Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You think he cares?

Just turn on the TV or your radio, and you'll hear how Hitler Jr.'s approval ratings are dropping faster and faster each day. You'll also listen and watch pundits blaring away, "Obama's administration is in big trouble with his latest move".

Folks, it really kills me to write this, but do you honestly think Hitler Jr. cares what anyone says, writes, or broadcasts about him? Of course not. Of course, right now you can bet the whole country is suffering from "buyer's remorse". And you know what Hitler Jr.'s response is? He'll just smile, look smugly into the teleprompter and say, "so's too late folks...I lose".

The fact is we are stuck with this man until January, 2017. He is so well insulated and dipped in Teflon that he's better protected than our gold at Fort Knox. Nothing is going to happen to move him out of our White House until the end of this term.

A United States Army Major walked into a site on Fort Hood, shouted Allah Akbar and killed thirteen Americans. However, Hitler Jr. wanted to make sure he gets to claim there have been no terrorist attacks while he's president, so he calls it "workplace violence". 

And then, adding horrible insult to injury, he's allowing this horrible killer to have a lawful civil trial and defend himself as his own attorney. He will be allowed to grille the very people who survived his shooting on that day. Everyone knows this horrible terrorist killer will just use this platform to try to advance his agenda of radical Islamic Jihad.

Hitler Jr. immediately showed America that he placed himself and his legacy above the lives of  our four American heroes at Benghazi. He didn't want to admit it was a terrorist attack, so he can still brag that there have been no terrorist attacks on his watch. Instead, he called the Benghazi massacre as "just bumps in the road".

Of course we're all hoping and praying that the GOP takes back the Senate and holds onto the House in the 2014 mid-term elections. Yes, that will prevent Hitler Jr. from passing any serious laws if we are fortunate enough to have a GOP House & Senate.

But don't think for a second that's going to rid us of this man. Oh no; with a Democrat Senate and Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket don't even think one second of an impeachment.
Even if we are lucky enough to have GOP House and Senate starting in 2015 we're just giving Hitler Jr. a gigantic Carte Blanche to vacation, golf, play basketball, and give speeches till January 2017.

Well maybe that's not too bad of a situation either, for this man will not be able to do anything but go on vacations, play basketball, and go golfing. At least he won't be passing anything like Obamacare anymore. 

We've only got three more State of the Union speeches where we can listen to more lies and promises we know he won't keep.  He'll just respond, "well the Republicans won't let me get anything done, so I'm going golfing....Michelle, get the girls ready for our monthly vacation".

I've written in previous blogs that if a man was actually created from the movies "Manchurian Candidate" or "No Way Out",  and was told that his main mission was to destroy the Constitution of the United States, bring the American people to their knees, and initiate Sharia law, well he couldn't do a better job than Hitler Jr. is trying to do now.

The only real fear, and it's very real we could face is that if the Democrats win back the House and keep the Senate in the 201 4 mid-term elections. If that happens then our Constitution faces a possibility of being overthrown, and our country being economically destroyed beyond repair.

So, let's wake up to the fact folks that we are going to be burdened with this man till January, 2017, and he knows there is nothing we can do about it, except to hang on to the House and take back the Senate next year. The good news then will be that he can't do much harm to our country on the golf course, shooting baskets, or vacationing. 

Hang in there folks, and pray for the best. Thank God we have term limits for the White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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