues to repair the eight-year damage Barry Soetero did to our great country. It seems the attacks are never-ending. There is so much evil lying diatribe thrown at our President, but he keeps doing great things for our country.
And the media, led by our favorite cry babies CNN and MSNBC continue daily to bash our President. Let's face it folks, the entire media network is just a bunch of never-Trumpers, but it's truly amazing that when you ask one of these never-Trumpers for any evidence that our President is corrupt, a liar, racist, xenophobe, obstructionist, etc., they just can't produce any.
The media will air anything, true or false, that is anti-Trump, but when the President starts using names like Nervous Nancy, Sleepy Joe, Shifty Schiff, Whacko Beto, Crazy Bernie, and Pocahantas the media will not broadcast his remarks calling the remarks inflammatory. Can you say double standards?
It's actually comical to watch the Socialist Dems, Media, and Hollywood elites try to convince the 63 million not to vote for this great again in 2020. The Socialist Dems fully realize that none of their candidates can win in 2020, so they're doing what they do best; lie, cheat, call for a baseless impeachment, along with any personal attacks they can muster up.
There were 63 million of us that voted to put President Trump in America's White House in 2016. The 2020 election will bring out a lot more than 63 million voting for President Trump's reelection. Does anyone in the Socialist Den party actually believe they have a candidate that will win next November. I don't think they even belive they have anyone.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our troops and our country.
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